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Tournament NameGoblin Slaughterfest
Organizer NAF nameDriesfield (6183)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2015-04-11
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2015-04-12
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageBBBF forum

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressHoeve Lindenhof
 Volkensvoortstraat 10b

Ruleset Document

On the 11th and 12th of April 2015, we'll put the 'laughter' in 'slaughter' during a two day tournament of pure fun!

A couple of big changes regarding last year:
- the rules, read them carefully
- the subscription (very important this year!)
- possibility of staying on Friday evening at the venue (only on notification, because then I order breakfast for you on Saturday morning, see details below)
- of course a new side event :-) details will be posted later, but bring a skaven lineman, gutter runner or rat ogre ;-)

For the rest, we use our excisting successformula ;-)


40 euro ONLY PRESUBSCRIPTION!!! (see details below) no paying on the tournament. If I haven't received the money by the deadline (normally 1 week before the tournament), sorry, you won't be playing. We have to buy a lot of things in advance, including the BBQ food.
I'm very sorry to do the subscriptions this way, but last year we had a lot of people that where "100% sure to come" and just didn't show up.
If by any reason, you don't know yet if you can come, and you will be paying last minute (a week before or shorter) please let me know!
Showing up at the tournament without a notification or payment in advance = no entry to the tournament (again, I'm very sorry to do this, but otherwise we can't manage)

Now, what does that 40 euro's include:

- Subscribtion to the tournament
- 6 games
- Sandwich lunch on Saturday and Sunday
- BBQ on Saturday evening (this time with more BBQ's and 2 chefs :D )
- A sleeping place for the tournament
- Breakfast on Sunday morning
- One crazy ass side event! (this time invented by myself)


Hoeve Lindehof
Volkensvoortstraat 10b
3201 Aarschot(Wolfsdonk)

Where to sleep?

At the venue, we provide sleeping places. Only thing to bring is a bed cover. We have 22 bunkbeds there, so we're hoping on 44 players :-)
There are showers available, so no worries.


For lunch (Saturday and Sunday), we provide big sandwiches with cheese, ham, lettuce, tomato's, cucumber, ...
On Saterday evening, we start BBQ-ing! With our very own Master Chef ;-)
Sunday morning, we provide breakfast, coffee and Belgian pastries (yes I mean "koffiekoeken" :-))


Of course there will be beer! But we can't include it in our price, sorry :-/
Beer will be at a democratic price and we'll provide a lot of different beers! (yes there will be lemonade and water too... :-))


We'll provide boardgames as prizes and the tradition pewter dishes for the first and second place. And some random prizes too, including ...


The rules will be different than last year!

All team are devided in three tiers.

All teams start with 1.100.000 gold coins for the team creation and you get a skills every 2 games dependant in what tier you team belongs.

Tier 1: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Necromantic, Orc, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elf
Tier 2: Chaos, Chaos Pact, (Pro) Elf, High Elf, Human, Khemri, Nurgle, Ogres, Slann, Vampire, Underworld
Tier 3: Goblins, Halflings, Ogres (with max 4 Ogres), All-skinks (and one Kroxigor)

ALL (yes, you are reading this right) inducements are allowed! They must be bought with the 1.100.000 gold coins for your team creation.

How does skill allocation go? You get X skills before the first game, Y skills before game 3, and Z skills before game 5. Everytime you allocate skills (before game 1, 3 and 5) you can see your opponents race before allocating the skills.

Tier 1: X = 2 normal, Y = 2 normal, Z = 2 normal
Tier 2: X = 3 normal, Y = 3 normal (1 can be a double), Z = 2 normal
Tier 3: X = 3 normal (1 can be a double), Y = 3 normal (1 can be a double), Z = 3 normal

A player can never have more than 1 skill! No skills on starplayers.

So tier 1 teams end the tournament with 6 skilled players, tier 2 with 8 skilled players (possibly one with a double skill) and tier 3 end the tournament with 9 skilled players (possibly two players with doubles skills)

For example: an Undead team starting game 3, already has 2 normal skills and can take another 2 normal skills on 2 different players before game 3 starts (and he can see his opponents race before choosing those 2 extra skills)
A Halfling team starting game 4 should already have 6 skilled players, where two players possible have double skills. For example, 2 Treemen with Jump-Up and 4 Halflings with Side Step.

Stunty teams are only teams for Tier 3. No exceptions!!! Ogres Tier 3 means that Brick Far'th (and Grotty) is also an Ogre and he DOES count to the max amount of 4 Ogres for stunty. So 4 Ogres + Brick Far'th (and Grotty) = a tier 2 team.


Game 1: 10u00 - 12u00
Lunch: 12u15 - 13u00 (and playing the side event)
Game 2: 13u00 - 15u00
Game 3: 15u15 - 17u15
17u15 - ???: BBQ, side event and socializing!

Game 4: 9u00 - 11u00
Lunch: 11u15 - 12u00
Game 5: 12u00 - 14u00
Game 6: 14u15 - 16u15
Award ceremony and the end: 16u30 - 16u45


You subscribe by transferring 40 euro's to:
BE85 7350 2658 9506
with the announcement: GSF + NAF Nick

You aren't officialy subscribed until you transferred the money. Deadline of subscribing the money: April the first!

If you want to stay on Friday evening, like a lot of Italians do, you can join us for some 'dinner' (this can also be some belgian fries, depends on the crowd) in Aarschot, or you can come to the venue after 8PM or so. Details will be confirmed. Last year around 12 players were already there at Friday.
Since we have to pay rent for the venue for that extra day, and we provide breakfast for you on Saturday morning, we're obliged to ask a measly 5 extra euro for Friday evening.

Staying on Friday isn't at all mandatory, but if you do, just subscribe 45 euro's on the bank account, so I will know.

Try to bring some boardgames, we are in the middle of nowhere, so unless you just want to drink beer all night (which is fine for us :-)), please bring along a boardgame.

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