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Which kind of tourney do you like best?
I like the tourneys held at conventions best.
 13%  [ 5 ]
I like the tourneys held at game stores or "free" locations best.
 33%  [ 12 ]
Don't care/other
 52%  [ 19 ]
Total Votes : 36

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 28, 2005 - 06:00 PM

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Actually DoubleSkulls I reckon that cons are bad for number in BloodBowl - there are plenty of players of other systems who might show up to a BB only tournament that go to other systems - provided its advertised well enough, which has been a shortfall in the OZ BB scene IMO.

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 28, 2005 - 07:08 PM
Ex-Rulz Committee

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Do any standalone tournaments attract interstate coaches?

I guess that question could be asked of US & Canadian tournaments too.

Ian 'Double Skulls' Williams
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 28, 2005 - 07:20 PM

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In the US & Canada standalone events there are the TKC, Death Bowl and Beantown events, just to mention a few, that all attract out of state coaches. Of course the big event is held at GenCon which is the biggest convention of it's type around. I think there's a good mix of both here in North America right now.

Brian St.James
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 28, 2005 - 08:25 PM

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I think the question is more are there any standalone tournaments DS.

A small local tourney that was held in Wollongong (which ended up being bigger than MOAB last year) got 10 players, some of whom travelled down from the Northern Suburbs - quite a commitment for such a small event.

Much as I hate to admit it, a GW run GT style "official" event would probably be required to really kickstart BB in NSW.

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 29, 2005 - 11:13 AM

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answer to doubleskulls question
I started this poll because i HATE having to pay an extra 20 dollars or whatever to play a BB tourney, for instance i would go to gencon, galaks southbend tourney, 2 of major tusks tourneys, and adepticon tourney IF i didn't have to pay entry to the con, so yeah it's a big deal to me to have to pay all the extra money just for the one event i want to go to, a BB tourney that could be held anywhere... :/ so basicly i would drive 5-6 hours just for a one or two day BB tourney, but not to just pay for a convention (and convention priced food and lodging).

absents tournament history
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 29, 2005 - 02:52 PM

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I think the reason tourneys at cons are so popular over here is beacue we (the TBBF) have been doing them for so long it just seems like that's the way it is. But with more rewcent tourneys going solo I think you'll see more and more doing it too. In fact I think the Canadian Open may do that next year according to Ben. Personally I think it''s the way to go, the con route was just what we were used to at the time.

Anthony - Ex Presidente

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 29, 2005 - 03:02 PM

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Is there any less financial risk with doing a Con tourny?

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 30, 2005 - 12:26 AM
Da Boss

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Bloodbowl bieng the only game I play I don't like paying to get into cons either. Even if the dealer room is as huge and impressive as GenCon's is I still end up buying some dice I don't need and nothing else. However I think it is important to have tournaments at cons for a diffrent reason. Getting new players into the game. At GenCon this year I played a guy who said he started playing after seeing the tournament the year before. Spreading the game is where Cons can help us the most, we sure can't expect GWUS to promote the game.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 30, 2005 - 03:47 AM

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I have played in 7 BB Tourneys since Aug 2003 (that may be alot to some & hardly any to others)

Of those 7 I guess you could say 3 were at Con's (2004 & the 2005 Canadian Open, also the 2004 GEN CON) I also played at the 2003 Canada Games Workshop Games Day Tourney (but I'm not sure if that qualifies as a Con) The other 3 were indipendant Tourneys, 2004 SPIKE, 2004 Death-Bowl (or Death-Bowl II) & the 2005 Challenge of Q'ermitt.

Well to answer the question as far as what do I prefer BB tourneys at Con's or BB tourneys on thier own. Well even though the 2004 & 2005 Canadian Open were both held at a a Con, it was quite small in size to the BB tourney I went to at the GEN CON. So I really do not count the two Canadian Opens as in the same catagory as the BB tourney at the GEN CON. (Not to shed disrespect to eather tourney)

I'd say at all the tourneys I have been to I had a great time both BB Tourneys at Con's & regular BB Tourneys, & I have felt like my being there as a BB player was appreciated, with the exception to the 2003 Canada Games Workshop Games Day Tourney, even though it was fun to be there (in that event I felt as if we ((BB players)) were meant to be pushed aside or meant to feel as 2nd class to the Warhammer Fantacy & 40K Players) Sorry to any Games Workshop Staff that may read this, but that is just how I felt.

The 3 other non-Con Tourneys (2004 SPIKE, Death-Bowl II, & Challenge of Q'ermitt) were all great fun. Meeting old friends & making new ones was great, cause no matter what age, background, or anything else you were compared to the rest, you all shared a common love, & were there strickly for the great game of BloodBowl!

Now to get to the Con BB Tourneys, as I said earlier even though both 2004 & 2005 Canadian Open Tourney's were held at Con's (Pandemonium to be exact) they were much smaller to the 2004 GEN CON. So I have 2 slightly different opinions to both.

As for the 2 Canadian Opens held at the Pandemonium Convention I attended, I felt that even though there was other gamers of various gaming groups & systems, it was easy for those in the BB Tourney to stay focussed. (I myself, if at a BB Tourney in a CON, will be there for the BB first & the CON well for me is a very fun bonus).

Now from what I saw at the GEN CON was a bit different from the 2 Canadian Opens (Pandemonium Con.) Now don't get me wrong first entering the 2004 Pandemonium Con in Toronto. I was in impressed with all the eye candy (new games not seen before, old games that I have not seen in awhile & very interesting people). This was my first Con & I was impressed! Now not to disrespect the Pandemonium Con. (or any other Con of same size), but apon entering the GEN CON I was dumb founded at how large it was. Unless you have been to it (in Indianapolos) you can't even begin to understand just how big it really is. It's friggin huge, 2 floors (no idea how many rooms/ halls) In the 4 days there I'd say it would be very difficult to experiance the whole Con. So as far as this relates to BB, maybe it's just me, but at the 2 Canadian Opens I found that those who were there for the BB Tourney were like me & attended it for BB first anything else second. I'd say for the most part the same was true for the GEN CON except a few (not too many but some) who did not fair too well in the first day (or even first couple of games) & so would most likely be out of the running for winning the tourney, would not show up for later games. They probably would quit after a couple of bad games to go enjoy the CON. I can understand wanting to enjoy the CON don't get me wrong I did (but only after my BB games were done) I just feel (& I may be alone on this thought) but if you are going to enter a tourney, be it BB, 40K, Paper, Rock & Scissors, or anything else, out of respect to the Tourney Organiser & the rest of the participants you should compete in it right to the end, whether you are competing in the last round for top spot, or fighting in the same round not to finnish dead last. (Maybe I feel this way because, although I'd love to win more than lose most of the time. I'm there to compete, do my best & be apart of the complete tourney.) Winning the championship would be great, but if winning the top spot is so important to someone that they'd quit the tourney once they knew they were out of the running & go off to explore & enjoy the rest of the CON. Well IMO I think that those people should just attend the Con & leave the BB or any other tourneys to those who travle from all over (over seas, all points of the USA & also Canada). I'm not trying to push people away from competing at a Con BB Tourney, but only compete in it if you are going to stay in it to the end.

So I guess in close I really do not care if a BB tourney is held at a CON. or not, I just ask that if you do enter a BB tourney that you compete in it to the end, you may be suprised at how many great people you have met & how many great new friends you aquire. I know I have made many great friends at all the tourneys I have attended (hope I am considered the same to them). I also hope to see them all again very soon, & meet even more new friends, maybe even you.


"2006 SPIKE Champion!"
"Death-Bowl IV & V, Most Casualties!, Death-Bowl VI Best Team!"
"2008 Dagger Bowl Champion"
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 30, 2005 - 04:34 AM

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      Xtreme wrote:
However I think it is important to have tournaments at cons for a diffrent reason. Getting new players into the game. At GenCon this year I played a guy who said he started playing after seeing the tournament the year before. Spreading the game is where Cons can help us the most, we sure can't expect GWUS to promote the game.

I have a mixed opinion to your point Xtreme...

1) I do agree that having a BB Tourney at any Con, is great for introducing this great game we all love to new recruits. I had at the various Con's. I attended saw people watching me playing my game (& probably losing Laughing Embarassed Laughing ). To tell you the truth it was kind of cool seeing people watching you play almost as if they were watching an actual sporting event (ok maybe it wasn't that intence Wink ) but none the less having people who are not apart of the BB tourney watch you play, I thought was rather cool. During my opponent's turn I'd ask if they had ever seen BB or answer any questions about the game. So yes a CON is a great place to introduce BB to new players, I agree 100%.

2) The thing I noticed at the 2004 GEN CON. BB Tourney was that there were some players who barely knew how to play the game. (Don't get me wrong I have misunderstood various rules, or played a rule with a slight different way & have had myself corrected, & also corrected others. But I think we all have had this happen from time to time.) What I'm actually referring to is playing an opponent who has not really grasped the full concept of the game. So you are constantly explaing rules to them or correcting them on wrong uses of the rules. (It can really bring your level of fun down if you have to basically baby-sit you opponent, or tutor them on how to play.) One example was in a game at last years GEN CON I played an opponent who was so unsure of how to play, that the game to my right was in the 6th turn of the first half, & the game to my left was in the 7th turn of the first half. My opponent & I were barely finnished the 2nd turn of the first half. Even if I were to defeat him (I didn't) it still would not have been a fun game. (At one point as he was kicking off to me he rolled a "Pitch Invasion" ((Old kick off rules)) I yelled yes a Pitch Invasion ((Hoping it would possibly help me to even the score.)) My opponents reply was.... "Whats a Pitch Invasion?" Shocked Rolling Eyes Confused

Come on! No offence meant to that player, but IMO if you are that much of a rookie to the rules of the game, then you should not enter in a Tourney (where time factor is very critical). IMO players at that level should only compete in leagues with friends untill they know how to compete at a fast enough pace with a pretty full grasp of the rules.

I'm not trying to discourage new players joining BB or attending a BB Tourney, I just ask if they can approx. play to the same speed, or approx level of understanding of the rules as the rest. I like to see fresh faces at tourneys. New players to the game is great & very much needed for the survival of the game. But like any tourney I'd expect people to know what they are doing as far as how to play the game. (It would be like me entering a Hockey Tourney, while barely knowing how to skate & not knowing what various rules meant ((icing, off side, 2 line pass)). Even though if such a person paid $$$ to attend this hockey tourney (& therefor deserved to be there just as much as anyone else) IMO they really should not have attended.

If I sound cruel I'm sorry, but IMO BB Tourneys are for experienced players, not rookies learning the game.


"2006 SPIKE Champion!"
"Death-Bowl IV & V, Most Casualties!, Death-Bowl VI Best Team!"
"2008 Dagger Bowl Champion"
Host of the Warpstone Cup, Q'ermitt Bowl & the Hope Bowl
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 30, 2005 - 04:39 AM

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      Paul wrote:

(Although, these tourneys in Pubs that I hear about in Europe really sound interesting)

Well Paul if that does sound interesting to you, then when I eventually run my first BB Tourney in Niagara Falls, you will probably be very interested in knowing that I plan on it being in a pub or a hall with a licence to serve alcohol. (Beer & BB a great mix!)


"2006 SPIKE Champion!"
"Death-Bowl IV & V, Most Casualties!, Death-Bowl VI Best Team!"
"2008 Dagger Bowl Champion"
Host of the Warpstone Cup, Q'ermitt Bowl & the Hope Bowl
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 30, 2005 - 05:54 AM

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Having run and help run conventions where games rooms were provided, the advantages to those wanting to play games is that the space is often offered at a discount or even for free as the convention is renting a location, such as a hotel, as a whole, that food or drink are nearby and there is something for your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend to do whilst you are playing matches.
The extra money that the tournament could provide the convention could be used towards a better venue or some extra perk like free soft drinks for convention goers over the weekend.
The downsides are that there are distractions for the players, especially if they are not doing well. The players may not feel that they are getting their money's worth on the convention side of things. This is especially true if their is a panel or speaker scheduled when the games are going on, which there inevitably will be given the time constraints on a weekend.
I prefer a Blood Bowl only event or an event where other game tournaments are being played at the same time as opposed to a general convention (science fiction for example). That way most of the people attending would be in a similar boat to the Blood Bowl players and there would be a greater pool of people to chat to during the evenings.

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 30, 2005 - 07:50 AM

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      Emberbreeze wrote:
Is there any less financial risk with doing a Con tourny?

In my experience there is no risk since all the entrance fees etc. are covered by the con organizers. The only expenses are things like prizes etc.

Anthony - Ex Presidente

Orion Cup - June 8, 2013
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