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Tournament NameSnots-Uh-Naddi Bowl
Organizer NAF nameprofgoldfinch (18217)
OrganizerJoe Roberts
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2015-05-02
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2015-05-02
Scoring20 pt Win, 10 pt Draw, 0 Loss
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


SolarFlare (6144)Tomb Kings

Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressButler County Fair Grounds
 1715 Fairgrove Ave
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Part of CincyCon. Registration for the convention is not included in the price. Times are currently tentative.

Link to Rules:https://www.dropbox.com/s/cpxtwvvq9ur9qbe/Snots-Uh-Naddi%20Bowl%20Rules%20v2.pdf?dl=0

Basic Details:
Event Name: Snots-Uh-Naddi Bowl
Place: Butler County Fairgrounds
1151 Main St
Hamilton, OH 45011
Date: Saturday, May 2nd, 2015
Time: 10 p.m. – 6 p.m. (see “Agenda” below for more details)
Entrance Fee: $10 per player
What Each Participant Must Bring:
- 3 copies of their team roster (see “Roster Creation” below)
- Block Dice, a d8 and two d6s
- Models representing their team and players. Each player must be numbered. Unpainted models will be allowed, but painted teams are preferred
- Pen or pencil
- A pitch and dug outs (not required, but if you have a pitch/dug outs please bring them with you to ensure we have enough!)
What Each Participant Receives:
- 3 games of Blood Bowl
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m., Registration
10:00 p.m. – 12:15 p.m., First Round
12:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m., Second Round
2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m., Lunch Break
3:45 p.m. – 5:45 p.m., Third Round
6:00 p.m., Award Ceremony
Tournament Rules:
Games will be played using the rules from the Blood Bowl Competition Rules Pack (http://zlurpcast.com/JP/CRaP-LRB6.pdf) with the following modifications:

• The 3 NAF approved teams (Chaos Pact, Slaan, Underwold) are legal for play (http://zlurpcast.com/JP/NewTeamsLRB6.pdf)
• Cyanide’s Khorne Daemons roster is legal for play, but matches involving them will not be counted toward NAF rankings.
• Illegal procedure will not be in effect.
• Turns will not be timed unless Coaches prefer otherwise. Simply discuss this with your opponent before each match begins.
• Rosters are reset after each round. This means players are restored to health/life, star player points are not accumulated, no improvement rolls are made and no gold is earned.

Roster Creation:
Each Coach has an allowance of 1,200,000 gold pieces to create their roster and purchase skills. Reference the Blood Bowl rule book for appropriate values and rules. The following restrictions apply:
1. No player may be given more than two skills.
2. No more than 4 players may be given the same skill.
3. No extraordinary skills may be taken.
4. No stat increases may be taken.
5. Players with strength of 5 or more may not be given double skills unless they play for a team that qualifies for the Stunty Cup (see below)
6. Star players may not be given any skills or stat increases.

Inducements may be purchased during team creation, including Star Players, but excludes Wizards, Special Play Cards and Unlimited Mercenaries. These inducements are considered a permanent part of the team can be used each game. Opposing teams may have the same Star Player, contrary to the rule book.

You must have at least 11 players on your roster. Please note: Star Players purchased during team creation can count towards the minimum 11 players required for a team.

The following teams will be eligible to win the Stunty Cup: Halfings, Ogres, Goblins, Lizardmen (no Saurus Warriors), and Underworld Pact (no skaven players). All Star Players for all listed races are legal.

Pairing and Scoring:
Opponents will be selected randomly for Round 1. Rounds 2 and 3 will be selected using the system of Swiss pairing (most points vs. most points, lowest points vs. lowest points, etc.) Coaches are awarded points based on the following:
+20 points for each win
+10 points for each draw
0 points for each loss
+ 1 point per casualty (All casualties, regardless of how they were inflicted, count)
+ 1 point for each touchdown scored
+ 2 points for shutting out your opponent (your opponent did not score any touchdowns)
Certificates will be given during the award ceremony for the following:
- 1st Place (Winner of the Top Table during Round 3)
- 2nd Place (Loser of the Top Table during Round 3)
- Most Violent (most casualties inflicted)
- Highest Scoring (most touchdowns scored)
- Best Defense (least touchdowns allowed)
- Stunty Cup (most match points scored by a stunty team)
- Best Painted (participating coach must have personally painted their team to be eligible for this award)

How to Register:
Step 1.) Email Joe at vanhalfling at gmail.com with the following information: your intention to participate, what team you'll be using, and a copy of your roster. All skill selections and stat upgrades should be depicted in bold. (An excellent Excel roster sheet can be found here http://arosbb.dk/arosteamroster.zip)

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