?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameAmersfoort Amok
Organizer NAF namejelmer (129)
OrganizerM@hobbit League
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2013-07-07
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2013-07-07
Style3 rounds, Swiss
Scoring15/6/0, TD/CAS made add a max of 3 points each
Cost7,50 EUR
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressZalencentrum de Amershof
 Snouckaertlaan 11
Zip3811 MA

Ruleset Document

-Sunday july 7 at the Amershof in Amersfoort, the Netherlands
-Entrance fee will be 7,5 euro this includes drinks and lunch

The tournament:
-3 matches, NAF sanctioned
-Swiss pairing

-Blood Bowl competition rules pack
-Teams start with 1.150.000 treasury, the Khorne roster from the online edition is not allowed!
-3 chosen skills before each match. Before the 2nd round, 1 of these skills may be a double. Stacking is allowed
-Inducements are allowed. Halflings can hire a masterchef at 150k, goblins can buy bribes for 50k. NOTE before adding a starplayer to your roster, you must first have 11 “normal”players on your roster. Starplayer can not be given extra skills.

The points:
-win 15pts, draw 6pts, loss 0pts.
-TD’s and casualties made add a max of 3 pts each
-Tiebreakers - 1st net TD’s - 2nd net cas - 3rd TD’s made – 4th cas made

-There will be a shiny trophy for the winner, other prizes will depend on the number of coaches attending.

The timetable:
09.00-10.00 registration
10.00-12.00 1st game
12.00-12.30 lunch
12.30-14.30 2nd game
15.00-17.00 3rd game
17.00-17.30 Prizes and shaking hands

Most likely we will be having dinner at some restaurant nearby , ofcourse everybody can join us if he/she wants. We will figure out where on the day itself.

The getting there:
Zalencentrum De Amershof
Snouckaertlaan 11
3811 MA Amersfoort (center of the Netherlands. about 50km from Amsterdam)
(entry at the backside of the building)

It’s only a 10 minute walk from the Amersfoort trainstation

Tournament Report
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