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Tournament NameBlingtoof's Gitbash
Organizer NAF namewapcaplets (14920)
OrganizerChris Engler
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2011-11-05
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2011-11-06
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageBlingtoof's Gitbash

Tournament Statistics


flyingdingle (4244)Wood Elf

Runner up

natsirtdm (15336)Shambling Undead
"Best Fouler"

Most Touchdowns

flyingdingle (4244)Wood Elf
14 TDs in five games.

Most Casualties

Daggers (9625)Chaos Renegade
15 casualties in five games.

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

sharp1011 (17850)Nurgle

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressMeeplemart Canada
 290 Carlaw Ave., Unit 202
ZipM4M 3L1

Ruleset Document

Blingtoof's Gitbash will be a goblin-themed tournament full of mayhem, filthy gobbos, and great prizes!

Tournament Report
Thanks to everyone who attended Blingtoof's Gitbash! We had fourteen great coaches show up at Meeplemart and the goblin-centric theme of the tournament seemed well-received. When I was coming up for the idea for this tournament my goals were that it should be fun and distinct and I think we collectively achieved both. It was a pleasure to hang out with all of the coaches and it was particularly nice to see some new faces on the tournament scene.

I wanted to specifically thank Solomon, Mark H., Mark D., Peter, and Robert who traveled the furthest to come to the tournament. It's great to have dedicated coaches that are willing to put miles on the ol' odometer to support a tournament, especially in the first year.

I was also really happy to give away what can only be described as a metric crap-ton of prizes. In addition to the custom leather dice-pouches and golden championship dice for the trophy winners we gave away prizes which included the following games & accessories:

- 3 copies of Blood Bowl Team Manager (card game)
- Goblin Team with 2 trolls and 4 secret weapons (Neomics miniatures)
- Dominion (card game)
- River Trolls (GW plastic miniatures)
- Goblin Regiment (GW plastic miniatures)
- Death Angel (Space Hulk-themed card game)
- Chaos Marauders (card game)
- Zombie Fluxx (card game)

On the subject of prize support, I'd be remiss if I did not, once again, thank Impact Miniatures and Comixininos for providing me with free prizes and, of course, none of that would have been possible without the people who made purchases as part of the group orders to those respective companies.

Below are the final official rankings for the tournament. Scoring was based on 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss. The tie-breaker for tied records was fouling points (secondary tie-breakers were never required).

1. Solomon K. (flyingdingle) - Wood Elves
2. Alexander W. (Stimme) - Norse
3. Chris E. (wapcaplets) - Underworld
4. Mark H. (Zap_Rowsdower) - Human
5. Christian S. - Human
6. Laurent D. (Lizardcore) - Necromantic
7. Tristan M. (natsirtm) - Undead
8. Mark D. (Dwarfrunner) - Chaos Pact
9. Mike F. (Sharp1011) - Nurgle
10. David B. (turfchewer) - Orc
11. Peter M. (Peter_Meers) - Orc
12. Tyler K. - Orc
13. Craig T-W. (Spazzfist) - Underworld
14. Robert A. (andyinjapan) - Orc

FOUL POINTS (1 point for a stun, 2 points for a KO, 4 points for a casualty)
1. Tristan M. (natsirtm) - 116
2. Craig T-W. (Spazzfist) - 71
3. David B. (turfchewer) - 28
4. Alexander W. (Stimme) - 27
5. Mark D. (Dwarfrunner) - 25
6. Robert A. (andyinjapan) - 20
7. Peter M. (Peter_Meers) - 12
8. Mike F. (Sharp1011) - 12
9. Laurent D. (Lizardcore) - 9
10. Chris E. (wapcaplets) - 9
11. Tyler K. - 5
12. Mark H. (Zap_Rowsdower) - 4
13. Solomon K. (flyingdingle) - 1
14. Christian S. - 1

I am very pleased as to how much people embraced fouling during this tournament. In total, the fouls committed over the course of the tournament resulted in 96 stuns, 46 KOs, and 38 casualties. That's a total of 180 foul attempts that broke armour! Tristan went bat-shit crazy with his team and eclipsed everyone else with 18 stuns, 19 KOs, and 15 casualties. Spazz did his best and came in second with a total that almost tripled what the next closest coach did but Tristan's team was made with fouling as a priority and it performed exactly as intended. I feel that I succeeded in executing my concept when I saw people legitimately crestfallen when a block would yield a casualty instead of a simple knock-down so that they could have a foul attempt.

1. Solomon K. (flyingdingle) - 14
2. Mark H. (Zap_Rowsdower) - 12
3. Mark D. (Dwarfrunner) - 9
4. Laurent D. (Lizardcore) - 8
5. Christian S. - 8
6. Alexander W. (Stimme) - 7
7. Chris E. (wapcaplets) - 7
8. Tristan M. (natsirtm) - 6
9. David B. (turfchewer) - 6
10. Mike F. (Sharp1011) - 5
11. Peter M. (Peter_Meers) - 4
12. Tyler K. - 4
13. Robert A. (andyinjapan) - 3
14. Craig T-W. (Spazzfist) - 2

It's worth mentioning here that, going into the last round, Sol was not in the lead for TDs but managed to score *seven* of his 14 touchdowns in that game alone.

1. Mark D. (Dwarfrunner) - 15
2. Laurent D. (Lizardcore) - 15
3. Chris E. (wapcaplets) - 15
4. Mark H. (Zap_Rowsdower) - 11
5. David B. (turfchewer) - 10
6. Peter M. (Peter_Meers) - 9
7. Tyler K. - 9
8. Alexander W. (Stimme) - 8
9. Mike F. (Sharp1011) - 7
10. Tristan M. (natsirtm) - 6
11. Solomon K. (flyingdingle) - 6
12. Christian S. - 6
13. Craig T-W. (Spazzfist) - 5
14. Robert A. (andyinjapan) - 5

In addition to the trophies listed above, we also awarded a Best Team and Best Sport award (to maintain impartiality as TO I did not vote for either). For both awards people picked a first, second, and third choice which gave the respective individual three, two, and one points, respectively, and the coach with the highest total won.

Best Team was a measure not only of paint job but also conversions and overall theme. The award went to Mike F. (Sharp1011) and his Nurgle team which had one of the most creative takes on a Beast of Nurgle I'd seen. It was essentially one of the newer GW Chaos Spawn plastic models with almost all of the appendage sockets filled in with tentacles. Very cool!

The Best Sport award went to tournament newcomer Tyler K. who was awarded 20 prize raffle tickets.
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