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Tournament NameWeagle Bowl 2016
Organizer NAF namegrimthorn (13180)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2016-09-24
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2016-09-24
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageWhite Eagles Wargaming Club

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

dontcallmeflossy (14078)Shambling Undead

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressThe Scout Hut
 Hawthorn Drive
ZipIp2 0rg
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

Weagle Bowl 2016

Sponsored by KR Multicase


The Scout Hut
Hawthorn Drive
United Kingdom

£14 for Current NAF members
Non-Naf members will need to sign up on the Naf website.

Venue has food stores nearby.
Free Tea & Coffee all day.

4 games over 1 day.

All 24 NAF approved teams including Chaos Pact, Slann and Underworld may be used (No Khorne, Brettonians, etc) All teams will have 1,100,000 to purchase their team as per the CRP. Star players may be selected if you already have 11 rostered players. If, however, both you and an opponent are using the same star player, neither team may use them (as they have been overbooked and can’t play for both teams). Wizards and special play cards may not be used but all other inducements may be selected (Bribes, Halfling Master Chef, etc.)

Skills will be given as follows:
Before Game 2 you may give a normal skill to a single chosen rostered player.
Before Game 3 you may give a normal skill to a single chosen rostered player.
Before Game 4 you may give a normal skill to a single chosen rostered player.
You may wait to chose your skill until after you find who you are facing in the next game.
Rostered players may only ever receive a single skill.
Stat increased may not be awarded.

Weagle Bowl 2016 is a resurrection style tournament so all injuries are forgotten after each match. Raise The Dead spells for Undead and Necromantic will only give you the free zombie for that game.

7 points for a win
3 points for a draw
0 points for a loss
1 point per casualty caused (max 3 points)
1 point per touchdown scored (max 3 points)
Blocking, fouling and crowd push casualties will count towards your casualty score. Failed dodges, GFI’s or kick-off result injuries will not count.

Trophies for Winner, Runner Up, Best Painted, Most Touchdowns, Most Casualties and Wooden Spoon.

Painted teams only please! Please also bring your own board, dice, templates, etc. We have some spares but it would be best to bring your own.

For tickets or other info, please contact https://www.facebook.com/WhiteEaglesWGC/
Other payment options are available, please ask.

Or search for our Facebook page White Eagles Wargaming.

Rule's pack should be attached.

Confirmed Players (Paid):

1. David Lloyd (Squaresheep)
2. Andrew Laing (Mr_Frodo)
3. Richard Jason (Hexwraith69)
4. Paul Jones (PaulJones82)
5. Nick Kealy (Knowmad)
6. Sean Hassey (EmBeth)
7. James Slater (Besters)
8.Robert Laing (BDOW)
9.David Rew (MagicDave)
10.Gareth Francis (Grimthorn)
11.Simon Cass (VarekUK)
12.Gareth Griffiths (greymurphy42).

Tournament Report
Hello sports fans! Welcome to the Weagle Bowl results show with me, Daphne Dukes!

What a day it was! 4 gruelling games of Blood Bowl in the course of one day, this gave the coaches a real chance to show their stamina and prove they deserved the top spot!

Even the destruction of the Old World didn’t stop 12 brave coaches from entering teams, each one eager to prove they were the best!

The competitors were:
• David Lloyd (Squaresheep) – The Scaly Creeps (Lizardmen)
• Andrew Laing (Mr_Frodo) – Let it Go (Norse)
• Richard Langford (Hexwraith69) – Badland Marauders (Orcs)
• Paul Jones (PaulJones82) – Scabbyeye Scramblers (Orcs)
• Nick Kealy (Knowmad) – Tiger Wasps (Dark Elves)
• Sean Hassey (EmBeth) – Tequila Shots (Lizardmen)
• James Slater (Besters) – Little Expectation (Chaos Dwarf)
• Simon Cass (VarekUK) – The Irony Maidens (High Elves)
• Gareth Francis (Grimthorn) – Evergreen Invaders (Wood Elves)
• Gareth Griffiths (greymurphy42) – M.L.S All-Stars (Nurlge)
• Sam Griffiths (scs.sam) – The D.R.S.E (Wood Elves)
• Steve Chambers (dontcallmeflossy) – Who’s ya Deady? (Undead)

Round 1
With all coaches accounted for and the pre-match shows completed (there’s nothing better than elf cheerleaders!) it was time for the first round to begin!
The opening games of the tournament were brutal! 5 players ended their Blood Bowl careers permanently, much to the amusement of the crowd who were keen to get involved!
The Marauders Troll wasn’t in the best form as he kept getting knocked down (although sources close to the Marauders have said this may be a tactic to get more pay!) The Evergreen Invaders also appeared to have brought the wrong playbook as they were beating up the Nurgle Team! I hoped they washed their hands afterwards!
After the dust had settled Little Expectation had defied their own team name and taken an early lead, with a statement game against The Scaly Creeps, beating them 3-0 and inflicting a horrific 5 casualties! The Evergreen Invaders had also had a strong first game putting them only one point behind the leaders!

Round 2
The second round saw Little Expectation take on The Evergeen Invaders while in a match that was more akin to mud wrestling than Blood Bowl The Irony Maidens hosted The D.R.S.E, and yes, the keen eyed amongst you will have noticed that D.R.S.E isn’t their actual team name, and it’s not for me to judge what Wood Elves get up to in their spare time but I’m not reporting it!
At the other end of the table The All-Stars took on the Scramblers while the two Lizardmen teams squared off in a mirror match, one commentator was heard to say it was like watching an old Godzilla movie as giant lizards smashed into each other!
It looks like the earlier reports of the Marauders Troll holding out for more pay were correct, with him spending a full 4 downs laying on the pitch! The Tiger Wasps also showed how good elves can be with one of the team performing a perfect interception despite being surrounded by 6 Orcs!
After the second round Who’s Ya Deady? Had managed to sneak past Little Expectation while the Invaders had dropped to 4th behind D.R.S.E, meanwhile the ScabbyEye Scramblers looked firmly in line for the wooden spoon…

Round 3
The penultimate round saw Who’s Ya Deady? take on Little Expectation while the two Wood Elf teams squared off!
The Undead vs Chaos Dwarf match saw the two teams grind each other down, the issue for the Dwarves is that undead don’t get tired and despite a Ghoul learning the hard way why you don’t try to stop a charging centaur the stunties lost 2-0.
In the Wood elf grudge match D.R.S.E proved to be the better team on the day winning the match 4-3, however the Invaders took home to moral victory as they inflicted more casualties! The crowd even decided to get involved at one point rushing the pitch!
Once again the ScabbyEye Scramblers round themselves rooted to the bottom of the table as they suffered a loss to the Scaly Creeps.

Round 4
In the last round there was all to play for with any of the top 7 teams technically able to walk away with the trophy, however in reality it was going to be a clash between the D.R.S.E and Who’s Ya Deady?
At the bottom of the table the two Orc teams squared off, both trying to avoid being the first team to take home the wooden spoon!
In the end the Undead couldn’t match the pure speed of the Wood Elves allowing D.R.S.E to capture the win, and with a massive 15 touchdowns across the event they also claimed that crown. Who’s ya Deady? didn’t go home empty handed though as their performance allowed them to hold onto the runner up spot as well as claiming the award for the most violent team with 12 casualties inflicted!
In the duel for the wooden spoon it was 0-0 until late in the second half the ScabbyEye Scramblers ended up with the ball in range of the Marauders end zone, in what felt like an eternity the Orc stood there as if confused by what was happening before hearing the coach screaming ‘Run you fool!!’ with that the Scramblers scored their first touchdown of the Weagle Bowl and secured victory over the Marauders!

The Results

Overall Winner – Sam Griffiths (scs.sam) – The D.R.S.E (Wood Elves)
Runner Up – Steve Chambers (dontcallmeflossy) – Who’s Ya Deady? (Undead)
Most Touchdowns (15) – Sam Griffiths (scs.sam) – The D.R.S.E (Wood Elves)
Most Casualties (12) – Steve Chambers (dontcallmeflossy) – Who’s ya Deady? (Undead)
Best Painted – Richard Langford (Hexwraith69) – Badland Marauders (Orcs)
Wooden Spoon – Richard Langford (Hexwraith69) – Badland Marauders (Orcs)
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