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Post subject: NBBO 2 (Sept 20-21/08)  PostPosted: Jul 25, 2008 - 09:50 AM

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September 20-21 2008
Niagara Falls Ontario Canada

Owner and self proclaimed Brew Master, Dark Elf Bloodprince Kciredor has in the past attempted to create fine Brews, Ales, & Stouts that would rival such brands as Bloodwiser & such Breweries as Bugmans Brewery. With little to no such luck in that attempt Bloodprince Kciredor looked to get his Brews to be sponsors for any of the Top Bloodbowl teams. The only problem was his Brews were not known outside the small city of Niagaroth Falls & no team like the Darkside Cowboys or the Reikland Reavers would dare have an unheard of sponsor on their uniform.

So it was back to the drawing board for Kciredor, and with no prospects to make his mark in the Brewers Guild as a true Brew Master, he turned his efforts to seeking out other flavors of the land, which lead him to War Boss Thog of the Orc Warband Razorback.

War Boss Thog and his Orcs after years of treaty with Bloodprince Kciredor and his Dark Elves against the invaders of the Oldworld . Heard of Kciredor???s dream to be the Brew Master & saw this as an Opportunity to be ???Da Ultamit Orc Brew Mazta??? ! So with the riches from the Dark Elves combined with the already qualified brewers from the Orcs came forth a joint endeavor between Niagaroth Brewery & Big Orc Brewery to produce Fine Ales & Brews to quench the thirsts of the lands (& fill the pockets of Kciredor with riches)

War Boss Thog had a recipe that he told Kciredor brought out the Whaaaaaagh!! In you, only the name was not all that appealing to Kciredor. ???War Boss Thog???s Scream Ale??? , Bloodprince Kciredor suggested that in keeping with War Boss Thog???s namesake & involving the theme of his Orc Warband???s love for riding wild boars into a frenzied battle, that the name be modified to ???Warthog Scream Ale??? the Ale that brings out the Whaaaagh in you. War Boss Thog agreed after some deliberation with the Bloodprince (to this day though Thog still thinks it is pronounced War-thog not Wart-hog). So with the 1st Top Brew produced under Big Orc Brewery & financially backed by Niagaroth Brewery it was time to market the product for Bloodbowl Sponsorship again, but alas the end result was the same.

Until one night while outside the Brewery in the Brewery courtyard, the Razorback Tribe???s Grenskins were fighting over who was going to keep the Goblin head that was being tossed around the courtyard by the barbaric Orcs. This gave Bloodprince Kciredor an idea, why not have War Boss Thog Organize his Boyz into that of a Bloodbowl team & call them the Warthogs (with Warthog Scream Ale as the team???s official sponsor) Once the idea was passed on to War Boss Thog it was only a matter of seconds before his Finest Orcs, Black Orcs & even a large dim witted Troll was assembled.
So thus was the start to the Warthogs legacy to bring fame & fortune to Kciredor & Thog. Only the best the Warthogs could muster out of four tournaments was three losing records & one tourney record of 3 Wins & 3 Loses (not exactly the kind of Success that was hoped for) With that lack of success the brew Warthog Scream Ale became almost unheard of again.

On almost certain bankruptcy to both Breweries War Boss Thog & Bloodprince Kciredor decided to give it one last chance at success in the Brewers Guild & the Bloodbowl Community. Since it seemed the only teams interested in wearing the brands of the two local Breweries as their sponsors were almost complete rookie squads of BloodBowl teams, it was decided that a Bloodbowl Tournament was to be held on the grounds of the joint Brewery in Niagaroth Falls, with the winner receiving a sponsorship deal from one of the local brands. So it was advertised that the 1st ever Niagaroth Brewery Bloodbowl Open would be held right on the grounds of the Brewery Courtyard (where the idea was formed from the tossing of the poor Goblin???s head). Only rookie Bloodbowl teams need apply. This would be a rookie Brewery looking for the best rookie team to wear their name.

All seemed to be looking bright for the unlikely Brew Masters (Kciredor & Thog) Until the day before the tournament start date the Brewers Guild decided that this would be an opportune time to host a Brewers Convention right on the very grounds of the Niagaroth Brewery Bloodbowl Open Tournament. With Beer tents all around & Beer Wenches handing out fine Ales to all Beer swilling masses from all the beer brands from Nagaroth to Lustria to the Chaos Wastes to the Empire & beyond.

To any other all the publicity would be great for the Bloodbowl Tournament & the Brewery alike, but with the combination of free Beer & Ales Bloodbowl players it was quite possible that the actual tournament became lost in the shuffle & all hopes of fame & fortune for War Boss Thog & Bloodprince Kciredor would be lost.

The Tournament Rules???

All Coaches must bring two rosters to the tournament (must be two different races)
Your starting roster will be a 1,050,000 (50,000 in sponsorship from the Brewers Guild)
Your 2nd roster will be a 1,000,000

All rules will consist of the LRB 5.0 rules.

Game Schedule

When each coach registers his/her two teams they will draw a token to see if their Staring roster plays in the odd number games (1,3,5) or the even number games (2,4,6)

(The reason that coaches have to bring two different teams is that with all the beer distraction no team can stay on the pitch or out of the beer tents for too long.) The starting roster has the extra 50,000 to build the team as a sponsorship deal from a local brewer or the Brewers Guild, while the 2nd teams start with no extra cash (due to the fact that they were not registered for the tournament & only picked up by the coach as a last minute substitute, when their 1st team was off missing in one of the various beer tents getting pissed!)

Skill Progression

Upon registration each coach will randomize one player from each team (one team at a time) & make an upgrade roll for him. Then do same for 2nd team. (Skill or Stat advancements must be made during registration so have a general idea of all the possible outcomes both your rosters can get) An example of the roll could be Player X???s 1st team (Human) player #5 Lineman gets 2+2=4 So he can take any double for a Human Lineman or a normal Human Lineman upgrade. Player X???s 2nd team (Orcs) player #3 Troll gets 5+6=11 So he can give his Troll +1 Agility or a normal Skill Roll for a Troll.
After round 1 is over upon handing in results each coach will make 3 skill rolls for his/her team that played in round 1 only (one at a time) to 3 random players (it is possible that a player could get more than one skill roll or stat upgrade)
The same goes for the teams that played in round 2.
The same goes for the teams that played in round 3.
The same goes for the teams that played in round 4.

So each team will get a total of 7 upgrade rolls after round 3 (for the Odd Teams) & after round 4 (for the Even Teams), where this can be spread out between 7 different players or all used up by one Uber All Star player or somewhere in-between, depending on the players on the roster being randomized.)
(The reason the upgrades are totally random is that either due to the fact that every player on any given team whether it is a lowly Rotter to an impressive Wardancer, wants to someday play in the Big Leagues & they will stop at nothing to get there, or it is due to the fact that some players are so smashed that they are unable to progress in their drunken state.)

Difference in Team Values

If a team with a team value of 105 (1st team) meets a team with a team value of 100 (2nd team) the lower valued team can take either a Bloodwieser Babe or a 50,000 inducement card (but not both) for this match only. If the card is chosen it is a random card from all 4 suits, the player can not chose what suit to pick from due to the fact that the head Coach is not at the game (for he is trying to round up his 1st team for the next game)

Changes to the Kick Off Table

4 = Oh I think I???m going to be sick. Both coaches roll a D3 (do not add any modifiers such as FAME, Coaches, or Cheerleaders) the lower roll is affected, both if a tie. The affected player (randomly chosen) has had just a wee bit too much to drink (if that is even possible for a BloodBowl Player) & he is in a constant state of vomiting. He is treated as having the No Hands Skill, Bone Head, & Foul Appearance for this Drive only.

10 = BLITZING the Seal. The Defense sort of start their drive off before the offence is ready. All normal rules to Blitz in the LRB 5.0 apply, except any player wishing to move, blitz or foul must pass a Bladder Roll (a 2+ Roll) to do so. (If they fail the roll they must immediately get to a sideline or end zone to empty their bladder, if unable to for ANY reason they go directly to the reserves box. This does not end the teams Blitzing the Seal turn & more players may attempt the Bladder test to see if they wish to take action on the Blitzing the Seal turn!) The Blitzing the Seal Roll is made before any other negative roll, such as Take Root, Bone Head, Really Stupid, Wild Animal, or Bloodlust.

Tournament & the NAF

Rounds 1, 3, 5 will be the N.B.B.O. Cup for NAF Ranking Purposes
Rounds 2, 4, 6 will be the N.B.B.O. Bowl for NAF Ranking Purposes
The overall tournament winner will be the best combined record of all 6 games. (So it is possible let???s say Coach X wins the N.B.B.O. Cup, but does poorly in the N.B.B.O. Bowl, & Coach Y wins the N.B.B.O. Bowl, but does poorly in the N.B.B.O. Cup. But if lets say Coach Z does very well in both tourneys & has the best combined record then Coach Z would be the Tournament Champion (despite not winning either one of the smaller Tourneys).

"2006 SPIKE Champion!"
"Death-Bowl IV & V, Most Casualties!, Death-Bowl VI Best Team!"
"2008 Dagger Bowl Champion"
Host of the Warpstone Cup, Q'ermitt Bowl & the Hope Bowl
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jul 25, 2008 - 10:03 AM

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Just waiting for the NBBO Cup & NBBO Bowl to be Approved by NAF.

Any questions?

"2006 SPIKE Champion!"
"Death-Bowl IV & V, Most Casualties!, Death-Bowl VI Best Team!"
"2008 Dagger Bowl Champion"
Host of the Warpstone Cup, Q'ermitt Bowl & the Hope Bowl
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jul 25, 2008 - 10:32 AM

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Will have to check my schedule, but should be able to make it out.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jul 25, 2008 - 10:45 AM

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sounds good.

hopefully I'll be there to defend the crown.

interesting to see that there are more advancements this year. coolio!

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jul 25, 2008 - 11:03 AM

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      Notorious_jtb wrote:
sounds good.

hopefully I'll be there to defend the crown.

interesting to see that there are more advancements this year. coolio!


Same as last year, for each team you get one roll on one random player before rounds one & two
three rolls on three random players before rounds 3 & 4
three rolls on three random players before rounds 5 & 6

"2006 SPIKE Champion!"
"Death-Bowl IV & V, Most Casualties!, Death-Bowl VI Best Team!"
"2008 Dagger Bowl Champion"
Host of the Warpstone Cup, Q'ermitt Bowl & the Hope Bowl
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jul 25, 2008 - 11:05 AM

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note theres a change on the Blitz result (10 on kick off table from last year)

Changes to the Kick Off Table

4 = Oh I think I???m going to be sick. Both coaches roll a D3 (do not add any modifiers such as FAME, Coaches, or Cheerleaders) the lower roll is affected, both if a tie. The affected player (randomly chosen) has had just a wee bit too much to drink (if that is even possible for a BloodBowl Player) & he is in a constant state of vomiting. He is treated as having the No Hands Skill, Bone Head, & Foul Appearance for this Drive only.

10 = BLITZING the Seal. The Defense sort of start their drive off before the offence is ready. All normal rules to Blitz in the LRB 5.0 apply, except any player wishing to move, blitz or foul must pass a Bladder Roll (a 2+ Roll) to do so. (If they fail the roll they must immediately get to a sideline or end zone to empty their bladder, if unable to for ANY reason they go directly to the reserves box. This does not end the teams Blitzing the Seal turn & more players may attempt the Bladder test to see if they wish to take action on the Blitzing the Seal turn!) The Blitzing the Seal Roll is made before any other negative roll, such as Take Root, Bone Head, Really Stupid, Wild Animal, or Bloodlust.

"2006 SPIKE Champion!"
"Death-Bowl IV & V, Most Casualties!, Death-Bowl VI Best Team!"
"2008 Dagger Bowl Champion"
Host of the Warpstone Cup, Q'ermitt Bowl & the Hope Bowl
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jul 25, 2008 - 11:08 AM

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Can I please get this stickied?

"2006 SPIKE Champion!"
"Death-Bowl IV & V, Most Casualties!, Death-Bowl VI Best Team!"
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Host of the Warpstone Cup, Q'ermitt Bowl & the Hope Bowl
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jul 25, 2008 - 12:40 PM

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      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      Notorious_jtb wrote:
sounds good.

hopefully I'll be there to defend the crown.

interesting to see that there are more advancements this year. coolio!


Same as last year, for each team you get one roll on one random player before rounds one & two
three rolls on three random players before rounds 3 & 4
three rolls on three random players before rounds 5 & 6

oh really, well i obviously have a bad memory, thought we jsut got one advance after each game my bad:(
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jul 25, 2008 - 12:41 PM

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      Clan-Skaven wrote:
note theres a change on the Blitz result (10 on kick off table from last year)

Changes to the Kick Off Table

4 = Oh I think I???m going to be sick. Both coaches roll a D3 (do not add any modifiers such as FAME, Coaches, or Cheerleaders) the lower roll is affected, both if a tie. The affected player (randomly chosen) has had just a wee bit too much to drink (if that is even possible for a BloodBowl Player) & he is in a constant state of vomiting. He is treated as having the No Hands Skill, Bone Head, & Foul Appearance for this Drive only.

10 = BLITZING the Seal. The Defense sort of start their drive off before the offence is ready. All normal rules to Blitz in the LRB 5.0 apply, except any player wishing to move, blitz or foul must pass a Bladder Roll (a 2+ Roll) to do so. (If they fail the roll they must immediately get to a sideline or end zone to empty their bladder, if unable to for ANY reason they go directly to the reserves box. This does not end the teams Blitzing the Seal turn & more players may attempt the Bladder test to see if they wish to take action on the Blitzing the Seal turn!) The Blitzing the Seal Roll is made before any other negative roll, such as Take Root, Bone Head, Really Stupid, Wild Animal, or Bloodlust.

like these results, nice and not game breaking, but fun and anoying
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jul 29, 2008 - 07:05 PM

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There will be a new location this year for the NBBO, it will be at the Boathouse in Chippawa (Niagara Falls ON) . Its a bar that will lend us the upstairs, for the two days.

Will have more info like addy posted shortly....


"2006 SPIKE Champion!"
"Death-Bowl IV & V, Most Casualties!, Death-Bowl VI Best Team!"
"2008 Dagger Bowl Champion"
Host of the Warpstone Cup, Q'ermitt Bowl & the Hope Bowl
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jul 29, 2008 - 07:13 PM

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Sounds good - I alfready am plotting which teams I will be taking....

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jul 30, 2008 - 05:43 PM

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I was looking at the rules and was not sure whether people could use the starting money to buy any skills/stats for the players. I am assuming that you cannot simply because you do not mention the costs of the upgrades, but can you please clarify this?


EDIT - While I've got you answering questions, are the Chaos Pact, Underworld Creepers and Slann going to be allowed in this tournament provided that they are NAF approved by that time? Your answer just might influence my choice of team(s)......

#1 Nurgle coach in Canada (formerly the world!)
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jul 31, 2008 - 12:01 AM

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      Spazzfist wrote:
I was looking at the rules and was not sure whether people could use the starting money to buy any skills/stats for the players. I am assuming that you cannot simply because you do not mention the costs of the upgrades, but can you please clarify this?

No skills, inducements or Star Players may be bought, a Bloodwieser Babe or a 50K Inducement may be used by your 100 TV team if they play a 105 TV team.


EDIT - While I've got you answering questions, are the Chaos Pact, Underworld Creepers and Slann going to be allowed in this tournament provided that they are NAF approved by that time? Your answer just might influence my choice of team(s)......

All NAF approved & only NAF approved teams will be allowed. Even if NAF gives the greenlight to use the new 3 rosters, they will only be allowed if they will be in the ranking system. (& yes to all those haters, "I am a Rankings whore!" (despite my horrid rankings Embarassed Laughing ))


"2006 SPIKE Champion!"
"Death-Bowl IV & V, Most Casualties!, Death-Bowl VI Best Team!"
"2008 Dagger Bowl Champion"
Host of the Warpstone Cup, Q'ermitt Bowl & the Hope Bowl
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jul 31, 2008 - 07:11 AM

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      Clan-Skaven wrote:
All NAF approved & only NAF approved teams will be allowed. Even if NAF gives the greenlight to use the new 3 rosters, they will only be allowed if they will be in the ranking system.

Thery are approved teams by the BBRC, it is just a case of the NAF giving the approval. They said that this should happen by September, so we will see what happens....

#1 Nurgle coach in Canada (formerly the world!)
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jul 31, 2008 - 06:42 PM

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Alright, I finally got around to making a NBBO web site; so stop bitching CS!! Razz It is partially done as the flame war I am having is a little pre-occupying. Any errors please let me know.
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