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Post subject: talkNUFFLE Filth-tober Fest - London - 17th October 2020  PostPosted: Oct 10, 2020 - 05:57 AM

Joined: Oct 10, 2020
Posts: 1
Location: England
Status: Offline

General Information

Welcome to the first FILTH-TOBER FEST — talkNUFFLE’s third event of 2020!
We will be playing at Rule Zero, as usual; a fabulous, bespoke gaming venue with it’s own licensed bar and fully equipped kitchen, as well as beautiful outdoor area right on the canal!

There will be coverage of the event provided by the talkNUFFLE podcast and Tackle Zone. We’d also like to thank Exit 23 Games for their general support of the Bloodbowl community as always, can’t wait for the new team!
Just a note that all events are obviously in unique space with the ongoing global pandemic of COVID-19, and all the restrictions currently in place.

This means that in this exceptional circumstance you will be drawn in to one conference/pod of 6 people for the whole day. You will only play people within this group of 6, and stay in one, controlled area; but all results will feed one table.

At the end of the event the person top of the overall table will win.
We will provide a responsible playing environment with table service and plenty of other restrictions to make it as safe a space as possible. We will be encouraging people to not touch each others models and each pair for a game will be 2m from other pairs. Your opponent will be 1m+ away during the game and all participants MUST bring masks. It will not be compulsory to wear them during the game (pending change of govt guidance), but if either of the players wishes masks to be worn, BOTH must wear for the duration of the game.

All Inquiries


FILTH-TOBER FEST is a 3 game, 1 day Blood Bowl resurrection tournament held in London. It is NAF-sanctioned and the pairings will be Swiss-drawn within your pod of 6 after the first round, which is random.
When Saturday 17th Oct 2020.


Rule Zero Games Bar 4a Roach Road Fish Island London
E3 2PA
Nearest station is Hackney Wick, which is 10 minutes on the overground from Highbury & Islington Tube station (Victoria Line).


FILTH-TOBER FEST is limited to 18 players. Tickets will be allocated in groups of 6 as outlined above (to enable the event to be played under current COVID-19 rules). Extras will be placed on a reserve list until another 6 have signed up to make a new playing pool. To reserve your place please purchase a ticket by sending £20 to Include your NAF name and number in the notes. This payment will include NAF membership if you are not already signed up. Once we are full you will be placed on a reserve list.

Please note that in this unique case, refunds will be given upto and including the day of the event. The event may also be cancelled upto and including the day of the event; pending both your own personal circumstances AND govt guidance. If the event is cancelled full refunds will be given!


1000 - 1030: Registration
1030 - 1300: Game 1
1300 - 1400: HALF TIME (lunch) 1400 - 1630: Game 2
1630 - 1700: break
1700 - 1930: Game 3
2000: Awards!!!

Team Roster

- Any of the 27 Naf-sanctioned teams may used (including the newish O.W Alliance, Underworld and Snotlings) and coaches may spend up to 1.2 million gold on their team. Note, all new GW Spike rules/teams released up to the day of the event will be in use.
- No inducements may be taken aside from bribes (all teams), Goblins and Snotlings may take bribes for a reduced 50k. Halflings may take the Master Chef for 100k.
- There are no tiers at FILTH-TOBER FEST, just tears. Bring your filth or go home and cry to your mum. (Dice cups are useful to fill with salty tears).
- All GW-sanctioned Star Players are allowed as per the Zero Bowl League Stars document (ask Morg if in doubt) and may only be take after you have 11 on your initial roster. No star may be given additional skills.


- Players have 54 star player points to distribute to your players after your team has been bought. Stars may not receive additional SPP.
- A maximum of 16 spp per player. Doubles and stat-boosts are allowed, but only on the second skill a player has. No additional SPP will be earned during the event.
- A maximum of 4 duplicate skills are permitted Team-wide, i.e.: 4 players with block, 4 with guard etc, but not 5 with block.


- Win = 10pts
- Draw = 5pts
- Loss = 0pts

Special Plays

In addition to the above points, there will be 3 Special Play bonus points on offer at the event. At the start you will receive 3 Special Play cards. You MUST play one of these cards in each game and each card may only be played once. Both players will play a card face down and flip at the same time after both teams are set up in the 1st half. You will receive 1pt for each Special Play you achieve during the event.

The Special Plays are as follows:
- Win a game by 2 or more Touchdowns
- Cause an injury by fouling
- Score a touchdown in the first 4 turns of EITHER half

Tie Breaks

In order to determine the final standings at the end of the event tie- breakers will be applied as follows:
- Touchdown difference
- Casualty difference
- Sporting votes
- Fight to the death...or dice roll if both coaches don’t agree (boo!)

Look forward to seeing you all there!
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