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Post subject: NAF Worldcup  PostPosted: Jan 09, 2007 - 12:53 AM

Joined: Sep 23, 2003

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Die deutsche Version des folgenden Textes gibt es hier: Cool


9 games over 3 days, Friday 19th, Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 October 2007.

The Venue.
Warhammer World, Nottingham, United Kingdom.

The Awards.

There will be The NAF Individual World Champion (Gold), NAF Individual World Runner Up (Silver)and NAF Individual World 3rd Place (Bronze) awarded to the top three coaches with the highest total points scored over all 9 games from all 3 days.

There will be a NAF World Cup Winning Team (Gold), NAF World Cup Runners Up Team (Silver) and NAF World Cup Third Placed Team (Bronze), awarded to the top three teams with the highest total points scored per team over Saturday and Sunday.

Friday the 19th will consist of Rounds 1, 2 and 3 played as individual coaches under the swiss system.
( So after Round One on Friday morning, the coach with the most total points will play the coach with the second most points and so on.)

Saturday and Sunday will consist of 3 games on each day played under the team format.
(Rounds 4, 5 and 6 on Saturday, Rounds 7, 8 and 9 on Sunday).
The team format will be under the swiss system:
i) By team then
ii) By individual.
( So after Round One on Saturday morning, the team with the most total points (Team A) will play the team with the second most points (Team B) and so on. The coach with the most points on Team A will play the coach with the most points on Team B, the coach with the second highest total points on Team A will play the coach with the second highest total points on Team B...etc.)


Scoring is as follows:

Win: 30 points
Draw: 14 points
Loss: 6 points

+/- 1 per net casualty. Only casualties that would normally earn Star Player Points count. So no casualties caused by crowds, failed 'go-for-its', failed dodges etc.
+/- 1 per net touchdown.
This will be capped at a combined maximum of +/- 6 points.

Painting and Miniature Requirements.

All miniatures on all teams must be painted to a basic minimum standard of 3 colours with a finished (flocked or sanded) base.
All miniatures on all teams must be clearly numbered.
Miniatures from any manufacturer (and/or conversions) are acceptable.* Miniatures must be representative of a fantasy football miniature.

*Please note that it is your duty, courtesy and shows basic consideration to your opponents to ensure that all miniatures are clearly identifable as to what position they represent. If you are fielding a converted or non-standard Citadel Blood Bowl team, it is strongly recommended that you colour the base rings. (Red for Blitzer types, Yellow for Catcher types, White for Thrower types).
If you turn up with a team that causes confusion in the opinion of the NAF Officials and/or complaints from your opponents then you face a significant points deduction from both your own individual score and that of your team! Please take the time and trouble to make sure that this doesn't happen!


It goes without saying that we expect to see the high standard of sportsmanship that is displayed at Blood Bowl events week-in week out throughout the world. We are all there to have fun and enjoy the competition in the best manner possible.
In the unlikely event of repeated poor sportsmanship and/or (Nuffle forbid!) attempts at cheating, The NAF Officials reserve the right to impose points penalties on both the individual and the team concerned as they see fit.


The NAF World Cup will use the latest LRB 5.0 ruleset , with the following exceptions and/or amendments:

Coaches have 1,100,000 GP to create their starting team rosters. Team rosters must consist of at least 11 players as per normal rules.
No Inducements (inc Star Players, wizards, master chefs etc) are used.

All casualties and/or deaths are healed between rounds. Healed players with improvements retain those improvements.

Player improvements are not counted towards Team Value, so in effect Team Value is fixed at the starting 1,100,000 GP for all rosters and therefore of no impact.

Star Player Points are in not use. Special Play Cards are not in use.

The match sequence is as follows:

1) Pre Match and Introduction.

i) Decide on whether the Illegal Procedure rule will be used.
Note that both coaches must agree to use the Illegal Procedure rule. If either coach doesn't want to use the IP rule then neither coach may call his opponent for an Illegal Procedure.
ii) Decide what constitutes a 'cocked die'.
(It is recommended that any dice that is not flat on the table or board is considered cocked to eliminate any confusion, but ultimately this is for the coaches to decide.)
iii) Show your opponent your roster and team. Point out which players represent which positions and point out which players have which improvements. Look over your opponent's team roster and ensure that it's legal. Call a NAF Referee or NAF Tournament Official over in the event of any discrepancy before the match begins.
iv) Work out the number of Fans and Fame and note the result.

2) The Match.

i) Roll Weather.
ii) Roll for Kick Off. (Winner decides to kick or recieve).
iii) Recieving team's turn.
iv) Kicking team's turn... etc..

3) The Post Match Sequence.

i) Assign any improvements to players (see below) and note them on your roster sheet.
Please look at your opponent's improvement choice(s) and check that they are legal.
ii) Fill out results sheet.
Please ensure that both you and your opponents results sheets are in accordance.
iii) Data Entry. Hand in results sheet at the appropiate point.

Skill Progression.

Rounds 1 to 3. (Friday):

During the Game One Post Match Sequence you may assign one normal skill to a player of your choice.
During the Game Two Post Match Sequence you may assign one normal skill to a player of your choice. A player that has previously been assigned a skill may not be assigned this skill.
During the Game Three Post Match Sequence you may assign one normal skill to a player of your choice. A player that has previously been assigned a skill may not be assigned this skill.

Rounds 4 to 6 (Saturday).

During the Game Four Post Match Sequence you may assign one normal skill to a player of your choice. A player that has previously been assigned a skill may not be assigned this skill.

During the Game Five Post Match Sequence you may assign one normal skill to a player of your choice. A player that has previously been assigned a skill may not be assigned this skill.

During the Game Six Post Match Sequence you may assign either:
i)A normal skill to two players of your choice. (Does not have to be the same skill). A player that has previously been assigned a skill may not be assigned this skill.
ii) One (second) normal skill to a player that has been already been assigned a normal skill in the previous rounds, and doesn't have the Loner skill.

Rounds 7 to 9 (Sunday).

During the Game 7 Post Match Sequence you may assign one normal or 'doubles' skill to a player of your choice. A player that has previously been assigned a skill may not be assigned this skill.

During the Game 8 Post Match Sequence you may assign one normal or 'doubles' skill to a player of your choice. A player that has previously been assigned a skill may not be assigned this skill.

The NAF reserve the right to amend the tournament rules as necessary, we'll obviously keep everybody posted.

Team Organisation for the Team Event.
Teams are to consist of 6 coaches.
Team are to represent a nation. (Example a team from a league based in London would be representing England whether all members of the team are English or not).
It is up to those attending to organise themselves into representative teams.
There is no limit to teams per nation.
There will be no official national teams.
There is a limit of one race per team, so teams are to consist of six coaches fielding six different races.

Notes on Teams:
Obviously we're not able to (or indeed have any interest to) delve into claimed ancestry so some common sense applies. The onus is on coaches to get themselves organised into teams. So for example if Holland were to send 3 teams, it would be entirely their decision whether to send regional teams (Team Amsterdam, Holland?), league based Teams (team Madhobbit, Holland?), generic Dutch Teams ( Team Clog, Holland?) or any combination of the above.
In the unlikely event that you don't manage to get yourself organised to a team of six from your country/region/compatriots you know via the internet/ whatever, don't worry. The team event starts on Sat to enable us to finalise teams on Friday evening. There will be inevitable last minute drop outs, there will be teams with spare coaches and we'll have a spare pool of players on standby too.
Everybody who attends the NAF World Cup will take part in the Team Event as part of a team of six on Sat and Sun, even it is 'LastDitchAllies Freebooterz' or something. Note that it may be necessary to waive the 'six different races' per team rule for any 'ad-hoc' team(s) put together by the NAF Officials. We will avoid this if at all possible but we reserve this right as indicated above.

So that's the dates, venue and the ruleset. More to come on schedule, tickets, prizes, what you need to bring, price, accomodation, meals etc. Plus a possible organised (but informal and entirely optional) Thursday meet for pick up games, street bowl, whatever.

It's going to be a blast.
Hope to see you there.

-James Wood
-NAF President

Ich freue mich schon auf die Diskussionen Laughing

P.S.: geändert von Sputnik, um den Link zur deutschen Textversion einzufügen!
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 09, 2007 - 03:36 AM

Joined: Apr 04, 2004

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Tolle ??bersetzung! Laughing Laughing Laughing

Coach of halflings that kill!
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 10, 2007 - 06:34 AM

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      Draco wrote:
Tolle ??bersetzung! Laughing Laughing Laughing

Ich arbeite daran! Hoffentlich am WE! Embarassed

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 10, 2007 - 07:00 AM

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Wo/Wie/Wer kann kann man sich anmelden?
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Post subject: Re: NAF Worldcup  PostPosted: Jan 10, 2007 - 12:13 PM

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      Kheldar wrote:


So that's the dates, venue and the ruleset. More to come on schedule, tickets,


Auf Deutsch: wo man sich anmelden kann, um Karten zu bekommen, wird noch bekannt gegeben! Wink

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 10, 2007 - 12:43 PM

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 10, 2007 - 05:32 PM

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Wie läuft denn das mit den Teams? Wie beim Eurobowl oder kann sich da jeder nach belieben anmelden und mitspielen und es wird dann irgendwie gewertet?
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 11, 2007 - 02:20 AM

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Sorry das ich nicht übersetzt habe, aber ich dachte mir, ich lass es besser im original, bevor ich irgendwas falsch übersetze. Das ist eh nur hier hinkopiert, damit man in Ruhe drüber reden kann, ohne das es gleich die ganze Welt sieht, und versteht.

@Heroic tackle
Wenn ich es richtig verstehe, kann jedes Land so viele Teams schicken, wie es zusammenbekommt. Ein Team besteht aus 6 Leuten, welche jeweils ein anderes Team spielen (keine zwei Zwerge, oder Untoten...)

Last edited by Kheldar on Jan 11, 2007 - 02:30 AM; edited 1 time in total
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 11, 2007 - 02:28 AM

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genau: einfach zu sechst ein Team bilden, sich einen Namen ausdenken, dann gibts noch den Zusatz "Deutschland", und sich damit anmelden, sobald das geht (die Details dazu kommen ja noch Wink ).

Pro Nation können beliebig viele Teams starten. Einzige Beschränkung wird der vor Ort vorhandene Platz sein. Wenn halt nicht mehr Leute in die Halle gehen, ist irgendwann ein Limit erreicht. Alle, die schon mal auf dem BB waren, kennen die ??rtlichkeiten ja. 200 passen mal mindestens rein, was 33 Teams entspricht.

Au??erdem kann dieses Jahr jeder, der Lust hat, mitmachen!!!! Für Trainer, die in kein Team kommen, warum auch immer, gibt es zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, sich vor Ort in ein Freebooterteam zu drücken. Damit keiner, der sich erfolgreich angemeldet hat, leer ausgeht. Wink

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 11, 2007 - 06:43 AM

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Hört sich gut an. Smile
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 11, 2007 - 07:12 AM

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Wird auch gut.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 11, 2007 - 08:31 AM

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Ich habe den Text mal ins Deutsche übersetzt.


Den link habe ich zusätzlich in Kheldars erstes Posting eingefügt, damit dieser bei den vielen zukünftigen Beiträgen nicht verschüttet geht. Wink

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 11, 2007 - 11:33 AM

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Krass! Geniales Konzept. Da mu?? man ja wieder schwer überlegen ob man hinfährt...

A German RTO
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 11, 2007 - 01:18 PM

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Also wenn das finanziell machbar ist, fahre ich da hin.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 12, 2007 - 06:19 AM

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erstmal Danke an Sputnik für die ??bersetzung !

ja, krasses System. hört sich gewaltig an. Wenn es nicht den finanziellen Rahmen sprengt, lohnt die ??berlegung hinzufahren alle mal.

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