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Tournament NameBlingtoof's Gitbash 2: Electric Boogaloo
Organizer NAF namewapcaplets (14920)
OrganizerChris Engler
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2012-11-10
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2012-11-11
ScoringSwiss Pairings
Cost$25 ($20 for NAF Members)
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes
WebpageBlingtoof's Gitbash

Tournament Statistics


runki_khrum (6780)Skaven

Runner up

Clan_Skaven (2854)Chaos Chosen
"Best Fouler"

Most Touchdowns

runki_khrum (6780)Skaven
12 touchdowns in five matches.

Most Casualties

Chewblocka (15257)Chaos Dwarf
15 casualties in five matches.

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Daggers (9625)Halfling
"Best Sport"
Tournament Location
AddressThe Deck Youth Centre
 900 Nipissing Road
ZipL9T 4Z4

Ruleset Document

Blingtoof is back! The goblin-themed, fouling-heavy tournament is back for the sequel. We're moving a bit west of Toronto to keep the costs down and the fouling up!

Tournament Report
Blingtoof's Gitbash 2012 is in the books! We had fourteen great coaches out and I'd like to thank each of them by name. Alex Matusiak, Rod Davidson, Dave Tellez, Mark D’Agostino, Eric Rubli, Kevin Stewart, Gord MacDougall, Mathew Hreljac, Manuel Leclerc, Tristan McKerracher, Peter Meers, Colin Keilar, Alex Weiss, and Mark Hickling, there would be no tournament if you guys didn’t show up so thank you for coming! Also, thank you to Craig “Spazzfist” Thompson-Wood who, unfortunately, couldn’t participate on Saturday but made time to come by and hang out on Sunday.

Thanks, again, to The Deck Youth Centre in Milton, Ontario, Canada for the use of their facility, to Battlegrounds (friendly local game store) for the use of their tables, and to Impact Miniatures for their donation of prize support. It was a pleasure to run this tournament for everyone and I hope you'll all be back next year for Blingtoof's Gitbash 3!

Special thanks also needs to be extended to Louie "Allfrost" Delfin for helping me get everything up on Friday and doing some of the dirty jobs that nobody else would! Also, a big thank you to Adam Smith of Sword in the Stone Crafts (follow him on Twitter at @pphlensing for updates on all his amazing creative endeavours) for making the pouches for the "bags of rats" trophies.

Tournament Winner: Colin Keilar *AND* most touch-downs (4 wins, 0 losses, 1 tie; 12 TDs) with his "Commie Rats" Skaven team

Troll Bowl Champion: Alex Matusiak

Best Sport: Mark D'Agostino

Full tournament standings W/L/D (Tie-breakers were, in order, fouling points, Net TDs, Net CAS, TD for, TD Against)

1. Colin Keiler 4/0/1
2. Alex Matusiak 3/1/1
3. Manuel Leclerc 3/1/1
4. Kevin Stewart 3/0/2
5. Mark Hickling 3/0/2
6. Alex Weiss 3/0/2
7. Mathew Hreljac 2/1/2
8. Dave Tellez 2/2/1
9. Rod Davidson 2/3/0
10. Gord MacDougall 2/3/0
11. Mark D'Agostino 2/3/0
12. Eric Rubli 2/3/0
13. Tristan McKerracher 1/4/0
14. Peter Meers 0/5/0

Fouling Points (1 point for a stun, 2 points for a KO, 4 points for a casualty as a result of fouling)

1. Rod Davidson 76
2. Peter Meers 71
3. Gord MacDougall 55
4. Alex Matusiak 52
5. Kevin Steward 40
6. Tristan McKerracher 34
7. Mark Hickling 29
8. Alex Weiss 19
9. Mark D'Agostino 14
10. Colin Keilar 12
11. Mathew Hreljac 11
12. Dave Tellez 7
13. Eric Rubli 4
14. Manuel Leclerc 2

Most Touchdowns

1. Colin Keilar 12
2. Alex Matusiak / Kevin Stewart 10
3. Eric Rubli 9
4. Gord MacDougall / Mark Hickling 8 (room-mates; how cute!)
5. Mathew Hreljac 7
6. Alex Weiss / Mark D'Agostino / Manuel Leclerc 6 (666 in 6th place. METAL! \m/)
7. Rod Davidson / Dave Tellez 5
8. Tristan McKerracher 3
9. Peter Meers 1

Most Casualties

1. Mark Hickling 15
2. Kevin Stewart 14
3. Peter Meers 12
4. Mathew Hreljac / Manuel Leclerc 11
5. Colin Keilar / Alex Matusiak 10
6. Mark D'Agostino 8
7. Gord MacDougall 7
8. Eric Rubli 6
9. Alex Weiss / Dave Tellez / Tristan McKerracher 5
10. Rod Davidson 4

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