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Post subject: NAF World Cup 2015; Venue submission process  PostPosted: Aug 05, 2013 - 03:40 PM
Former President

Joined: Aug 22, 2003
Posts: 1532
Location: Undisclosed
Status: Offline
Dear members,

It is time to start the process for the World Cup bids for 2015. This post is to explain how to make a bid for those wanting to do so and to explain to the community what the process is, what it entails and timescales.

Countries or communities wishing to make a bid may contact myself directly by PM or email but make sure you title the email World Cup 2015 bid.

When the bid cut off date closes, the selection committee will then cast votes on the venue and this will give us the decision.

Ideally, countries putting forward bids should seek to host the event in Sept, October of 2015. There can be some movement to November. It is advantageous to try and consider holiday periods such as school term times.

There is no location out of bounds, we are a global community, any location is possible but you should consider access via plane and train and ensure sufficient hotel accommodation. The venue must be of a good standard and consideration must be given to feeding players during the weekend and result processing.

The event should consist of 3 days, 3 games per day, from Friday to Sunday. Allowing a gaming location or meeting place on the Thursday might be advantageous.

Who decides
There is a committee made up of 30 members who are well known in the community. They have one vote each. These are players who have run big events, traveled long distances and experienced many events. They know what makes a good event, they know what to look for. We used this process to great success previously and it works. I will not vote myself because if there is a casting vote to be made in the event of a tie, I will make that decision.

The event itself should break even as close as possible. We do not look to make a profit or intend to donate funds, however, one of the reasons we keep a considerable cash reserve is to help with deposits where applicable and suitable. We recognise that those bidding are not companies but local friends and gaming communities.

Bids can be submitted NOW if they are ready. We will then close the bidding process on Thursday 10th October. Up to the Thursday 31st October a question and answer process for the voting committee will take place where clarifications can be done and discussion. Voting will start on the 31st and close Friday 15th November. The location of the World Cup 2015 will be announced on the Sat 16th.

This will give us just shy of two years for players to plan, save money, make arrangements, start working out teams and such like.

The 2007 and 2011 world Cups are arguably the two greatest Blood Bowl occasions ever. I believe the 2015 World Cup can be more incredible than those as we attract yet more players from more countries. There is nothing like it!!! (can you tell I'm excited )

A thread is opened for WC Q&A. This is an open chat area and I will explain why we have done the process as we have and such like. It will enable those interest in hosting to ask questions.


Dave / Lycos
NAF President
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