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Tournament NameUnderworld Cup '14 "The Rule of Matie"
Organizer NAF nameflyingdingle (4244)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2014-11-08
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2014-11-09
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address30780 N Greenbriar rd
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Underworld Cup '14 "The rule of Matie"
November 8th/9th 2014
30780 N. Greenbriar rd, Franklin, MI 48025
5 game, 2 day tournament
This event will be resurrection style

NAF members - 35$
NON-NAF members - 45$(includes NAF membership)
This will include Breakfast/lunch/Dinner on Saturday, Breakfast/lunch on Sunday, beverages/beer all weekend and a place to stay if you want to crash at Solomon's or Ryan's house(just bring blankets/pillow/blowup bed)


Saturday the 8th
9:00 - 9:30 Registration
9:30 - 10:00 Draft
10:00 - 12:15 Game 1
12:15 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 15:15 Game 2
15:30 - 17:45 Game 3
18:00 - till whenever with Grilling/Drinking/Gaming

Sunday the 9th
09:00 - 11:15 Game 4
11:15 - 12:15 Lunch
12:15 - 14:30 Game 5
15:00 - 15:30 Awards

First round will be random - after first round it will be Swiss pairings.

Things to bring
Copy of Competition Rules(CRP)/LRB6
2 copies of team roster for each round(10 total)
Dice(decide before game on set to use for the entire game for both coaches)

Win -- 7 pts
Tie -- 3 pts
Loss -- 0 pts
No overtimes will be played
Placing is decided by total points

Casualty Rules
Only casualties caused by blocks/crowd/fouling will count. Failed dodge/gfi/landing do not count.

Race Rules changes:
All stunty teams(Ogres, gobbos, flings, lizzies minus saurus and underworld minus skaven) will receive an extra 100k to build their team and then an extra 50k for skills on round one(total of 120k round one rather than 70k). All three expansion teams are allowed.

Team Builds
1.05 mil team build (players, rerolls, fanfactor, all inducements allowed) Let me know ahead of time if you plan on using cards so I can have them available. Your card will change after each round that it is used.

After team is made:
Before round 1: Add 70k to the team
Before round 2: Add 110k
Before round 3: Add 110k
Before round 4: Add 150k
Before round 5: Add 150k

This money can be anything that could normally be bought(players/rerolls/inducements/coaches/ff/cheerleaders/apo) and upgrades may be purchased for players as well. No player may recieve more than one upgrade per round(you could have 5 on one player by round 5, but not on round 1). Money may be "banked" from round to round. No player may recieve more than two of the same stat upgrade. Rerolls bought after initial team build do not cost double. Each coach will add the assigned value(70/110/110/150/150) to their roster for each round prior to round one. Please note on your roster the round skills are added. The excel spreadsheet that allow additions of skills 1-5 is preferable. Please print two copies of your roster for each round. One of each round will be given to the tournament organizer and you will keep one. The tournament organizer will hand back your roster copy for each round for your opponent to use as reference.

Note: You may bank the money from one round to the next. So, you could save all your money from the first round and use the 110k from the next round to buy a 190k star that will remain on the roster for the rest of the tourney. You will just be handicapped on the first round and there will be no inducements added if there is a Team Rating differential due to banking money. You may not bank any money from the original 1.05mil roster construction. You must start with a rulebook legal roster including 11 players. This could include star players.

New skill 20k
Skill available on double 30k
+MV, +AV 30k
+AG 40k
+ST 50k

Other Stuff:
Apo will work normally as per the standard ruleset other than it may also be used on crowd casualties.

Special Effects:

"The Rule of Matie" special effects and kickoff table will be announced later as an update to this thread. Stay tuned.

Illegal Procedure
In the spirit of good fun, NO illegal procedures will be called.

Tie Breakers (if needed)
Ties broken in the following order, 1) strength of schedule, 2) Head to Head record, 3) Net TDs plus Net CAS, 4) Total TDs plus Total CAS,
Awards to be given out:
1st / 2nd / 3rd place
Most Cas
Most TDs
Best Defense
Wooden Spoon

An FFfields Underworld Cup board will be given to the winner. The mugs for all other prizes will continue to be given out. All players will receive a beer Coozie with the Underworld Cup emblem. If we have enough players then a second board may be given away as either a prize or a raffle.

This Underworld Cup will feature a sub-competition which will be a "Coach Draft"

Team #1 will be "Team Valdric"

Team #2 will be "Team RowdyKatie"

After registration and before round one Katie and Mike will act as team captains and "Draft" their teams. I will roll off to see who gets first round pic of one coach to join their team. This will continue until all coaches are drafted to a team.

If Mike and/or Katie do not make it(they are both coming as of now), I will have backup head coaches to replace them.

Katie and Mike will be paired off randomly once during rounds 1-4 in a grudge match. For those of you who do not know the history, just ask.

Additional Tourney Info:
Post questions here in this thread. Rules will be updated as needed.
PM flyingdingle
Email solomonknicely at gmail dot com

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