?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameSolstice Slam 2 - Global Weirding
Organizer NAF namemaydaymick (19324)
OrganizerMayday Mick / DUBBL
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2015-12-12
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2015-12-12
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Grither (10904)High Elf

Runner up

Gaixo (13696)Slann

Most Touchdowns

MightyZuk (20267)Wood Elf

Most Casualties

Doombeard_Dave (18783)Chaos Chosen

Stunty Cup

yotoden (21291)Goblin

Best Painted

Other Awards

grimsage1330 (19557)Halfling
Most Magical
buzzard (19811)Orc
Best Defense
captainkellen (19082)Skaven
Jim Cantore Honorary Weatherman
Tournament Location
Address44927 George Washington Blvd
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

The Dulles Underground Blood Bowl League (DUBBL) invites you, coaches of the mid-Atlantic leagues and unaffiliated coaches of the general public, to compete in a NAF sanctioned Blood Bowl tournament on December 12th, 2015, at Huzzah Hobbies in Ashburn, Virginia!

Date & Location:
Saturday, December 12th, 2015
Huzzah Hobbies
44927 George Washington Blvd Ashburn, VA 20147

(703) 466-0460

10:00 a.m. Registration opens
10:45 a.m. The reading of the rules, First Round matchups announced
11:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. First Round Game (Random pairing)
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Lunch Break, Painting Review
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Second Round Game (Swiss pairing)
4:15 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Third Round Game (Swiss pairing)
6:45 p.m. Award Ceremony

Please Bring:
$10 (ten) registration fee
Three copies of your team roster
Three Block Dice
Minis representing the players on their team.
Each player must be numbered. All positional players must be easily recognizable.
Pen or pencil
A pitch, dug outs, and templates

You’ll Receive:
Three games of Blood Bowl
A set of dice: Two d6 and one d8
An chance to be rewarded with an awesome metal or trophy for your team’s heroics
A kick in the pants on the way out the door if you are a sore sport or a douchebag during the competition

General Rules:
Games will be played using the rules from the Blood Bowl Competition Rules Pack with the following modifications:
- Illegal procedure will not be in enforced
- Turns will not be timed unless either requested by a coach after excessive slow play, or tournament organizers deem it necessary to keep the event on schedule
- The d6s provided upon registration must be used - Rosters reset after each round

Roster Creation:
- Each coach has an allowance of 1,150,000 gold pieces to create their roster.
- Inducements may be purchased during team creation, excluding Special Play Cards and Unlimited Mercenaries. Inducements are considered a permanent part of the team that can be used each game. Opposing teams may have the same Star Player, contrary to the rulebook.

All teams receive a free Wizard inducement.

- Teams may be selected from the 21 races in the rulebook in addition to the 3 new teams approved by the Blood Bowl Rules Committee (Chaos Pact, Slaan, Under- world Pact). A special race — Druids — are also available for use in the tournament. (see page 6)
- You must have at least 11 players on your roster. Please note: Star Players pur- chased during team creation count towards the minimum 11 players required.
- The following teams will be eligible to win the Stunty Cup: Halfings, Ogres, Goblins, Lizardmen (no Saurus Warriors), and Underworld Pact (no skaven players)

Skill Selection:
Each coach may pick one of the following three skill package to enhance their players:
Skill Package A - 6 normal skills
Skill Package B - 4 normal skills, 1 double skill
Skill Package C - 2 normal skills, 2 double skills

The following restrictions apply:
- No player may be given more than one skill
- No more than 2 players may be given the same skill
- No extraordinary skills may be taken
- Players with a Strength value of 5 or more may not be given double skills unless they play for a team build eligble for the Stunty Cup
- Star players may not be given any skills

Weird Weather
Instead of using the standard weather and kickoff tables, coaches will each roll a D6 on the Weird Weather at the beginning of each drive after the kicking team’s coach places the ball on his opponents side of the pitch.

2 - Plague of Frogs
All players have Disturbing Presence and Foul Appearance, all ball handling rolls (pickup, throw, catch, intercept) have a -1 modifier, all players suffer -1 MA

3 - Tidal Wave
The receiving coach rolls a D8 on the scatter chart. All players move two squares in the resulting direction. Any player that scatters off the pitch is subject to being attacked by the crowd.

4 - Flood
Any time the ball is on the pitch, including kick off, the ball moves three squares in a direction determined by a D8 roll on the scatter chart. If the ball moves through a square occupied by a player, the player is required to attempt to pick up the ball. Anytime a player fails to the pick up the ball, the player scatters one square in a random direction and is stunned.

5 - Inhospitable Heat
Roll a d6 for each player on the pitch. On a roll of 1 the player collapses. Make a second d6 roll for each collapsed player. If the roll is 4-6, place the player in the KO box. If the roll is 1-3, place the player in the Reserves box.

6 - Blinding Sun
- 1 modifier to all pass rolls

7 - Nice Weather (but don’t expect it to last!)

8 - Pouring Rain
-1 modifier to all catch, intercept and pick up rolls

9 - Blizzard
Players fail GFI rolls on a roll of 1 or 2

10 - Acid Rain
-1 MV for all players

11 - Meteor Shower
At the beginning of each turn, coaches roll a d6. The coach with the lowest roll suffers a hailstone strike on a random player. Players struck by a hail stone are knocked down and must make an armor roll (and injury roll if armor is failed).

12 - Thunder Snow
Whenever a player rolls a 2 (snake eyes) on an armor roll after a successful block, the attacking player suffers a lightning strike. Make a injury roll for the attacker.

Wizard Inducement
The standard rules for the Wizard inducement found on page 70 in CRP (pdf page 44) apply in the Solstice Slam, with the following exceptions:
1. All teams automatically include a Wizard on their roster
2. Coaches do not have to pay 150,000 for the Wizard
3. The Solstice Slam is sponsored by the Celestial College of Magic, the origina- tors of the Lightning Bolt spell. For the event, the spell has been upgraded to the Chain Lightning Bolt variation. Cast the spell as normal, but on the 1D6 roll, a 6 means the Lightening Bolt will strike another player on the opponent’s team after the first strike is resolved. Roll 1D8 and use the scatter table to determine the next player struck. Select the closest player in the relative direction of the scatter. Roll the 1D6 again to see if the Lightening Bolt continues richchet to new victims.

Druid team roster available in rule pack PDF

In ancient times... hundreds of years before the dawn of history... lived a strange race of people,
The Druids
No one knows who they were, or... what they we doing...
but their legacy remains, hewn into the living rock of Stonehenge.

Special note regarding Druids and NAF Rankings
The Druid team is not recogized by the NAF. They are a Solstice Slam tournament-only race that participating coaches may choose to bring for the love of the game. Games played by or against Druids will not be reported to the NAF for official rankings. Any coach that wants to insure all of their games will count in the NAF rankings may opt out playing against Druids at registration if they so choose.

Game Result Points: +20 points for each win +10 points for each draw 0 points for each loss

Performance Points:
+3 points for each touchdown scored
+2 points for every casualty suffered by the opposing team (casualties from the results of blocks, blitzes, fouls, wizard spells, crowd injuries, failed dodge and GFI injuries count!)
+2 points for every interception
+1 point for every completion (excluding quick passes)

Special Spinal Tap Reference Bonus Points:
+5 points for any Dwarf (excluding Deathroller) or Chaos Dwarf Blocker that successfully breaks the armor of a Druid Sarsen on a foul. The fouling coach must then stand up from the table and exclaim, “The problem may have been, that there was a Stonehenge monument on the pitch that was in danger of being crushed by a dwarf!”

Painting Points:
Up to a total of 10 points will be reward to each coach based on the quality of their team’s appearance, as judged by the tournament organizers.
- Painted, +2 Points: The models are each covered with paint of some type, with no bare metal or plastic visible.
- Detailed, +3 Points: The models aren’t just painted, but highly detailed and beyond that of table top quality.
- Distinctive, +2 Points: All of the positional players may be easily deter- mined (following explanation, if necessary).
- Based, +2 Points: Each model’s base is finished with gravel, flock, etc.
- Numbered, +1 Point: All of the team’s players are clearly numbered.
Unpainted teams are allowed, but their use will obviously impact a coach’s chances of winning the tournament.

- Winner (most tournament points)
- 2nd Place (2nd most tournament points)
- Best Offense (most touchdowns scored, tiebreaker: Completions)
- Best Defense (fewest touchdowns allowed, tiebreaker: Casualties inflicted + Interceptions) - Most Violent (most casualties inflicted)
- Stunty Cup (most tournament points by a stunty team)
- Most Magical (most number of KO’s & Casualties caused by Wizards & Magicians)
- Most Zapped (most KO’s & Casualties suffered from Wizards & Magicians spells)

Register Now!
Send an email maydaymick@gmail.com with your intention to participate, what team you’ll be using, and a copy of your roster. All skill selections should be noted in BOLD.

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