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Post subject: NEBBN Tournament Series - 2024  PostPosted: Oct 31, 2023 - 08:22 AM

Joined: Feb 10, 2003
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The Northeast Blood Bowl Network (NEBBN) Tournament Series runs from January 1st to December 31st and is intended to promote travel and greater participation in Blood Bowl Events throughout New York, New Jersey and all of the New England states. In 2024, the NEBBN TS is absorbing the remainder of NY and all of NJ. This includes what was once the Big Apple TS to cover the entire geographic area listed above and unite the region under the NEBBN banner. The NEBBN TS is sanctioned and sponsored by the NAF. Any disputes or clarifications will be handled by the NAF’s Tournament Series Coordinator, a position currently held by Topas.

Simplified Rules for Participants:
Coaches will receive points for their placements and the number of attended tournaments. To be eligible coaches must be NAF members prior to event attendance. Scores are tracked by the series organizers and the coaches can receive honors and awards based on their overall performance.

Rules for Tournament Organizers:
In 2024, the NEBBN TS is switching from an open format to a structured format. Only specific BB2020 events in the region will be eligible to take part in the series in 2024 as we adjust to include events in the expanded area that were not part of the tournament series in 2023. Variant tournaments like sevens and Dungeon Bowl are excluded in 2024. At the end of the year, any new events taking place in the region may request consideration to be added in 2025. There will be a review process looking at factors including event attendance, and geographic coverage. The intent of the series is to promote a greater sense of community in the Northeastern United States while encouraging travel and overall attendance.

Once a tournament is completed, results should be reported to the NAF as normal and submitted to the TSO (Rob Fossey/Melifaxis) in an electronic format within 14 days. Excel is preferred. The following information is required for each event:

1. Coach Name, NAF ID and Number
2. Coach Record (W/D/L)
3. Race played with names of Stars included/or none for not included
4. TDs (for and against for each game)
5. Casualties (for and against each game)
6. The Scoring System and Scoring for all attendees using the scoring system for the event
7. Fouls attempted by each participant
8. Passes attempted by each participant (including the ball only - no bombs - no TTM without the ball)

Note that any non-classic Stunty teams should also be explicitly mentioned to the TSO (e.g., Lizardmen without Saurus, Black Orcs without orcs, and Underworld without Skaven).

Scoring Details:
Coaches are only eligible for points if they are NAF members prior to attending an event. Rankings will be created from earning points with placement during tournament events and bonus points for attending multiple events and/or organizing events. Please note that all scoring will be driven by pure NAF results. If a TO “shares the wealth” at an event, that does not happen in the tournament series standings. Most Touchdowns is the highest Mathematical number at the event even if that person was also the event champion.

There will be three sets of rankings which will be tracked: Main Rankings, Stunty Rankings, and Achievement Rankings. Each of these has an individual score that will be tracked by coach.

Main Scoring Details:
Each coach’s Main Score will be determined as the maximum point total from their best 5 tournament finishes plus their Organizer bonus (Maximum of 2 points per year).

For each event attended, Base+Placement+Round=Main

Base points will be given to each participant based on the event’s total NAF attendance and their individual placement in the event.
  • 0-10 attendees: +1
  • 11-20 attendees: [1-10] = +2, [11-20] = +1
  • 21-30 attendees: [1-10] = +3, [11-20] = +2, [21-30] = +1
  • 31-40 attendees: [1-10] = +4, [11-20] = +3, [21-30] = +2, [31-40] = +1
  • 41-50 attendees: [1-10] = +5, [11-20] = +4, [21-30] = +3, [31-40] = +2, [41-50] +1
  • etc

Placement points will be awarded to the top 10 finishers in each event. The first-place coach will be awarded 10 points, the second-place coach 9 points, and so on until the 10th-place finisher is awarded 1 point. For team events the higher of your team or individual placement will be used.

Round points will be added based on the number of rounds played in the event. This is independent of standing and given to all participants.
• 1-3 rounds +1, 4-6 rounds +2, 7+ rounds +3

The above gets you each coach’s Main Score for an event. For example, if Steve wins a 3 round Blood Bowl tournament with 15 NAF coaches attending, Steve will get 13 points for that event (10 for the first place finish, 1 for the 3 rounds of Blood Bowl, and 2 base points).

Organizer points will be added to the sum of each coach’s highest five finishes. NEBBN relies on the efforts and dedication of its tournament organizers to succeed. Each year, TOs are eligible for a maximum of two additional points (remember they are often also the odd-man-out).
• Run event(s) with 2-10 total attendees +1
• Run event(s) with 11+ attendees +2

For example, Sarah runs an event with 8 attendees and attends 6 NEBBN events in 2023. Her Main Score for each event attended was 4, 12, 10, 6, 6, and 9. Her Main Score for the year would be 12+10+9+6+6+1=44 points.

Tiebreakers will be enforced in the following order:
• Total points earned in all tournaments
• Number of tournaments won
• Number of races played
• Number of stunty races played
• Coin Toss

Stunty Scoring Details:
There will be an additional, separate scoring for stunty teams, which includes Goblin, Halflings, Snotlings and Ogre teams, as well as Lizardmen without Saurus, Black Orcs without Orcs, and Underworld without Skaven.

The Stunty rankings will consider each coach’s score determined as the maximum point total from their best 5 tournaments while playing a stunty team. The same method as main scoring will be utilized; however, organizer bonus points are not eligible for Stunty Rankings.

Achievement Scoring Details:
Achievement Scoring is separate from the main scoring. They do not count towards those ranks.
1. Attend 3-5 NEBBN TS tournaments (1 point)
2. Attend 6-8 NEBBN TS tournaments (1 point)
3. Attend 9+ NEBBN TS tournaments (1 point)
4. Attend a NEBBN TS tournament with 30+ Participants (1 point)
Organizer: (maximum 3 points)
1. Organize NEBBN TS tournament(s) with 2-9 total attendees (1 point)
2. Organize NEBBN TS tournament(s) with 10-29 total attendees (1 point)
3. Organize NEBBN TS tournament(s) with 30+ total attendees (1 point)
1. Play in NEBBN TS tournaments with at least 3 different races (1 point)
2. Play in NEBBN TS tournaments with at least 6 different races (1 point)
3. Play in NEBBN TS tournaments with at least 9 different races (1 point)
1. Play in 3 NEBBN TS tournaments as Stunty (1 point)
2. Play in NEBBN TS tournaments as three different stunty races (1 point)
1. Win Best Offense in a NEBBN TS tournament (1 point)
2. Win Best Defense in a NEBBN TS tournament (1 point)
3. Win Most Casualties in a NEBBN TS tournament (1 point)
4. Win a Stunty Cup in a NEBBN TS tournament (1 point)
5. Win a Best Painted Award in a NEBBN TS tournament (1 point)
1. Play NEBBN TS tournaments in 4 different cities inside the NEBBN area (1 point)

Johnny attends and plays in 6 NEBBN TS tournaments with 3 different races (one of which is stunty) in 4 different cities and also organized 6 events (attendance 8,14,4,20,8,16). Over the course of the year, he won two Most Casualties awards, a Most Touchdowns award, and a Best Defense award at NEBBN TS events. His Achievement Score would be 2 (attendance) + 3 (organizer) + 1 (races) + 0 (stunty) + 4 (awards) + 1 (travel) = 11.

aka Rob (NAF #248)
President of the Lord Borak Fan Club
Founder of the GCLU
Commissioner, TO, Goblin King, NEBBN TSO

Last edited by Melifaxis on Jan 25, 2024 - 09:33 AM; edited 7 times in total
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Post subject: RE: NEBBN Tournament Series - 2024  PostPosted: Oct 31, 2023 - 08:48 AM

Joined: Feb 10, 2003
United States of America
Posts: 2326
Location: United States of America
I will update this list with NEBBN TS event dates as TO's get them approved by NAF. Please note TBD's and Tentative Dates are subject to change.

1. New Year's Bash (Nassau, NY) - Jan 06
2. Probe Bowl (Boonton, NJ) - Jan 20
3. Kraken's Cup III at CaptainCon (Warwick, RI) - Feb 03
4. Carcosa Cup (Brooklyn, NY) - Feb 17
5. Burlington Blitz (Burlington, VT) - Mar 09
6. Empire Cup VIII (Deer Park, NY) - April 20
7. PVSN Blitz (Hadley, MA) - April 27
8. Moose Mayhem Cup (Scarborough, ME) - May 11
9. Ironweld Forge-Lord's Cup (Wakefield, MA) - June 01
--. Infinity Cup (Nassau, NY) - Cancelled for 2024
10. Nuffle's Playground at ACO (Atlantic City, NJ) - June 15 & 16
--. Po-Town Showdown (Poughkeepsie, NY) - Cancelled for 2024
11. Beantown Brouhaha X (Whitinsville, MA) - July 20
12. NEBBN Stunty Summer Camp (Northborough, MA) - Aug 10
13. Mythicos Cup (Randolph, NJ) - Sep 21
14. Tidebound Seacoast Cup III (Portsmouth, NH) - Oct 26
15. Da Boyz Bash (Rochester, NY) - Nov 23
16. Dutch Killz Cup VIII (Brooklyn, NY) - Dec 7
17. Everwinter Snow Bowl III (Boston, MA) - Jan 4 (ok with Topas)

Other great NEBBN events like Hooky Bowl 3 and Infinity DungeonBowl are still taking place in the NEBBN region, they are just not part of the tournament series this year as we merge things together and adjust to our new size. We will review all events in the region in October/November of 2024 for consideration in the 2025 tournament series.

Standings can be seen at

Last edited by Melifaxis on Oct 30, 2024 - 03:39 PM; edited 5 times in total
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Post subject: RE: NEBBN Tournament Series - 2024  PostPosted: Jul 13, 2024 - 07:00 AM

Joined: Dec 30, 2016
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Da Boyz Bash has been submitted for NAF approval
Saturday November 23rd.
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