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Post subject: 3rd Annual SPR Bacon Bowl, April 11, 2015, Midlothian, VA  PostPosted: Feb 04, 2015 - 12:37 PM

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The SPR Blood Bowl League will be sponsoring a NAF sanctioned Blood Bowl tournament on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at Battlegrounds!

Basic Details
Event Name: 3rd Annual SPR Bacon Bowl
Place: Battlegrounds in Midlothian, Virginia (see "Store Information" below for address, phone number and web address)
Date: Saturday, April 11, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. (see “Agenda” below for more details)
Entrance Fee: $20 per player, $30 for Non-NAF members (extra $10 will go to cover cost of annual NAF membership)

What Each Participant Must Bring
- 3 copies of their team roster (see “Roster Creation” below)
- Block Dice, d8 and 2d6s
- Models representing their team and players. Each player must be numbered.
- Pen or pencil
- A pitch and dug outs (not required, but if you have a pitch/dug outs please bring them with you to ensure we have enough!)
- A model representing a referee.

What Each Participant Receives
- 3 games of Blood Bowl
- An opportunity to win an awesome trophy (see “Awards/Trophies” below)
- 2 tailgating sessions featuring bacon-wrapped hot dogs—the official food of the SPR Blood Bowl League!

9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Tailgating and Registration
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., First Round
1:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m., Second Round
4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m., Tailgating/Dinner Break
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Third Round
7:30 p.m., Award Ceremony

Tournament Rules
Games will be played using the rules from the Blood Bowl Competition Rules Pack with the following modifications:
- Illegal procedure will not be in effect.
- Turns will not be timed unless Coaches prefer otherwise. Simply discuss this with your opponent before each match begins.
- Rosters are reset after each round. This means players are restored to health/life, star player points are not accumulated, no improvement rolls are made and no gold is earned.

Roster Creation
- Each Coach has an allowance of 1,150,000 gold pieces to create their roster and purchase skill and stat increases. Reference the Blood Bowl rule book for appropriate values and rules. The following restrictions apply:
1. No player may be given more than one skill OR stat increase.
2. No player may be given a stat increase in addition to a skill (it’s either one or the other!)
3. No more than 2 players may be given the same skill.
4. No more than 2 players may have the same stat increase.
5. No extraordinary skills may be taken.
6. Strength or agility stat increases may not be taken.
7. Players with strength of 5 or more may not be given double skills unless they play for a Goblin, Halfling, or Ogre team.
8. Star players may not be given any skills or stat increases.

- Inducements may be purchased during team creation, including Star Players, but excludes Wizards, Special Play Cards and Unlimited Mercenaries. These inducements are considered a permanent part of the team can be used each game. Opposing teams may have the same Star Player, contrary to the rule book.
- Teams may be selected from the 21 races in the rulebook in addition to the 3 new teams approved by the Blood Bowl Rules Committee (Chaos Pact, Slaan, Underwold Pact).
- You must have at least 11 players on your roster. Please note: Star Players purchased during team creation can count towards the minimum 11 players required for a team.
- The following teams will be eligible to win the Stunty Cup: Halfings, Ogres, Goblins, Lizardmen (no Saurus Warriors), and Underworld Pact (no skaven players). (see “Awards/Prizes” below.)

Pairing and Scoring
Opponents will be selected randomly for Round 1. Rounds 2 and 3 will be selected using the system of Swiss pairing (most points vs. most points, lowest points vs. lowest points, etc.) Coaches are awarded points based on the following:

+20 points for each win
+10 points for each draw
0 points for each loss
+ 1 point for each touchdown scored
+ 1 point per casualty (Only those that would normally result in SPPs with the exception of casualties as a result of foul actions.)
+ 1 point if a casualty is caused by a foul action
+ 1 point if the casualty is a referee.

In addition, the following points will be awarded after the second round of play, based on the appearance of each coach's team (judged by tournament organizer).
- Painted, +1 Point: The models are each covered with paint of some type, with no bare metal or plastic visible.
- Detailed, Up to +3 Points: 1 point for table top quality, 2 points for above table top quality, 3 points for "true artistry"
- Numbered, +1 Point: All of the team's players are clearly numbered.
- Distinctive, +1 Point: All of the positional players may be easily determined (following explanation, if necessary).
- Based, Up to +3 Points: 1 point for basing, 2 points for basing + details (pitch lines on grass, for example), 3 points for well-based models.
- Bonus, +1 Point: Team has matching or team themed re-roll/turn counters, custom balls, skill markers, etc.
- Referee, Up to +2 points: Scoring will be based on the above rules for "Painted" and "Detailed" then by dividing the total by two and rounding up.

Unpainted teams are allowed, but their use will obviously impact a coach's chances of winning the tournament.

Tensions are running so high amongst traveling and home teams that the Blood Bowl Officiating Alliance (BBOA) has decided to be more involved than usual in today’s games. Is their motive to ensure that the integrity of the game remains intact or is it that the surge of visiting coaches will help to fill their pockets all the more?

All games in this tournament will feature two referees who will be on the pitch! The rules of the referees, as well as additional special rules for this tournament, are as follows:

For this tournament all teams receive 2 free bribes! This does count towards the 0-3 limitation.

No Affiliation
Referees do not count as players for either team. They do not provide assists to fouls or blocks, players are not required to make dodge attempts when leaving squares adjacent to the referee, nor do referee's add negative modifiers when players move through or into the referee’s tackle zone.

Slippery Movement
Because referees are trained and seasoned professionals of officiating Blood Bowl (not to mention staying out of harm’s way!) They always ignore the tackle zones of other players during their movement phase (more information on referee movement below.)

Starting Location
At the start of each kick-off, after both coaches have set-up but before placing the ball on the receiving team’s side of the pitch, each coach will take turns (beginning with the coach who is receiving) placing the throw-in template on the line of scrimmage facing their opponent's side of the pitch with the 3-4 result resting on the middle square. Roll 1D6 to determine the direction and a 1D3 to determine the distance as to what space the referee model will reside. Should he land on a space occupied by a player, roll a D8 and place him accordingly by using the scatter template. Repeat scattering the referee should he continue to land in spaces occupied by other players. In the event that he should scatter off the pitch, the crowd will immediately throw him back in using the throw-in rule for balls that bounce or scatter off the pitch, however only 1D3 will be used for distance rather than 2D6. This means that the referee could potentially (and acceptably) start on the opposite side of the pitch to which he was originally designated.

Referee Stats
Stats: Movement – 3, Strength – 2, Agility – 3, Armour – 5
Skills: Dodge, Jump Up, No Hands, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Shadowing

Referee Behavior and Interaction
A referee occupies the square in which he resides. Players may not occupy the same square as a referee.

At the end of each coach’s turn (whether by turnover, all players completing their actions, or otherwise), the coach whose turn just ended must attempt to move the referee model which they supplied. This is known as the “Referee Movement Phase.” The referee will move in the direction of the scatter template using a D8 and up to his full movement, but will immediately stop should his next space of movement lead him off the pitch, place him on top of the ball, or if the space is occupied by another player. Such conditions imply that the referee may not move at all during his movement phase. A referee will always use the Jump Up skill before moving, if he is able.

Kill the Zebra!
Since coaches may find a referee occupying a certain space inconvenient or inhibitive of their desired strategy, referees can be blocked, blitzed, fouled and, if a player has the Throw Team-Mate Skill, thrown. All knock out and casualty results automatically count as “DEAD” for the referee. At the start of the next half a new referee will replace the dead referee using the rules for Starting Location, however dead referees will not be used in additional kick-offs during the half of the game in which they were killed.

Knocked Down and Stunned Referees
Knocked down or stunned referees are unable to spot fouls unless they are the target of the foul. Ejection (i.e. sent to the dungeon) and turnovers will not occur if doubles are rolled for determining armour or injury results during a foul action.

Dead Referees
If there are no referees on the pitch at any time then ejections and turnovers will not occur if doubles are rolled for determining armour or injury results for a foul action.

Referees on the pitch pay closer attention to the game, player’s actions, and more importantly, their own well-being! Accordingly, the following penalties and special rules apply.

- If a referee who is not knocked down or stunned is within 3 squares of a player committing a foul, then the player committing the foul is automatically spotted regardless of whether or not doubles are rolled when determining armour or injury results. This also negates the skill Sneaky Git.

- A player who blocks or blitzes a referee will be automatically ejected (no bribes allowed!) and the coach will suffer a turnover unless the referee is killed by the end of the action (allowing time for piling on or other skills that could affect his ability to stay on the pitch.) If the referee is killed then no penalty is suffered.

- The referee will always attempt to use his dodge skill to avoid being knocked down. Referees that are pushed as a result of a secondary push will not eject players. Referees pushed into the crowd that are not killed will immediately re-enter the pitch using the rules found under “starting location.”

- Players may attempt to foul the referee. A player who fouls a referee will be automatically ejected (no bribes allowed!) and the coach will suffer a turnover unless the referee is killed. If the referee is killed then no penalty is suffered.

- Players with the Throw Team-Mate skill may attempt to throw a referee. This will count as the team’s pass action for their turn. The opposing coach will roll for the referee attempting to stick the landing. Referees do not suffer negative modifiers for rolling to stick the landing if players from either team are located in adjacent squares. A player who makes a throw team-mate attempt will be automatically ejected (no bribes allowed!) and the coach will suffer a turnover unless the referee is killed on the landing or eaten in the attempt. If the referee is killed or eaten then no penalty is suffered.

Specialty Bribes
Since referees are being pushed to work extra hard by the BBOA, they want to make the most of it and get paid. As a result, the following rules for specialty bribes are implemented in today’s tournament. Please note that the rule of needing to roll a 2 or more on a D6 for a bribe to be effective does not apply to specialty bribes.

“Did you see you that?!?” Coaches whose players are the victims of fouls may immediately use a bribe (this is a play out of normal sequence) after the results of the foul were resolved to force a roll off. Each coach rolls a D6. If the roll of the coach using a bribe for "Did you see that?!?!" is higher than his opponents, then the player who committed the foul counts as “spotted” and will be ejected (normal turnover rules apply) unless the accused coach uses a bribe in an attempt to counteract the ejection. This specialty bribe can only be used once per turn.

“Better keep an eye on that guy!” As a way to keep the referee’s attention on opposing players known to cheat (or just to keep him away from their own players!) coaches may use a bribe to activate the referee’s shadowing skill. This may only be done at the end of the coach’s turn that is responsible for administering the referee’s movement phase. Rather than moving the referee as normal, the coach may instead use a bribe and choose an opposing player who is in an adjacent square of the referee. The referee will not move, but will remain in that square and, if the designated player chooses to move in the next turn, the referee will use the shadowing skill as described in the rulebook. The shadowing skill will deactivate at start of the referee’s next movement phase at which time the referee will proceed to move as normal.

Kick-off Table
The respective 2D6 roll on the kick-off table will swap the results for “Get the Ref” and “Changing Weather.” In other words, the roll of 2 will result in Changing Weather and the roll of 7 will result in Get the Ref.

* Please note that the referee rules are a work in progress and will be undergoing play testing in the weeks leading up to the tournament. Coaches are encouraged to test these rules on their own and are welcome to submit comments/suggestions to the tournament organizer, Jeremiah Dillon by email at Any changes to these rules will be announced as they are made.

Trophies will be given during the award ceremony for the following:
- 1st Place (most match points)
- 2nd Place (second most match points)
- Most Violent (most casualties inflicted)
- Highest Scoring (most touchdowns scored)
- Best Defense (least touchdowns allowed)
- Stunty Cup (most match points scored by a stunty team)
- Best Appearance
- SPR Team Spirit Award (awarded to the participant with the most team spirit whether it be in the form of extravagant touchdown celebrations, exceptional sportsmanship, live cheerleaders, etc.)
- Pillow Fighter (least amount of casualties inflicted)
- Bench Warmer (least amount of touchdowns scored)
- Most Spanked (least match points)

How to Register
Step 1.) Email Jeremiah (me) at with the following information: your intention to participate, what team you'll be using, and a copy of your roster. All skill selections and stat upgrades should be depicted in bold.

Step 2.) Show up on the day of the tournament between 9:00-11:00 a.m. and visit the tournament registration desk to get signed-in and pay the registration fee. (Preregistration is also available. If you would prefer to preregister simply indicate as much when you email your roster and arrangements will be made.)

Store information:
13172 Midlothian Turnpike
Midlothian, VA 23113

Last edited by Jeremiah_of_SPR on Feb 24, 2015 - 08:58 AM; edited 1 time in total
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Post subject: RE: 3rd Annual SPR Bacon Bowl, April 11, 2015, Midlothian, V  PostPosted: Feb 17, 2015 - 10:15 AM

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The rules for the referee in this tournament have been play tested and modified as follows:

- There will now be two referees on the pitch as opposed to one.
- The distance for starting location has been reduced from 1d6 to 1d3.
- The movement of the referee has been reduced to 3.
- You no longer need a 2+ for specialty bribes to be effective.
- Players who assist in blocks, blitzes, or fouls no longer risk being ejected.
- The specialty bribe "Did you see that guy?!?!" has been rewritten.
- The referee's movement phase has been modified so that each coach will move the referee model they supplied at the conclusion of their respective turn.

Any further changes will be posted as play testing continues.
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Post subject: RE: 3rd Annual SPR Bacon Bowl, April 11, 2015, Midlothian, V  PostPosted: Feb 22, 2015 - 06:38 AM

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very cool ref rules and ideas. sorry to not be able to make it, long drive from ontario.

maybe one year if we get a van load of canadians we could make the trip!

best of luck

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Post subject: RE: 3rd Annual SPR Bacon Bowl, April 11, 2015, Midlothian, V  PostPosted: Feb 24, 2015 - 08:35 AM

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Thank you. We would love to host friends of our northern neighbor and hope that will happen in the future!
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Post subject: RE: 3rd Annual SPR Bacon Bowl, April 11, 2015, Midlothian, V  PostPosted: Feb 24, 2015 - 09:03 AM

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A few more minor modifications have been made to the rules.

- Coaches receive +1 tournament points for casualties (only those that would normally award SPPs, with the exception of fouls.) You will also be awarded +1 points if the casualty was a result of a foul action. You will also be awarded +1 points if the casualty was a referee.

Essentially this means red boxing a player gives you +1 points, red boxing as a result of a foul +2 points, red boxing a ref +2 points, and red boxing a ref as a result of a foul +3 points (oh the irony!)

- Also, a note was added that the Sneaky Git skill is negated for player committing fouls within 3 squares of a ref who is not knocked down or stunned.

Let me know if you have any questions.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 26, 2015 - 09:24 AM

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I am making plans of attending this tourney. It will be a bit of a drive but I should be there early enough.
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