?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameRocket Bowl IV
Organizer NAF namePug (9711)
OrganizerDavid 'Pug' Mason
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2012-10-27
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2012-10-28
Scoringw 10, d 5, l 0
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


Purplegoo (11777)Slann

Runner up

TalonBay (6858)Dwarf

Most Touchdowns

riffyD (17129)Lizardmen

Most Casualties

Da_Git (18508)Lizardmen

Stunty Cup

BigMadDrongo (16647)Halfling

Best Painted

Ceetee (9370)Underworld Denizens

Other Awards

Tiamo69 (13759)Halfling
Red Card Rebel - Most Sent-Off
Joemanji (3312)Goblin
Most Abused - Most Casualties against them
Damion_Dakin (17136)Dwarf
Wooden Spoom
Tournament Location
AddressOld Plough
 18 Front Street
ZipLE4 4DP
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

WHEN: 27th and 28th October, 2012

Old Plough
18 Front Street

MAX No PLACES: 34 - 40

NAF Member £11
NON-NAF £16, includes 1 years registration as a NAF member + dice.

payment via PayPal to;


TEAM BUILD: 115 (1’150’000gp)

1 Star player unless team classes as a stunty team and then may take 2.

All Inducements allowed except the Inducement Cards.
Master Chef is 300’000gp for all teams except Halfling teams, which will then cost 50’000gp.

Tier 1 Teams = 1 “Normal” skill at the start of rounds 1, 3 and 5. (No player may be given more than 2 additional skills all tournament)

Tier 2 Teams = 2 “Normal” skills or 1 “Double” skill at the start of rounds 1, 3 and 5. (No player may be given more than 2 additional skills all tournament)

Tier 3 Teams = 3 “Normal” skills or 1 “Normal” skill + 1 “Double” skill at the start of rounds 1, 3 and 5. (No player may be given more than 2 additional skills all tournament)

W = 10pts
D = 5pt
L = 0pts

Bonus points;
Every full 2 players on own team sent off = +3pts
Each TD = +1 pts (Max of 3pts)
Each CAS = +1 pts (Max 3pts)


This is for rounds 2, 4 and 6.
One coach rolls on the table below for event situation before the game starts and players are setup, weather rolled etc.

ROLL a D6…

1 = Phase Ball
+++The ball is playing silly buggers with the current quantum state of the universe. Occasionally, to all players’ annoyance; it will suddenly phase out of existence, only to reappear a moment later in a slightly different place.+++
At the start of any coaches’ turn, roll a D6. On a result of a “1” the ball phases out of this reality for a split second; even if being carried by a player. The ball scatters one square in a random direction. The ball may be caught again if it phases back into reality just like a normal scattered ball.

2 = Low-Grav
+++The normal state of gravity has been suspended for the duration of the game, as the field of play feels the lessening effect of its normal pull. Players entering the field find that their every step has a slight bounce to it.+++
For the duration of the game, once per turn, a coach may select one of their own players on the pitch. That player gains the “Leap” skill for the turn.

3 = Heavy-Grav
+++The gravity field on the pitch becomes a weighing problem to anyone taking part in the game, as suddenly armour becomes a millstone hanging from the shoulders and the ball becomes a dense leaden weight. The strain of playing under such conditions takes its toll on the players.+++
The effect of the Heavy Gravity field is to give a -1 to all passing attempts, with ball or throwing team-mates.

For the duration of the match players are under the effects of “Sweltering Heat” due to the huge physical strain of playing in heavy gravity.
If the weather during the game IS “Sweltering Heat” then coaches must roll twice for each player; once for the actual weather conditions and once for playing in a Heavy-Grav environment.

4 = Time Warp Gun
+++The Rocket Bowl Science-Monkeys have handed each coach a weird looking gun-type object and give the simple instructions: “Point, Aim, Pull trigger and watch the fun!...cheerio!”. Bemused, the coaches try it out on a random player during warm up and watch them suddenly zip around the field in a blur for a few seconds.+++
Once in their own turn, a coach may nominate a player on their team (Not holding the ball!) and attempt to hit the player with the “Time Warp Gun”. The coach rolls a D6 on a roll of a 6 the targeted player gains for that turn the Sprint, Sure Feet and Frenzy skills.
Any other result means the coaches aim was off or they selected the wrong dial/knob/widget on the gun!

5 = Schrodingers’ Ball
+++A strange haze surrounds the game ball. When looked upon the players aren’t too sure whether it is there or not. Also noticed around the field are shadowy outlines of ball shapes. It’s all quite strange…and not a cat or box to be seen!+++
When a player carrying the ball crosses any endzone score line, the owning coach rolls a D6.
1 – 5 = The ball exists! Carry on as normal.
6 = Oh dear, its not there! The ball is not actually there and disappears from the players grasp.
Scatter the ball back into the pitch from the space where the player crossed the line as though from a “throw-in”. Any scattering of the ball is not allowed to be caught unless it is the last space for the ball to end up in. This represents the ball re-emerging into reality at that space. (The ball isn’t actually “thrown-in”, it’s just a method to scatter the ball randomly back onto the pitch)

6 = Alternate Reality
+++The air around and on the pitch glitters and shimmers in an unreal way. Players on the field feel an odd sensation, a sensation that differs from what is considered normal.
The “reality” of the situation really hits home once play starts…+++
At the start of each half both coach rolls a D6, the highest rolling coach decides on the round affect from the selection above (re-roll ties).

Any “Grudge” matches listed of TFF (Talkfantasyfootball.org) , shall be played on round 1 of the tournament.
The person nominating the “Grudge Match” shall be the Grudger and the other player shall be the Grudged. Both parties must agree to the match before the tournament. The Friday before the tournament shall be the last day to nominate.
A reason for the Grudge must be a component for the Grudge, not just picking an easy target….so to the rules..
If the Grudger wins their game they may gain an additional “Normal” skill for one of their players for round 2 onwards.
If the Grudged wins the game, they may gain another “Normal” skill for one of their players for round 2 onwards. In addition, the Grudger may remove any additional skill from one of the Grudgers players that they chose prior to round 1.
A drawn game and neither coach gets any bonuses and the game is scored as normal.

More than likely as 2011 RB3.

To Be Uploaded....soon

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