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Post subject: Black Hole Brawl - January 25, 2014 - Raleigh, NC  PostPosted: Dec 12, 2013 - 06:10 PM

Joined: Dec 12, 2013

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Hope to see some new faces at our upcoming tournament. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at Thanks and here are the details:

Black Hole Brawl

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Event Horizon Games
1496 Garner Station Blvd.
Raleigh, NC 27603

Cost: $10

Registration: 9:30AM to 10:30AM
Round One: 10:30AM to 12:30PM
Lunch: 12:30PM to 1:30PM
Round Two: 1:30PM to 3:30PM
Round Three: 3:45PM to 5:45PM
Awards: 6:00PM to 6:15PM
Things To Bring:

Your PAINTED team (Teams with a minimum of 3 painted colors and painted / flocked bases will receive 0 penalty points, all other teams will receive 50 penalty points which will be deducted from their score after the end of the 3rd round)
3 Copies of your roster. Printed or neatly written with all purchased skills / attributes clearly noted.
Games Workshop or NAF Block Dice
If you have them: Blood Bowl pitches (boards), dugouts, templates and a copy of the Blood Bowl Competition Rules (BBCR)

Roster Creation:

Any official team from the BBCR can be used in addition to Slann, Chaos Pact, and Underworld.
Rosters should be built at a team value of 1,190,000 and must have a minimum of 11 players (including Stars)
The following Inducements may be purchased as part of your team value:
0-2 Star Players: can be purchased as allowed and at the prices listed in the BBCR. If teams playing each other both have purchased the same star player, they will both be able to field them for the game.
0-2 Bloodweiser Babes
0-3 Bribes
0-1 Halfling Master Chef
0-1 Igor
0-2 Wandering Apothecaries
Additional skills, +1 MA, and +1 AV may be purchased for all positional players (not Star Players) as follows:
Normal Skills at a cost of 20,000, Doubles Skills at a cost of 30,000, +1 MA at a cost of 30,000, and +1 AV at a cost of 30,000
A single player may not be given more than 40,000 worth of skills / attribute increases
Each skill / attribute increase cannot be purchased more than twice by each team (example: you can buy 2 players block, 2 players +1 MA, and 2 players +1 AV, but you could not purchase block, +1 MA, or +1 AV for any other players on your roster)
The tournament will follow resurrection rules. Any injuries you sustain will not carry over to the next game, nor will any star player points. The roster you start the tournament with will be the one you play for all 3 rounds.

Tournament Rules:

There will be 3 Rounds played over the course of the day. First Round pairings will be chosen at random. Rounds 2 and 3 pairings will follow a Swiss format based on each team’s tournament score.
Tournament Scoring:
Tournament Points from Win / Loss / Ties:
Win by 2 or more TD’s – 60 pts
Win by 1 TD – 50pts
Draw – 30pts
Loss by 1 TD – 10pts
Loss by 2 or more TD’s – 0 pts
Tournament Points from Player Actions:
Each Completion – 1 pt
Each Casualty Caused (via block / blitz) – 2 pts
Each Interception – 2 pts
Each Touchdown – 3 pts
In the event that tie-breakers are required the following will be used:
1st – Head to head record
2nd – Opponent’s strength of schedule as determined by comparing total tournament points scored by each coach’s opponents
3rd – Highest value when taking total Tournament Points from Player Actions scored less Tournament Points from Player Actions scored against
4th – D6 roll off
Weather will be rolled for by the coaches at Pitch 1 at the beginning of each round. The result will be the starting weather for all games that round.
Illegal Procedure: In the spirit of good sportsmanship, Illegal Procedure will not be called.
The 4-minute turn rule will not be strictly enforced. But if the TO feels the game may not finish in the 2-hour time allotted, he may insist coaches use a timer and begin enforcing the 4-minute rule.
Each pitch will be supplied with D6’s. Both coaches are to use only the D6’s provided for the pitch they playing on (please be sure to leave the provided D6's on the pitch at the conclusion of each game).
Sportsmanship: We are here for the fun of the game. Good sportsmanship is not encouraged from the coaches, it is required! Fouling 16 turns in a row or running up the score is not poor sportsmanship. Gloating, ridiculing and being overly argumentative are examples of poor sportsmanship. Any sportsmanship issues will be addressed by the TO.
Sportsmanship Scoring: At the end of each game you will give your opponent a score for sportsmanship. Sportsmanship scores will not factor into the overall results, but will be used for awarding the best sportsman score. The grading scale will be similar to common test scoring we've all been exposed to: F, D+, C, C+, B, B+, A, and A+. An average game would score in the C to B range. If your opponent really went out of the way / above and beyond to make the game fun it could fall in the B+ to A+ range. The D+ score is reserved for below average sportsmanship and the F is score means there was a significant sportsmanship issue that needs to be discussed with the TO.
Painting and Modeling requirements:
All teams are expected to meet the minimum painting guidelines. They must have 3 colors on them with no metal showing and painted and/or flocked bases. Non standard or converted minis are acceptable, but we must be able to easily tell the positions apart. You will not be allowed to proxy minis in any way that can confuse an opponent. All players are also to be clearly numbered so that your opponent can easily identify how your models on the pitch correspond to the players listed on your roster sheet. Teams which do not comply with these requirements will receive a deduction of 50 penalty points from their coach’s tournament score at the completion of the 3rd round.
Best Appearance Scoring: At the conclusion of the 1st round coaches are to display their team for appearance scoring. Appearance scores will not factor into the overall results, but will be used for awarding the best appearance award. Prior to commencement of the 2nd round coaches are to submit their top 3 favorite teams, in the order of their preference, which the TO will tally and use for making the best appearance award.


The Black Hole Brawl is a NAF sponsored event. Anyone playing who isn’t a NAF member yet and would like to join may sign up at the tournament, as there will be a NAF representative on site. You can also renew your membership at the tournament and get your dice handed to you.
Awards and Prizes:

Prize support in the form of Event Horizon Games Gift Certificates and / or Blood Bowl related items will be provided for each award. Each coach will eligible to win one of the following awards (with the exception of Sportsmanship and Best Painted which may also go the winner of one of the other awards):
The Engineer Justin Award (Best Sportsmanship)
The Joely Richardson Award (Best Appearance)
The Event Horizon Award (Overall Winner)
The Captain Miller Award (2nd Place)
The Lieutenant Starck Award (3rd Place)
The Rescue Tech Cooper Award (Most TD's Scored)
The" Libera Tutemet Ex Inferis" Award (Fewest TD's Allowed)
The Dr. Weir Award (Most Casualties)
The Lewis & Clark Award (Last Overall Finisher)
Other Prizes: We are also working on securing additional prize support. Any additional items we can secure will be given away by raffle or by additional performance awards.

Triangle Area Blood Bowl League (TABBL):

This tournament is brought to you by the Triangle Area Blood Bowl League (TABBL). We are a group of +/- 20 coaches from the greater Raleigh, NC area. We engage in league play, year round, with a strong focus on the hobby and sportsmanship in addition to competitive and organized blood bowl play. If interested in finding out more information or joining, please talk to the TO or visit us at
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Post subject: RE: Black Hole Brawl - January 25, 2014 - Raleigh, NC  PostPosted: Dec 14, 2013 - 08:25 AM

Joined: Dec 12, 2013

Posts: 5

Status: Offline
Looks like the new Register Function in the NAF site isn't working right for us. If you'd like to register post here or email me at

Current Registrants (Coach Name - Home - Team Name - Race):

1. Kai L - Raleigh, NC - Vindictive - Amazon
2. Chris R - Raleigh, NC - TBD - TBD
3. Nate B - Va Beach, VA - TBD - TBD
4. Josh B - Va Beach, VA - Classical Decomposers - Undead
5. Alan B - Va Beach, VA - Belongamick Crikeys - Humans
6. Leo B - Va Beach, VA - Muskrat Rudeboys - Underworld
7. David B - Greenville, SC - TBD - TBD
8. Joe R - Chapel Hill, NC - Snots-Un-Naddi Bangrrs - Ogre
9. Mike V - Richmond, VA - TBD - TBD
10. Eric B - Raleigh, NC - TBD - TBD
11 . Chuck V - Raleigh, NC - TBD - TBD
12. Rawlin B - Sanford, NC - TBD - TBD
13. Evan M - Sanford, NC - TBD - TBD
14. Ryan B - Sanford, NC - TBD - TBD
15. Jay H - Sanford, NC - TBD - TBD
16. Paul C - Raleigh, NC - TBD - TBD
17. Gavin S - Raleigh, NC - TBD - TBD
18. Michael C - Raleigh, NC - TBD - TBD
19. Dominic C - Raleigh, NC - TBD - TBD
20. Mick W - Richmond, VA - TBD - TBD
21. Chuck W - VA - TBD - Chaos
22. Shane M - VA - TBD - Khemri
23. JeanPaul M - Raleigh, NC - TBD - TBD
24. Chris R #2 - Raleigh, NC - TBD - TBD
25. Patrick W - Orlando, FL - TBD - Dark Elf

Last edited by d4rkt3mpl4r on Jan 21, 2014 - 07:48 AM; edited 7 times in total
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Post subject: RE: Black Hole Brawl - January 25, 2014 - Raleigh, NC  PostPosted: Dec 17, 2013 - 07:41 AM

Joined: Jul 18, 2012
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Man, it's on the one weekend that I have to work a conference in January! Bummer!

I've made a post about this tournament in the SPR forums to get some of the Richmond, VA crowd to attend. I'm sure a few of us will be making the trip.

I hope you guys have a good one!
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Post subject: RE: Black Hole Brawl - January 25, 2014 - Raleigh, NC  PostPosted: Dec 18, 2013 - 09:06 AM

Joined: Dec 12, 2013

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Sorry we won't see you Jeremiah but I really appreciate you promoting to your group. I'll keep an eye on the post and update here accordingly.
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Post subject: RE: Black Hole Brawl - January 25, 2014 - Raleigh, NC  PostPosted: Jan 12, 2014 - 09:18 AM

Joined: Dec 12, 2013

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Just under 2 weeks until game time!

Turn-out looks to be great for our first ever event (knock on wood).

Quick update on prizes. As long as we have 15 coaches (which is looking pretty good) we'll be adding a Stunty Cup prize.

I can confirm that in addition to other prizes we'll be giving away 2 fully painted teams, a fully painted big guy, and 2 fully pained star players!!!

Hope to see you there.
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Post subject: RE: Black Hole Brawl - January 25, 2014 - Raleigh, NC  PostPosted: Jan 26, 2014 - 09:27 AM

Joined: Dec 12, 2013

Posts: 5

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Thanks to everyone who attended. Here are the results.

1. JeanPaul M - Dark Elf
2. Chuck W - Chaos
3. Alan B - Human
4. Gavin S - Chaos Dwarf
5. Shane M - Khemri
6. Pat W - Dark Elf
7. Nate B - Chaos Pact
8.Ryan B - Norse
9.Eric B - Orcs
10. Josh B - Skaven
11. Chris R - Khemri
12. Kai L - Amazons
13. Leo B - Underworld
14. Jay H - Skaven
15. Chris R - Nurgle
16. Joe R - Halflings
17. Mick W - Halflings
18. Rawlin B - High Elf

I think everyone there would agree that the prize support met /exceeded expectations. All the money collected in entry fees and raffle tickets went back out to the players in performance awards or raffles. Event Horizon Games agreed to pick up the cost for the teams, models and supplies used in our give aways with the painting / modeling time being donated to the cause by some of our local league - Triangle Area Blood Bowl League (TABBL) members.

Look for our next event in 6 months or so where we hope to go even bigger and better.
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