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Post subject: Bumbus Bowl at Origins, Sat June 17th 2017  PostPosted: Oct 23, 2016 - 06:48 PM

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Bumbus Bowl! at Origins Game Fair

OMG! When?!
Saturday, June 17th
check-in : 9:30am
Game 1 : 10:00am – 12:15pm
Break : 12:15pm – 1:15pm
Game 2 : 1:15pm – 3:30pm
Game 3 : 3:45:00pm – 5:15pm

Holy crap! Where?!
Columbus Convention Center
400 N High St, Columbus, OH 43215

BloodBowl blitzes its' way back into Origins!
Calling all coaches to kick, claw and stomp their way to the Champions ring.
This is a real-deal, three game, Swiss-pairing tournament using a special themed Kickoff Table(detailed in the document available at the URL below).
Injuries and casualties do not carry over: Each game will begin with your roster in exactly the same state you created it.

ALL 21 GW Teams plus the 3 Additional Teams are valid and welcome!(Slann, Chaos Pact, Underworld)

Teams can be built using up to 1,100,000gp.
Coaches may choose ONE of the bonus skill-packs to assign extra perks and skills to their team after the roster is created.
Con Registration now open at

Event Price: TBD

The schedule, all specialized rules, inducemnts and the unique Kickoff table can be found here:

Any event rule changes and updates will be posted here if they occur.
Please check back occasionally for any changes.

Please contact me via PM or email with any questions.
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Post subject: RE: Bumbus Bowl at Origins, Sat June 17th 2017  PostPosted: Nov 14, 2016 - 06:52 PM

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Event Cost should be $8 if the gama pricing scheme remains consistent
(plus a Con access badge)

stay tuned true believer...
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Post subject: RE: Bumbus Bowl at Origins, Sat June 17th 2017  PostPosted: Jan 11, 2017 - 11:03 AM

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So if I am reading the rules correctly I could theoretically give a Rat Ogre who has MA 5 Ball and Chain? This means he could potentially throw 5-7 blocks in one turn?
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Post subject: Re: RE: Bumbus Bowl at Origins, Sat June 17th 2017  PostPosted: Jan 12, 2017 - 08:42 PM

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      blood4thebloodgod wrote:
So if I am reading the rules correctly I could theoretically give a Rat Ogre who has MA 5 Ball and Chain? This means he could potentially throw 5-7 blocks in one turn?

You are correct!
He would also be gaining all the other Joy that comes with it: No Hands, random Movement, etc...but Yes!
This is also a good example ot the sort of craziness I was hoping to inspire with that bonus. I personally want to see a Treeman with Titchy... it's on my Bucket list.
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Bumbus Bowl at Origins, Sat June 17th 2017  PostPosted: Jan 12, 2017 - 08:54 PM

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ALSO: I've just updated the Tourny Document with reminders and caveats regarding the new GW BB2016 release and the new NAF tourny guidelines. Everyone who hasn't seen it: No worries. There's nothing major...nor even much at all.
I just hadn't the opportunity to see the "new but not really new" rulebook until recently.
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Bumbus Bowl at Origins, Sat June 17th 2017  PostPosted: Mar 07, 2017 - 07:42 PM

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BloodBowl: Everything old is new again.
Everyone is aware that GW has decided to finally re-recognize it has the best board game on the Planet.
There was a moment or two of nervous anxiety this past November and then the new GW kit was released with stunning new models, play board and all the traditional trimmings. The great news is that 99.9% of the rules are unchanged. Even the Deathzone suppliment simply carried over most of the well known and thuroughly vetted rules we've all come to know and love.
There are a couple things different to talk about in the new rulebook though.

Piling-On looks like it's going to cost a Team Re-Roll for players now. Love it or hate it this does swing the pendulum a tiny bit farther away from the CLAWPOMB and that's not a bad thing in my book. We will NOT be using this newly tweaked rule in the tournament though so all you bloodletters can keep on licking your chops.

"Argue The Call" is once again part of the game. Coaches can freely air their frustrations and the officials might even listen!
Gutter Runners seem to have found a new armorer with access to the mysteries of Warpstone and due to an abundance of fresh young talent inspired by daringly aggressive passing play many young humans have driven the price of the average Catcher down significantly.

In order to minimize confusion for those new to the game and learning from the GW BB2016 release we will be using the latest released kit from Games Workshop as our Rulebook-of-Record but that doesn't mean Veteran coaches need to suffer since the GW release schedule hasn't caught up to the game as we know it.
All previously released 24 official NAF approved teams are available and legal for use in our tournament as well as the rules for them.
I do want to be very clear about this one thing though: No Coach needs the new rulebook(s)/kit to participate. The LRB6/CRP we've been using is practically identical and fully functional for use in our event. Any differences tha would affect Tournament play are detailed in the Primer.
Next up: Team Generation - It just keeps getting better!
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Bumbus Bowl at Origins, Sat June 17th 2017  PostPosted: Mar 08, 2017 - 12:14 PM

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Hi I'm attending Origins for the first time this year (just got my ticket) any general suggestions for Origins. Lots of sign up options that were hard to interpret.

I'm planning on participating in the Blood Bowl event. Very excited.
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Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Bumbus Bowl at Origins, Sat June 17th 2017  PostPosted: Mar 27, 2017 - 07:29 PM

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      gjnoronh wrote:
Hi I'm attending Origins for the first time this year (just got my ticket) any general suggestions for Origins. Lots of sign up options that were hard to interpret.

I'm planning on participating in the Blood Bowl event. Very excited.

Holy ...!
I apologize for not checking this more frequently!

About Origins in general? I love it. It's enormous and amazingly understated for folks not already aware of it. I always say that if you can't find something to enjoy you simply aren't looking.

I can't wait to see you at the Bloodbowl tourny! It's my first hear running one there and I'm as excited as I am anxious. I have no idea how many coaches we'll have but I'll do my best to make it a great time.

GAMA (the organization that puts on Origins) has a ton or two of things to coordinate and their website is often...less than clear.
I've been going for years and still have to re-discover how to navigate the website every year.
The 'Con Access registration opened very early this year but the actual Event sign-up always opens up notoriously late(usually about a month prior to the actual convention).
Get in there and poke around, you'll get the idea. It's usually what I have to do.
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Bumbus Bowl at Origins, Sat June 17th 20  PostPosted: May 31, 2017 - 08:12 AM

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I have been talking to Bastion01 about this event and I am super excited! Can't wait.
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Bumbus Bowl at Origins, Sat June 17th 20  PostPosted: Jun 11, 2017 - 07:42 PM

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Thank you gjnoronh!

ONE Week!...Online Registration is closed but you can still get in on the action gameday!
Just be there in time to get your name on the lists!
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Bumbus Bowl at Origins, Sat June 17th 20  PostPosted: Jun 14, 2017 - 06:34 PM

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The Bumbus Bowl is THREE DAYS AWAY.
Origins Game Fair kicks into Full Swing Tomorrow!

Online Registration has closed but there's still time and plenty of room to put your name in the lists game-day!
Just be there on-time with a valid roster to sign in!
We will accept 'Con Generic Tokens for registration fees if needed.

We are set up at the back right in the Gaming Hall (in the "SGG" section).
Spot the "Aisle 2000" banner and head straight back under it.
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Bumbus Bowl at Origins, Sat June 17th 20  PostPosted: Jun 30, 2017 - 08:29 PM

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I uploaded the NAF v. NAF member games last week but that's only part of the story....

My apologies for not getting this up sooner... June was relentless...

Thanks to Everyone for making our first Bumbus Bowl a lot of fun.
We had Nine coaches claw, kick and eyepoke their way through the competition.
There were even five NAF members proving their mettle.

There was one clear winner that proved unstoppable and with good reason. A Lizardman team with Sibli backing them up is a freightening thing indeed. Without Further ado:
Total Possible Tournament Points: 120

Tournament Champion: The Albino Assassins, Coach: Morpheus (Lizardman) - 99pts
Runner Up: Not-z-Face!, Coach: Strauts (Orcs) - 77pts
Honorable Mention: Blacktown Shamblers, Coach: OTS (Undead) - 77pts
- These two coaches were Matched in points but the heros of Da Horde eeked an edge by causing more casualties AND scoring more TD's by some miracle.

Respected compatriots:
Jarongo Jaguars, Coach: Wifflebat (Amazon) - 74pts
White River Allstars, Coach: Jason (Human) - 72pts
Bloodletters, Coach: Jason R (Chaos Dwarf) - 64pts
Olentangy Muskrats, Coach: Ryan Y (Skaven) - 56pts
Borr's Bastards, Coach: Nicolas B. (Norse) - 37pts
Average Joes, Coach: Wad0687 (Human) - 22pts

Most TD's : Albino Assassins - 6
Most Casualties : White River Allstars - 9

The often threatened, much maligned, meade filled Norn Bad-Boys The Frostbit Nipples head-butted their way into the
ranks at the last minute to wreak havoc in their own foul-mouthed ways only to vanish before the third round amid
grumbles of empty kegs and unflattering women. Their opponents still aren't certain just what happened.

I had a blast organizing and running the days festivities and I hope all the competitors did also.
I look forward to seeing you all again next year!
Please don't hesitate to drop me a line with feedback/suggestions/positives/negatives about the tournament.
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