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Post subject: GenCon Bowl 2004, Aug. 20/21 - Indianapolis, Indiana USA  PostPosted: Apr 11, 2004 - 10:27 AM
Ex-Rulz Committee

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If you are working on your long range calenders ... the GenCon Bowl 2004 will be August 20 and 21st. GenCon will run August 19th through 22nd in Indianapolis, IN ...

The last GenCon was the largest BB tournament ever held in North America and the 7th largest tournament in the world. I'm hoping to break the NA record with this one.

Cost ... 2 day badge to GenCon is 46 USD (60 USD for a 4 day) ( )
Additional cost of the BB Tournament per GenCon is 13.50 USD

So 59.50 USD total if you are just coming for the tournament

Format: 4 games swiss style ... 2 hour time limit per game
Friday Aug 20th, 3 games
Registriation at 9 am, Game 1: 10 am (ON TIME, NO EXCEPTIONS) ... Game 2: 1 pm ... Game 3: 4 pm

Saturday Aug 21st, 1 game
Game 4: 9 am ... awards done by 12:30 pm

Anyone finishing all 4 games will receive a metal/pewter fantasy football figure (not necessarily an official GW one).

Since GW-US isn't giving me squat for prizes this year, the rule last year that your team HAD to be all GW miniatures is no longer true. So Phigs, Heresy, and Shadowforge teams this year are welcome at GenCon.

Trophies will be given for:
1st, 2nd, 3rd, Most Cas, Most TDs, Fewest TDs allowed, Best Sportsman, Best Painted
In addition, prizes/miniatures will be awared to the following:
Anyone getting a trophy, 1st prize gets one extra prize/miniature, and then in addition we'll have prizes for Farthest Travelled and Best Score on the Pub Quiz

Those are the summary details ... registration of the tournament starts May 12th and given the 4 hour wait to buy tickets at the door last year ... I STRONGLY recommend pre-registration for GenCon and the BB tournament to avoid the line.

I am reserving space for up to 120 players and GenCon is going to list this tournament as a featured event since it holds the BB tournament attendance record. Last year we had 70 players register and 60 actually show up to play which made it the largest tournament ever held in North America (including being larger than the Chaos Cup for attendance).

We had two players from Austria and several from Canada attend ... I'm hoping to see faces from some of the other countries this year.

1) OnPitch Take Root will be used:
Roll a D6 before taking an action with this player other than going from stunned to prone. On a 2+, you may proceed with the action as normal. On a 1, the player's MA becomes zero and loses the ability to Go For It for the rest of the drive. The player may still block but will not be able to follow-up.

2) Pro will be a General skill

3) I will be allowing the current experimental Vampire and Ogre teams to play ... I'll deal with NAF issues for this later ... even if it means keeping your scores for later entry when the team is in their database. The vampire team will not be allowed to have the Head Coach play (only purchase Count Luthor). So that all 18 official teams and the 2 experimental allowed for 20 total.

Rules for Ogre team:
0-12 Ogre 120,000 5 5 2 9
Mighty Blow Thick Skull, Throw TeamMate, Bonehead --- Strength
0-6 Goblin 40,000 6 2 3 7 Dodge Right Stuff, Stunty --- Agility
Rerolls 70,000

Rules for Vampire team:
0-12 Thrall 40,000 6 3 3 7 --- General
0-6 Vampire 110,000 6 4 4 8
Hypnotic Gaze, Regenerate, Off for a Bite --- General, Agility, Strength
Rerolls 70,000
Apothecary can only be used on Thralls if purchased

New Racial Characteristic and Rules:
A player with this characteristic must occasionally feed on the blood of the living. At the start of any action where the player is not stunned, roll a D6. On a 2+ the player may carry out the action as normal. On a '1', however, the player is overcome with a desire for blood. The player's team loses the declared action for that turn and the player must instead make a Move Action. If the player finishes moving standing adjacent to a Thrall from his own team, immediately roll for unmodified injury on that Thrall (an injury to the Thrall is not a turnover unless he was holding the ball). If the player does not finish moving next to a Thrall from his own team, then he runs into Reserves to find a pretty maiden groupie to quench his thirst. Place him in the reserves box, this is a turnover (if he was holding the ball it scatters once from the final square of his movement.) The Vampire's Move action is not consided ended until he injures a Thrall or runs into Reserves.

4) All players BIG GUYs will be treated as having Strength only skill access (instead of their normal General/Strength access). In ADDITION, Bull Centaurs and Mummies will have Strength only access for the tournament as well instead of their normal General/Strength access.

5) The tournament will be 4 rounds of Swiss. Starting team will be 1,000,000. You will allowed your choice of giving 2 players each a normal skill or one player a doubles roll skill or mutation after rounds 1 and 3. After round 2, you will be allowed to give one player a normal skill. A player may not be given more than one new skill/trait during the entire tournament. All casualties that have been inflicted on your team, including death, are wiped away at the end of the game. In other words the team resets after every game. Skills accrued through the tournament will not be lost, even if the player dies. Note: Apothecaries are still useful for bringing back injured players during the game.

6) Dice: Before each game you and your opponent both agree to use ONLY ONE set of dice for the entire game ... the other player puts his dice away where they cannot be used. If you cannot agree on the dice to be used, a referee will decide by rolling for it. If you are superstitious about people touching your lucky dice ... the tournament would like to suggest that you bring a different set of dice to the tournament that you don't care if other people touch as this rule will be enforced.

7) Wizards: 150k for a Wizard or a Dwarven Runesmith. Halflings get the Master Chef for free and can purchase additional Chef rolls for 60k each as a permanent increase to the Chef's abilities. Undead and Necromantic teams get their Necromancer for free, but may not purchase a normal wizard. Khemri and Vampire teams may not have a wizard.

8) Minatures: You will be allowed to use non-GW miniatures. HOWEVER, the figures MUST be READILY identifiable as their positions as determined by the head referee or his assistants. All miniatures must be painted with a minimum of 2 colors and the bases must be decorated or painted or you will not be allowed to play. Also mutations and weapons if you plan on having them on your team ... you MUST have a figure that clearly shows the mutation to take it. You cannot give Claw to a Skaven Storm Blitzer if you don't have a football geared ratman with a Claw for a hand.

Win = 55 points
Blow out bonus (won by 2+ points) = +10
Smackdown bonus (won, and caused more casualties) = +10
Beat 'em up good (won, and tied for casualties) = +5

Loss = 10 points
Keeping it close bonus (lost by 1 point) = +10
"You should see the other guy" bonus (lost, but caused more casualties) = +10
Put up the good fight (lost, but tied for casualties) = +5

Tie = 35 points
Yeah, but be hurt 'em bonus (tied, but caused more casualties) = +10
A tight game start to finish (tied for score and casualties) = +5

+5 Based: All the bases in the team (including coaching staff) are painted and textured in some manner. The baseline for texture is flock as a minimum. Just being painted green is not enough!

+5 Painted: The team is painted, all models have at least 3 colors on them. Different colors should be used for different areas. Undercoats must not be visible.

+5 Detailed: All models have had the details of the model painted in a variety of colors or with noticeable effects. This can be shading or highlighting, or 'black-lining' etc. This discriminates between the merely painted team and the team that has had attention paid to it.

Important: For all 3 of the above ... In order to get the 5 points for a category all the models in the team must fulfill the criteria. If even one fails, the points can't be scored.

The team voted best overall painted team by the coaches playing in the tournament over lunch the first day will receive an extra 5 points. The head referee and his assistants will choose the teams eligible for this voting during registration. You must have painted your own team to be eligible for the best painted voting (however, teams painted by another person can still earn the full 15 normal painting points).

At the end of the tournament, coaches will rank players from most to least sporting with a 1 being most sporting and a 4 being least ... points for each of these 4 votes will score points as follows:

1st 13 points
2nd 10 points
3rd 6 points
4th 3 points
If you have an opponent who drops out without voting you will receive 8 points from that coach.

10) The rules for Star Players and Secret Weapons

Rule 1: If two of the same stars show up for a game, neither star will play. Note STARs do not have positions at all, so a Human team can have 4 Blitzers and Griff, or a Halfling team could have 2 Treemen and Deeproot.

Rule 2: Your team can have one SPECIALIST on it if your race allows for a SPECIALIST. The Goblin team is the one exception and can have up to 4 specialists, but no two of the same type. SPECIALISTs cannot receive new skills.

Clarifications ... Goblin teams still have to pay double the listed price to bring either Morg or Varag on their teams.


                                      STAR PLAYERS
Line 1: Name ... Teams Played for ... GenCon 2004 Cost

-- Count Luthor von Drakenborg ... Human, Necromantic, Undead, or Vampire ... 330,000
-- Deeproot Strongbranch ... Halfling or Wood Elf ... 250,000
-- Grashnak Blackhoof ... Chaos or Chaos Dwarf ... 350,000
-- Griff Oberwald ... Human ... 360,000
-- Grim Ironjaw ... Dwarf ... 220,000
-- Hakflem Skuttlespike ... Skaven ... 230,000
-- Headsplitter ... Skaven ... 310,000
-- Hthark the Unstoppable ... Chaos Dwarf ... 330,000
-- Jordell Freshbreeze ... Elf or Wood Elf ... 230,000 
-- Lord Borak the Despoiler ... Chaos ... 250,000
-- Mighty Zug ... Human ... 180,000
-- Morg `N??? Thorg ... Chaos, Goblin, Human, Ogre, or Orc ... 450,000
-- Prince Moranion ... Elf or High Elf ... 190,000
-- Ramtut III ... Khemri, Necromantic, or Undead ... 350,000
-- `Ripper??? Bolgrot ... Orc, Goblin, or Chaos ... 260,000
-- Silibili ... Lizardman ... 240,000
-- Thrud the Barbarian ... Any ... 100,000*
(Thrud will only play in Games 1 and 3 of the tournament, but he still costs the full 100k from your roster even for games 2 and 4)
-- Varag Ghoul-Chewer ... Goblin or Orc ... 250,000           
-- Zara the Slayer ... Amazon, Dwarf, Norse, or Human ... 270,000
Clarification:  Zara's Stakes will effect ANY player on a Khemri, Necromantic, Undead, or Vampire team.

Note:  Bomber Dribblesnot, Death-Roller, Fungus the Loon, Horkon Heartripper, Nobbla Blackwort, Scrappa Sorehead, Zzharg Madeye are all deleted for GenCon 2004.   Use the Secret Weapon rules below for replacements to these star players.

Amazon Assassin      Amazon
80,000      6   3   3   7   SPECIALIST, Dodge, Poisoned Dagger (Penalty 10+)

Chaos Looney         Chaos or Nurgle
120,000      6   3   3   8   SPECIALIST, Horns, Chainsaw (Penalty 8+)

Dwarven Marksman      Chaos Dwarf or Dwarf
80,000      4   3   2   9   SPECIALIST, Sure Hands, Thick Skull, Blunderbuss (Penalty 10+)

Evil Git         Chaos Dwarf
70,000      6   3   3   7   SPECIALIST, Poisoned Dagger (Penalty 10+)

Dark Elf Assassin      Dark Elf
110,000      6   3   4   8   SPECIALIST, Shadowing, Poisoned Dagger (Penalty 10+)

Dwarf Bombardier      Dwarf
110,000      4   3   2   9   SPECIALIST, Block, Accurate, Thick Skull, Bombs (Penalty 8+)

Dwarven Looney         Dwarf
130,000      4   3   2   9   SPECIALIST, Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Chainsaw (Penalty 8+)

Dwarven Deathroller      Dwarf
160,000      4   7   1   10   SPECIALIST, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Multiple Block,
Deathroller (Penalty 7+)

Goblin Bombardier      Goblin or Orc
90,000      6   2   3   7   SPECIALIST, Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Accurate, Bombs (Penalty 8+)

Goblin Looney         Goblin or Orc
90,000      6   2   3   7   SPECIALIST, Dodge, Stunty, Chainsaw (Penalty 8+)

Goblin Pogoist         Goblin or Orc
60,000      6   2   3   7   SPECIALIST, Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Pogo Stick (Penalty 10+)

Goblin Fanatic         Goblin or Orc
60,000      4   2   3   7   SPECIALIST, Ball and Chain (Penalty 7+)

Human Looney         Human
110,000      6   3   3   8   SPECIALIST, Chainsaw (Penalty 8+)

Skeleton Looney      Khemri or Undead
90,000      5   3   2   7   SPECIALIST, Regenerate, Chainsaw (Penalty 8+)

Zombie Looney         Necromantic or Undead
90,000      4   3   2   8   SPECIALIST, Regenerate, Chainsaw (Penalty 8+)

Skink Assassin         Lizardman
80,000      8   2   3   7   SPECIALIST, Dodge, Stunty, Poisoned Dagger (Penalty 10+)

Norse Looney         Norse
110,000      6   3   3   7   SPECIALIST, Block, Chainsaw (Penalty 8+)

Orc Looney         Orc
110,000      5   3   3   9   SPECIALIST, Chainsaw (Penalty 8+)
Eshin Assassin         Skaven
80,000      7   3   3   7   SPECIALIST, Poisoned Dagger (Penalty 10+)

I hope to see a LOT of you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Last edited by GalakStarscraper on Apr 12, 2004 - 06:51 AM; edited 2 times in total
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Apr 11, 2004 - 03:02 PM
Ex-Rulz Committee

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I heard Gregg had stopped being the NA NAF rep. So could whoever is the NA rep please make sure that this and the Memorial Mayhem are properly NAF registered ... thanks.

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Apr 12, 2004 - 02:28 PM

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i just talked to gregg... as far as he knows he is still the rep. He probably should have them approved soon.

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Post subject: Huh?  PostPosted: Apr 12, 2004 - 03:09 PM

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As far as I know, I'm still the U.S. Tournament Organizer. Where did you hear otherwise?

Looks like you're running one heck of a tournament again. I'll be happy to approve the GenCon one, and the Memorial Day one could be approved because you have chatted it up on the forum, but you never sent me a request for NAF approval. I'll ask the powers that be if the Memorial Day one could be approved too.

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Apr 12, 2004 - 05:07 PM

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Hey Tom and Gregg:

Just wanted to bring up the experimental rosters - Tom, have you discussed with anyone how this might be handled? Not to be the spoiler, but coaches should know their games may not count for a while...


Tournament Organizer - The Three Kingdoms Challenge
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Post subject: Good Point  PostPosted: Apr 12, 2004 - 08:16 PM

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Thanks OMM,

I see that Tom has addressed that issue in the rules set, but it might need to be clearly announced that any games played against Ogres or Vampires will not be counted in the ranking system. As far as going back and adding them if the teams are officalized - isn't that opening up a can of worms?

We thought about adding the Ogres and Vamps at our last tournament, just so there can be evidence as to how they play at an official event. I imagine that alone should provide some interesting feedback for the Rules Committee

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Apr 13, 2004 - 08:31 AM
Ex-Rulz Committee

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I guess I didn't see the problem at all.

I missed entering information for Da Scum for GenCon and 10 months later I added it into the database and it was a piece of cake and didn't mess up anything that I could tell in the system.

Figured I could do the same with any games played by an NAF coach of an Ogre or Vampire team. When/If the team becomes official in October, I'd enter the results into the NAF database at that time.

For NAF coaches playing against them ... its like playing against a non-NAF coach ... but with a possible upside that the match could count in the future.

For the NAF coach playing those teams ... well its a risk whether the team ever becomes official or not.

However, I've seen these teams in play enough in the MBBL to be very comfortable adding them into a tournament (with the change to the Ogre team to allow them ST access only).

Not trying to make waves, but with these teams in the stores and solid, balanced, playtested rules for the teams available .... I just didn't see the reason to continue to disallow these teams from tournaments.

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Post subject: Re: Huh?  PostPosted: Apr 13, 2004 - 08:33 AM
Ex-Rulz Committee

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      ggiersch wrote:

As far as I know, I'm still the U.S. Tournament Organizer. Where did you hear otherwise?

Looks like you're running one heck of a tournament again. I'll be happy to approve the GenCon one, and the Memorial Day one could be approved because you have chatted it up on the forum, but you never sent me a request for NAF approval. I'll ask the powers that be if the Memorial Day one could be approved too.


Okay ... this part of the site and operation still needs work ... WHERE is the NAF approval request? I still don't know ... and I'm sorry Gregg ... I swore someone told me you had stepped down as NA rep.

Not trying to be a stick in the cogs of the machine ... just the NAF approval process is still quite a bit confusing to me on how it works.

Serious point to consider guys ... how about adding a sticky to the top of each country thread titled: "How to get your tournament NAF approved"

That would be a great help.

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Post subject: Good Point!  PostPosted: Apr 13, 2004 - 08:48 AM

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Right now, the only way someone could get a tournament approved or know the procedure is if they have been talking to people about it (some of the people who contact me have talked to someone at a tournament or via a message board) or many have seen it mentioned in the FAQ section of this site. I agree that perhaps a statement on the NA Tournament forum would be more accessible. Or at the very least, reinforce the idea of official NAF tournaments and how to get 'em approved.

Now for the embarrassing part. How do I set up a sticky?

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Post subject: Re: Good Point!  PostPosted: Apr 13, 2004 - 08:57 AM
Ex-Rulz Committee

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      ggiersch wrote:
Now for the embarrassing part. How do I set up a sticky?


You have to be a moderator. Thanks Gregg ... I wanted to get it done correctly ... first I heard of the 3 month rule was last week. So I "ran" over here to get an request for approval in by asking in the tournament threads.

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Apr 13, 2004 - 09:49 AM

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'guideline' not rule, I think... more so that the notice and rules for the tournaments can be spread sufficiently... it's to make sure the TOs have time to have all their ducks in a row in terms of planning as well...

Can't wait for GenCon and to see everyone again - it appears Tiny, Darth, and all the rest are returning - wahoo!

First the Blood Bowl, then some other tourneys in between, then THE monster in North America - see if I can improve my performance some!!!

Very Happy -OMM

Tournament Organizer - The Three Kingdoms Challenge
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Post subject:   PostPosted: May 07, 2004 - 07:30 AM

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O.K. I played last year and had a 1 - 1 - 2 record. I was the High Elves. I took many casualties. I have noticed the change on dice, with using one set. I would never say anyones dice are rigged, but my lucky dice weren't so lucky last year smile. Anyways, I am entering again, however am leaning toward my orcs. I should take way less casualties, which in itself should be great. On the flip side the High Elves would get a few more skills, which too would be cool. Too much think, lets play....

I don't care if games against expiremental teams count or not, my object is to have fun, and hopefully post a better showing this year.

And lastly, I have emailed the staff of NAF in regards to my NAF, it needs to be renewed, I was told to hang tight, I would be emailed. Has anyone been emailed about renewals. Just checking.

And thanks to all my opponents last year, I had much fun. I didn't see many star players, so that was definately a plus...

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Post subject:   PostPosted: May 07, 2004 - 07:32 AM

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      zarhan wrote:

And lastly, I have emailed the staff of NAF in regards to my NAF, it needs to be renewed, I was told to hang tight, I would be emailed. Has anyone been emailed about renewals. Just checking.


Your membership was extended by 6 months. Look for Neo's 'State of the NAF Address' in the News. Very Happy

aka Rob (NAF #248)
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Post subject:   PostPosted: May 07, 2004 - 10:28 AM

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Anybody know when event registration opens?

Last I heard it was May 7th, but it still seems to be closed.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: May 07, 2004 - 12:41 PM

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Looks like it opens today at noon PST.

If I've done my math on the time difference correct that should be in like 20 minutes.

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