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Post subject: Orclahoma Bowl V and Spiky Cup IV! March 12,13 in Norman OK!  PostPosted: Jan 10, 2016 - 02:35 PM

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It's that time again, the Orclahoma and Spiky Cup weekend!

Our fifth anniversary and soooo much awesomeness.
Free Figure? Check
Free Coin? Check
Free Dice? Duh, check...
Free Kick Off Die? Whaaa??? Check it out! is where to look. is where to listen and hear more.
Got questions? Ask us.

Co-Host of BOTH DOWN:The #1 Blood Bowl Podcast... that you can find at Both Down!
Or on Twitter @BothDown
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Post subject: RE: Orclahoma Bowl V and Spiky Cup IV! March 12,13 in Norman  PostPosted: Jan 29, 2016 - 09:05 PM

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he cut off for the Orclahoma Bowl and Spiky Cup Early Bird pricing is coming up. Even if you haven't been out lately, this is a tournament not to miss.
Not only do we have an amazing amount of awesome stuff to give away(check the website for full info) just for signing up, we've also been getting tons and tons of prizes to give away!
Seriously, this is going to be an amazing tournament!
Even if you can't come, you can sign up to get the SWAG on the website under the registration drop down.
We're looking to get 50 people to come out and smash all records for Southern tournaments! Yes, it's a big goal, but it's highly possible, we're probably going to pass the halfway point this weekend!

BTW, when I said we're giving a lot of awesome stuff away from our sponsors? Here's a list:
A fully painted Willy Halfing team (this is from us, not a sponsor, but still awesome)
A painted GW High Elf team(same, from us)
Neomics Undead Team
Gaspez Vampire Team
120Euro in gift cards from Greebo(65, 40 and 15)
Over $100 worth of RN Estudio figures
5 awesome figures from Hungry Troll(Including Bob Bifford!)
a slew of stuff from Impact
A West Coast Quake dug out
various figures from RollJordan and Maki Games
and many many cases from KR Multicase including their amazing Backpack case!
Plus more!

That's in addition to the following you get for just signing up(pics at
Awesome custom made, limited Cromnard Dung figure.
Dice as always.
Special kick off and D3 die (this is a never before made Blood Bowl accessory)
Custom coin
Custom counters
and more!

That's free stuff well worth your entry plus us giving away over $1000 worth of prizes!
This push is to help you. Prices will go up the 1st and I know everyone wants to save money. So sign up this weekend and make your plans.

Can't wait to see everyone! We really enjoy putting these on for you and know this will be our best one for sure.

Thanks again!
Steve and Scott

Co-Host of BOTH DOWN:The #1 Blood Bowl Podcast... that you can find at Both Down!
Or on Twitter @BothDown
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Feb 01, 2016 - 06:30 PM

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What...not giving away the kitchen sink!?!
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Feb 02, 2016 - 04:41 PM

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You have full use of it while you are here... but you can't take it with you.

Co-Host of BOTH DOWN:The #1 Blood Bowl Podcast... that you can find at Both Down!
Or on Twitter @BothDown
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Feb 04, 2016 - 10:04 AM

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...that's deep, man
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 04, 2016 - 01:39 PM

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Ill be there.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 04, 2016 - 05:09 PM

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I currently plan to be...

Co-Host of BOTH DOWN:The #1 Blood Bowl Podcast... that you can find at Both Down!
Or on Twitter @BothDown
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 08, 2016 - 10:17 AM

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i'll be in OK in 3 and a half days...

Canadian Open, Feb 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Brewhouse Bowl 9, May 2025, Waterloo, Ontario

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 14, 2016 - 08:52 PM

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Another Amazing Orclahoma Bowl and Spiky Cup was held and it was our biggest and best ever!
Here are the awards. Full rankings will be published later:

Orclahoma Bowl V - 40 people in attendance
Champion - Will Oliver - Dark Elves
2nd Place - Bryan Tew - Orcs
Del-Zine Cup - James Lowe - Khemri
Most Casualties - Drew Buccicone - 13
Most Touchdowns - Rich Heffron - 10
Best Defense - Casey Fitzgerald - 2
Stunty Cup - Mike Carpenter - Ogres
Best Sportsman - Jason Eads
Back of the Pack - Dustin Parsons
Excellence in Cheese - Vinh Nguyen

Spiky Cup IV - 38 people in attendance
Champion - Bryan Tew - Chaos
2nd Place - Chance Kirchof - Norse
Del-Zine Cup - Will Oliver - Necro
Best Offense - AJ Murray - 9
(Honorable mention, Grant Halls for 7 TDs in one game)
Best Defense - Scott Delsigne - 0
Most Brutal - Jason Keller - 13
Fan Favorite - Pat Wynn
Best Sportsman - Spoon(Grant Hallas)
Stunty Champion - Brad Wales - Ogre
Back of the Pack - John Brese
Excellence in Cheese - Marcus Keen

Thanks again for everyone who came.
Let's reach 50 next year!

Co-Host of BOTH DOWN:The #1 Blood Bowl Podcast... that you can find at Both Down!
Or on Twitter @BothDown
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 18, 2016 - 02:08 PM

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Orclahoma weekend. What can I say about this Tourney while sitting on an Airplane? It's not a NAF Major, but it has the flavour of a Major. Loads of coaches. More than enough new people to meet, with 40 guys in attendance. Great set of Hosts. You could say, I enjoyed the Tourney quite a bit.

I met the Both Down guys at Chaos Cup 2014. Scott and Steve were very welcoming, and didn't mind my minor fanboyism. I didn't gush over the two, though I would have liked to. After hanging with them that weekend, we have kept in contact with one another. I have wanted to make this trip for a couple years now. I like visiting new places and since my family originally was from Oklahoma I thought this would be a good reason to visit. Plus I love playing different coaches, and this tourney had 40 coaches, that I had never played before.

I arrived into Phoenix Arizona, to visit my older Brother for a couple days. I then decided to drive from there to Oklahoma. It was 16 hrs in total, plus a Hotel stay. I went through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and finally Oklahoma. Long trip that didn't feel that terrible. All 4 states looked different. Arizona was very desert, with Catii and many Rocks. New Mexico looked like every Cowboy movie I had ever seen. Texas, had derelict vehicles, empty Houses, and Abandoned Gas Stations. Oklahoma, was similar to Texas, but much more booming than the other states. Mind you, it was the first bigger city I had stopped in since Phoenix.
Upon arriving I hung out with Steve for the day. He took me to the Banjo museum. That was a big thing as I do play a banjo. Great sights and very enjoyable day. He took me out to meet everyone else at a restaurant that night. I had met him, Scott, Brian Tew and Jeffro in the past. We all had a good time together that night which kept, Jeffro, and myself up late into the night. Another Canadian rolled in at 11pm, Grant85 aka Spoon. He Jeffro and I stayed up drinking Gin until 230 am. We all got up at 6am, and got ready for some Blood Bowl. I was 2hrs behind my normal time, so I was hurting.

I played Underworld this Tourney. Because of the Build Type I was able to get Ripper, with all the Rats, a Troll, and 4 Gobs. 2 RRs to go along with that team. One Blitzer I had MB/ Claw, the other I had 2 heads/ Tackle. To end the skills, I took a Thrower with extra Arms. I was going for a broad movable team, that would be effective on Defence.
1st game I ended with a 1-1 tie vs Norse. Second I won 1-0 (but suddenly ran out of time before he had a chance to tie the game.) Neither of us had to use a RR until turn 12. Those games get longer.
Third game, this is the one I want to talk about. I got a Wood Eld team that in the end won most TDs. I was expecting his leaping Strip Baller to ruin my plans at placing well. Luck would have it, the weather turned up Tornado. For this tourney that is a combined Pouring Rain, and Snow Storm. We had this all game. He received, and right away couldn't pick up the ball. I gave a WTF and tossed a Goblin down field. I landed in his tackle zone, and took the ball (in a Tackle Zone) and ran it into an endzone for a Defensive TD. Lucky by all means, no skill there.
Next turn he, again can't get the ball, and I am able to take it away and score my second TD on turn 4. Up 2-0. By this point he becomes a bit desperate and leave his dwindling roster a bit open. The ball carrier is hit by me and we fight over the ball for 3 turns. I luck out again and because I moved a Goblin down field, I was able to score a thrift on turn 8. 3-0 at half. Unbelievable game. I went up 4-0 by turn 11. I in a way let him score, as I didn't want to try and rub it in. It was a game that would have made any decent person flip a table. I waltzed in for another TD at the end, to win 5-1. UW vs WEs. Amazing. This fellow still ended up winning the scoring title by about 5 TDs, so don't feel bad for him. The other three games were reversed on his end.
Game four I played pretty much the same, and was playing well (lucky) until turn 12 where the tide turned. I played Orcs this time. The game was 1-1, and I was about to score a defensive TD, when he made a good play with no RRs and Powed my ball carrier. At this point I had spent all my luck. I couldn't make a dodge, nor could I pick up the ball. I had a ball bounce into my hands the next turn, but snaked the Dodge for the win. He proceeded to walk the field and win the game 2-1. I deserved that after the WE game. I placed 16 out of 40. The Tourney was more focussed on extra Points, rather than wins. I do like that aspect, when I am not winning games. Smile Orclahoma Bowl 2-1-1. One thing Grant (other Canadian) and I noted was how much more boisterous we were during games. He like I am used to shit talking to everyone sitting around you. My league is very vocal with the ribbing. Often cheering on our friends opponents to beat the heck out of them. Maybe the guys are used to focussing on the game a bit more than I am. Maybe it's just a Canadian thing to do. Loud obnoxiousness runs in our Blood I guess.

After the Tourney we went for a group Pizza outing. It was good. I got drunk. I talked Jeffro and Spoon into a pub crawl that left the town horrified of Canadians. Great set of Pics on Twitter if you care to share in the adventure. Fun stories, that may not be appropriate here. Ask Jeffro what his new nickname is if you get a chance. The Ãœber ride home was about an hour longer than expected. We started at 145, and got home at 310am. This was because of Daylight savings more than distance. We got an amazing 2 hrs of sleep and we're all hung over badly the next day. 3hrs behind Normal time for me now. ;/

Now the cool thing about this weekend Tourney is that they have 2 separate one day Tourneys. The second was Spikey Cup. A different build than the first, and way more focussed on Points. I expected to get routed day one with UW, so I chose Dwarves for day 2s three games. Game 1, was vs Drew from 3 Die Block fame. Again I was very hung over an expressed that to anyone that wanted to listen. I think Drew was expecting to Route me, from my grizzled appearance. I forced him to score on turn 4, which gave me the time to score myself. I made some good turns, but dropped a catch with a Runner in the end zone. 1-0 at half for him. His Norse were crushing me. I had 8 guys at half vs his 11. Uponeceiving the ball, I made a break for it up the side, where sheer numbers stifled me. He knocked the ball loose and for the next three turns we muddled it up. I was able to go super Flukey and picked up the ball in 2 tackle Zones. I then dodged out and my runner made it up the field a couple squares. I was then able to make some 4 up dodges to makes a very loose cage. Luckily I kept him away and scored on turn 14 for the tie. Thank goodness for that tie, because I didn't want him talking about him easily beating me on his Podcast. Now he will have to talk about getting diced by a hungover loud mouth. Win Keggie!

Game 2. I played a Chaos team that was more concerned with the casualty award than winning the game. I asked if his name was Calcium, but it wasn't. Wink I won 3-0, but took 5 casualties. So even though he was better looking than Calcium, the typical outcome was the same in the end.

Game 3. I played a very pleasant fellow from Kansas. He was playing Flings. I beat him expectedly 2-0. Only thing Notable was that I fouled Deeproot Strongbranch with the Death Roller, resulting in a Casualty. I finished the Tourney 6th out of 38 guys. Spikes record was 2 wins, 1 tie. I went 4 Wins, 2 Ties, and 1 loss for the entire weekend.

Afterwards some of us went out for a surprisingly decent Sushi dinner. I got to drink saki, eat raw fish, and laugh with new and old friends. The Tourneys in a whole were both very enjoyable. I recommend everyone that is able to make this event turn out. Kudos the the Bothdown guys for letting me crash on a couch, and throwing a most excellent Tourney.

Monday Morning all of us woke with a sore throat. Father Nurgle visited us for the weekend. Everyone has some sort of flu or Cold. We went to an Arcade to top it off. I had vehicle trouble and had to change out a battery for the 16 hr ride home to visit my brother. Excellent Weekend. Get out there and play some Table Top Blood Bowl People!
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 21, 2016 - 07:21 PM

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well said keggie +1 to everything

this was a crazy good time and I hope to make it back again

Canadian Open, Feb 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Brewhouse Bowl 9, May 2025, Waterloo, Ontario

NAF NTO, Canada
NAF Membership Coordinator, Canada
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 26, 2016 - 12:30 AM

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This was my first blood bowl tournament if well over a decade. Man did I even fun even if nuffle and a few mistakes of my own were against me. Scott and Steve were awesome. Saturday night had a few beers with friends and helped make a pyramid out of schooners. Yeah I'll be doing my best to make it next year. Thanks for making a great weekend for us Fort Worth folks first time.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Mar 27, 2016 - 10:20 PM

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Awesome! Glad you enjoyed and came

Co-Host of BOTH DOWN:The #1 Blood Bowl Podcast... that you can find at Both Down!
Or on Twitter @BothDown
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