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Post subject: Fantastic Updates  PostPosted: Oct 20, 2007 - 10:01 AM

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...I guess this must have been the "Whoever is Actually There Cup."

Karl Lagerbottom - Dwarf Blocker of Renown
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Post subject: RE: Fantastic Updates  PostPosted: Oct 20, 2007 - 10:12 AM

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I figured I'd pass this along:

Karl Lagerbottom - Dwarf Blocker of Renown
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Post subject: RE: Fantastic Updates  PostPosted: Oct 21, 2007 - 12:54 AM

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Ah, that is what I love about you so much, Robb..... quick wit, and an eye to what should be done.
So, while we are organizing food for 276 coaches, getting coaches up and down the hill from the pub to Games Workshop, and the
ten dozen or so other things to be done.... let me report that all has gone pretty well and that everyone including the staff appears to be having a good time....
The Spanish FUMBBL team and Team Les Azes played a brilliant first table in Round 6 and I believe the matches were evenly split....
The Spanish Team gave out a surprise special gift coin with the Spanish logo and a brilliant WC adaptation....

But for a slight hiccup at lunch, things have progressed smoothly and Bugmans was closed at 1:30am by more than 100 coaches!
I'll try and make another report after the first round starts.... thanks for the reminder!


Tournament Organizer - The Three Kingdoms Challenge
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Post subject: Re: RE: Fantastic Updates  PostPosted: Oct 21, 2007 - 04:17 AM

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      Old_Man_Monkey wrote:
So, while we are organizing food for 276 coaches, getting coaches up and down the hill from the pub to Games Workshop, and the
ten dozen or so other things to be done.... let me report...

I understand that all must be very busy running this innagural event. However, I know that I was not the only one left wondering. Just wanted to let you know that others were trying to stay tuned...and feeling frustrated by the silence.

Just something to accomodate for next time...maybe another volunteer to be be a roving side-line reporter?

EDIT: Yes...I am the nerd who woke up early to try to catch some of today's action. Sad

I hope Team Hawaii wins. Smile

Karl Lagerbottom - Dwarf Blocker of Renown
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Fantastic Updates  PostPosted: Oct 21, 2007 - 08:31 AM

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Well it looks like the americans won't be walking away empty handed!! Wink
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Oct 21, 2007 - 10:25 AM

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Any other interesting information Hoomin?
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Oct 21, 2007 - 03:15 PM

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Just got back from the World cup and i'd like to offer up a big thanks to everyone involved. Jim and team did a fantastic job and i had 4 really great days (not so great mornings till the hangovers wore off) Was really go to see so many players. I had a great time down in the White Hart.

Cheers guys job well done and you can all go and sleep for a week now.


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Post subject:   PostPosted: Oct 23, 2007 - 12:43 AM

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Seeing as Rob wasn't there, I'd be surprised if he knows anything.
Though to be honest, I'd be surprised is Hoomin knows anything at any time!

I'm sure I speak for all the staff when I say thanks to the players who were all great when there was in inevitible hiccup, and were fantastic all the way through.

@Rob - I'm sure if you offered to pay for it, the NAF would be pleased to take a roving internet connection from you so we can give you updates. Otherwise you'll need to get wait tillpeople actually get home.

_____ and rankings - that is all
#27 of the "24 club" (due to some dodgy accounting)
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Oct 23, 2007 - 10:17 AM

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      Darkson wrote:
Seeing as Rob wasn't there, I'd be surprised if he knows anything.
Though to be honest, I'd be surprised is Hoomin knows anything at any time!

I'm sure I speak for all the staff when I say thanks to the players who were all great when there was in inevitible hiccup, and were fantastic all the way through.

@Rob - I'm sure if you offered to pay for it, the NAF would be pleased to take a roving internet connection from you so we can give you updates. Otherwise you'll need to get wait tillpeople actually get home.

I did pay for my part of annual dues. Just asking for an occassional update on the largest NAF Event ever while it was happening shouldn't be too much to ask.

Anyone who had a part to play in organizing the event, which by all accounts was great, might want to get some feedback to consider for the next go-round.

Karl Lagerbottom - Dwarf Blocker of Renown
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Oct 24, 2007 - 03:59 AM

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Like I said, pay for a anywhere-net connection, and we could have updated you in the 5-6 hours we had that didn't involve organising or socialising. Perhaps it's different in Canada, but finding free wireless access isn't always easy in the UK (not in the hotel, I tried, and I wasn't going to pay £10 for the hour I'd get to use it), and GW doesn't have wireless capability (yet!).

If you wanted to be kept in the loop, maybe you should have come over with a team, rather than sitting at home moaning because the staff would rather spend the time making sure the event worked for the coaches that attended than driving around Nottingham looking for an unsecured hotspot.
The fact that the staff AND coaches started posting as soon as they arrived home should have been enough for you.

But of course, I forgot the world revolves around you.

_____ and rankings - that is all
#27 of the "24 club" (due to some dodgy accounting)
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Oct 24, 2007 - 04:14 AM

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Easy, Simon - I understand where Robb is coming from and the kernel of truth is that we should have developed a procedure to provide some basic information, and simply didn't. We will add this to the long list of improvements for the next large team event, whenever and wherever it should be.... Thanks again to everyone - please continue to add your thoughts and feedback....


Tournament Organizer - The Three Kingdoms Challenge
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Oct 24, 2007 - 07:15 AM

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      Darkson wrote:
Like I said, pay for a anywhere-net connection, and we could have updated you in the 5-6 hours we had that didn't involve organising or socialising. Perhaps it's different in Canada, but finding free wireless access isn't always easy in the UK (not in the hotel, I tried, and I wasn't going to pay £10 for the hour I'd get to use it), and GW doesn't have wireless capability (yet!).

If you wanted to be kept in the loop, maybe you should have come over with a team, rather than sitting at home moaning because the staff would rather spend the time making sure the event worked for the coaches that attended than driving around Nottingham looking for an unsecured hotspot.
The fact that the staff AND coaches started posting as soon as they arrived home should have been enough for you.

But of course, I forgot the world revolves around you.

Hopefully you'll forgive Rob for showing an interest in a Trans-Atlantic tournament. I myself would have liked to have gone, but a few THOUSAND dollars to fly to England for a BB tourney isn't in the cards for me. No sour grapes, more power to the people who can afford that, I'm just not one of them. But don't insult those of us not in attendance by questioning our spirit because we didn't stop "sitting at home moaning" and break the bank to attend a tournament. That reply was uncalled for...

Erik Grogswiller

"Ho! stand to your flagons steady!
'Tis all we have left to prize.
A drink to the dead already,--
Hurrah for the next that dies."
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Oct 24, 2007 - 08:03 AM

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And now for something completely different Wink
Okay feedback:
I believe it was the best tournament I have played in yet.

Good stuff:
Food was good (at the least compared to English standards).
Beer was allowed.
The swissdraw was used both for teams and individuals within the teams (most important league feature I reckon).
30 pts for a win, 14 for a draw. Making a win and a loss better than 2 draws.
The event was fluent.

Things I believe can be improved:
One thing in particular bothered me.
The fact that both casualties and touchdowns were added/reduced from the result.
When using the swiss draw system most games will be very close - this means that few games will be won by more than 1-2 td´s.
However a bashy team might get 5-6 casualties in such a match.
This means that the system heavily favors bashing teams.

Also usually scoring is the end of a string of tactically considered events - often many turns.
A casualty is usually pure luck on a set of dice.

Finally I know I personally played at least two opponents who wasn´t aware that only casualties from blocks counted.
And I am also aware of one game that had a wrong casualty score given because they simply forgot in the end that only block casualties counted.
This means it can - and does lead to mistakes.

Apart from that it was a great tounament and all in all it´s a small issue.
I believe I´ll give you a 95% success rate on this one Smile
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Oct 24, 2007 - 03:30 PM

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      Old_Man_Monkey wrote:
Easy, Simon - I understand where Robb is coming from and the kernel of truth is that we should have developed a procedure to provide some basic information, and simply didn't. We will add this to the long list of improvements for the next large team event, whenever and wherever it should be.... Thanks again to everyone - please continue to add your thoughts and feedback....


Thanks you for taking this in the spirit it was intended...constructive criticism. The fact is, not every NAF member or Blood Bowl player will be able to make it to these events...however, the fun should not be limited to those fortunate enough to attend.

For whatever it's worth...I am sure that there were some of the tournaments attendees were local. (Or at least relatively so.) Maybe just recruit one of those folks next time to leave a quick daily post so that the rest of the Blood Bowl community can enjoy the festivities.

Thanks. ???Rob

Karl Lagerbottom - Dwarf Blocker of Renown
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Oct 24, 2007 - 11:00 PM
Ex-Rulz Committee

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I'll have to tell you from running the two largest touranments in North America now .... doing what Rob is asking is close to asking for the moon to come down so you can play basketball with it. The organizer has zero energy left at the end of each day and is just happy to get home. The folks playing in the tournament are normally out all night with their friends that they see rarely (or perhaps the first time) and normally arrive home/hotel to immediately pass out.

I totally understand Rob's request ... but I honestly believe that unless there was a connection available in the bunker (which I think is what Simon was referring to) ... such an update is really beyond the realm of what I would ever agree to do for any event that I ran (or request that a member of such a tournament take time away from the social time with friends to do).

I'm not trying to beat on Rob more here ... but I am agreeing with Simon in much less harsh words that I don't think this was a request that would work. I know it would not for any event I ran. I come home/hotel each day of the 3 tournaments I work on and the only thing on my mind is sleep.

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