?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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leftstar Jul 22, 2024 - 10:01 AM
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You're right, he does have very long legs. rightstar
Tournament Name24 Ore 2016 "The Hateful Eighth"
Organizer NAF nameRolex (16091)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2016-07-30
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2016-07-31
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Dirold (5900)High Elf

Runner up

Liam (5906)Human

Most Touchdowns

antanacara (21197)Skaven

Most Casualties

PanicoBlack (21763)Norse

Stunty Cup

Hound (17126)Ogre

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressPolisportiva San Marino di Carpi
 via Traversa San Lorenzo 1
CitySan Marino di Carpi

Ruleset Document

Rendez-vous: Saturday, noon
Tournament start: Saturday 30, 1pm
3 matches
Dinner: Saturday, 7pm
6 matches
Breakfast: Sunday, 8am
2 matches
Tournament end: Sunday, 1pm

The tournament is open to the 24 NAF races
Every coach has 1.100.000 gp to create the team. Unused money will be lost and no inducement will be given for TV difference during the tournament.
Inducements allowed: Bribes (max 3, 50k for Goblins, 100k for everyone else), Master chef (max 1, 100k for Halflings, 300k for everyone else), Bloodweiser Babe (max 1, 50k)
Magic Healing.
11 matches, swiss pairing. In the first round, the NAF ranking will be used as tiebreaker for pairings.
Before match 1 to 6, after seeing his opponent, every coach can assign a skill to one of his own players that has not yet received one. One of those skills can be a double, the coach will decide which one.
Before match 7 to 11, after seeing the opponent, every coach must remove one of the skills he gave to his players previously.

Tier 1. Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Orc, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elf. Nothing to add.

Tier 2. Norse, Necromantic. Before the tournament the coach will have 40.000 gp. extra to add to his roster or to use, all or part of them, to buy skills. E.g. 40k to the roster OR 2 normal skills OR 1 double skill and 10k to the roster OR 1 normal skill and 20k to the roster.

Tier 3. Chaos, Chaos Pact, Elf, High Elf, Human, Khemri, Nurgle, Slann. Before the tournament, the coach will have 80.000 gp. to add to his roster or use, all or part of them, to buy skills, as for tier 2.

Tier 4. Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Underworld, Vampire. Before the tournament, the coach will have 120.000 gp. to add to his roster or use, all or part of them, to buy skills, as for tier 2. Furthermore, tier 4 teams can buy up to 2 Star Players.

Notes: no player can have a Stat increase, no matter what. Star player may not have additional skills of any kind. If a tier 4 coach will happen to have no player without a bonus skill when assigning a new one, he will not assign any.

Special playing Rules of the tournament: this is the Hateful Eighth Edition, so... here's some treat.
1. You're going nowhere!
The two coaches playing in the last table will be handcuffed to each other during the match.
2. It's damn cold out there!
Table 17 (bad luck) will not roll for weather before the match, and start with blizzard. The weather can change normally during the match.
3. Special coffee
There will be a special coffeepot at the bar. Whoever dares to drink what's inside (and survives) will concur for a special prize

TIMING of the tournament
Every match will have a duration of 1h55min. It's 115 minutes total. My suggestion is to use a chess clock with 55 minutes per player. If a player ends his time, all he can do is standing up players and roll over the stunned.
For coaches who don't want/don't know/forget/get wrong to use their clock, there will be an official timer, set up for 1h55 min. When that timer goes to 00.00 my hand will fall over the pitch and stop the match immediately. The coaches can agree on a result or give me the current one, but no more dice will be rolled. It may seem horrible, but try and see, it's painless.

Cost of the tournament
40€ + 25€ open bar if you inscribe till June, 30
45€ + 25€ open bar if you inscribe till July, 24
50€ + 25€ open bar if you inscribe after July, 24
Inscriptions close Thursday, July 28

What's the open bar? Well, we have a bar with Water, Coke, juices, coffee, redbull, BEER. With the open bar, you can drink freely everything for the entire tournament.
Open bar is not mandatory, you can just pay for your drinks.
You can also pay the open bar on the spot, if you're not sure about doing it or not.

Dinner: Grilled meat all night long! We'll start eating at 7pm, but if you're hungry at any time, you can always ask for more!
Breakfast: pastery and dumplings from local bakeries

Mail me at silvio.pergreffi@mensa.it
Write me on facebook. Silvio Phoenix Pergreffi
Write me on whatsapp. +393292008543

Thank you all

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