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Tournament NameAuld World Masters
Organizer NAF namewobert (20177)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2015-08-22
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2015-08-22
Scoring10 points win, 5 points draw, bonus points for 'Big Gun' scoring or injurying
Cost1100 TV
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


itchen (18181)Orc

Runner up

20phoenix (19395)Shambling Undead

Most Touchdowns

wobert (20177)Elf Union

Most Casualties

Hawk (17548)Shambling Undead

Stunty Cup

cornish (20634)Halfling

Best Painted

Other Awards

TheShepherd (16089)Orc
Star Player award
jonnyh (21004)Skaven
Wooden Spoon
Loki (371)Orc
Glowworm Award
Tournament Location
Address14 Nightingale Way
 Walton Cardiff
ZipGL20 7TW
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

What makes the Auld World Masters a little bit different?

All the teams are made up of old and broken players retired from the big leagues. This means that not all of the team that starts the campaign are in tip top condition. If that wasn’t bad enough, in their decrepit state they will only get worse as the tournament continues.

To reflect this, each team starts with 2 broken players – one is carrying a niggle and the other has a Smashed Collar Bone (-1 Strength). These injuries must be applied to 2 separate players and
coloured bands will be supplied by us on the day to indicate the injury. These should also be marked on the team sheet.

No player with a strength or agility of 1 may take a stat damage to that stat – so for example a
snotling with a strength of 1 may not take a smashed collar bone.

No stacking!
Players may have no more than one skill and one injury each.

It gets worse . . .
The Auld World Masters is made up of 4 games in the day and as the crusty old boys on your team play they will start to pick up more injuries. As outlined below, before each match your team picks up 2 new injuries.

Match 1 – One Niggle and one Smashed Collar Bone (-1 S)
Match 2 – One Niggle and one Broken Neck (-1 A)
Match 3 – One Bruised Ego (player has ‘Loner’ skill) and one Serious Concussion (-1 AV)
Match 4 – One player becomes confused (player has ‘Bonehead’ skill) and one Smashed Hip (-1 M)

These injuries are cumulative, one set of injuries does not replace those from the previous game.
This means by the end of match 4 at least 8 of your players will be carrying injuries . . . . more if you bought extra skills.

Loner or Bonehead may not be given to players who already possess those skills.

No player will miss a game due to developing a new injury, they just push on through it!

No injuries may be applied to Star Players on the team including ‘Big’Gunn.

Star Player
This year, the Auld World Masters is in honour of ‘Big’ Gunn Schonn, Human Star Player Catcher. For those of a certain age out there, he was featured in the 2nd edition of Bloodbowl many years ago but never survived to future versions.
‘Big’ Gunn will play in every game free of charge. Before kick off each player rolls 2D6 and the coach with the highest score decides if they want to use ‘Big’ Gunn for the first half or the second half. In the result of a tie, roll again. ‘Big’ Gunn will play for both teams in a game, one team for the first half and then he’ll switch jerseys and play for the other team in the 2nd half.

As he has aged quite badly, all of his stats are one lower than the original ‘Big’ Gunn from the 2nd edition of BB making him very similar to a standard human catcher, just a little slower.

‘Big’ Gunn Schonn – Human Catcher Star Player
M7 S2 A3 AV7
Normal Skills – Catch, Dodge, Nerves of Steel
New Skills - Fading Memory, Old Dog, New Tricks, It’s all about me!

New skills explanation –
Fading Memory – ‘Big’ Gunn forgets who he plays for and switches teams at half time
Old Dog – No matter what injury ‘Big’ Gunn receives in the first half he doggedly refuses to miss out on any match time in his honour. ‘Big’ Gunn will therefore recover from any injury (even death!) at half time to run out again in the 2nd half.

New Tricks – ‘Big’ Gunn is a cunning old so and so, well versed to getting around referees by quoting obscure rules. If he is sent off in the first half the referees reverse the decision for the 2nd half and he is able to come out and play again.

It’s all about me! – As the tournament is in honour of ‘Big’ Gunn, it has totally gone to the old boys
head. Whichever team he is playing for that half, he must, if he is able, be on the pitch at all times
and will not sit in the dug out as a reserve.
We will supply a model for ‘Big’ Gunn which will be suitably retro to reflect the old timer properly so
there is no need to bring one.

TV 1100
1 x double & 3 normal skills

coaches can buy 3 other normal skills for 20k but each extra weapon will mean they need to take a niggle on a player

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