?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameCopy Cat Capital Classic: A New Tournament
Organizer NAF nameChewblocka (15257)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2016-11-19
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2016-11-19
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Manz62 (9753)Slann

Runner up

Rando (12263)Elf Union

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Notorious_jtb (7653)Human
3rd Place
Tournament Location
Address114 Boulevard Saint-Raymond
 2nd Floor
ZipJ8Y 1S9

Ruleset Document

This is a small tournament meant to begin conversation, practice and organization for a major tournament coming up in the near-ish future. Team build and tournament rules are copied from the Amorical Cup 2017 with a few changes to the main rules [because this is still a tournament that I'm running... not you >:)]. So read closely.

-The Illegal Procedure rule will be in use should one or both players wish it. The 4-minute timer rule is in place so as to allow the gracious staff hosting the event to go home on time. I hate it when people keep me at work longer than I need to be, so I'm not going to do that to someone else. Get over it.
-Coaches have 1,100,000 GP to create their starting team rosters. Team rosters must consist of at least 11 players. Star Players count toward this total.
-Inducements are not allowed, with the exception of Tier C and tier D teams, which may purchase Bribes, a Halfling Master Chef, and Star Players. All prices are the same as in the Inducements section of the CRP rule set.
-Again, Star Players are counted toward the minimum of 11 players per team. If opposing teams have the same Star Player, both may be used.
-Normal resurrection rules are in effect, meaning that SPPs are not recorded and injuries do not carry over between games.
-Player improvements are not counted towards Team Value, so in effect Team Value is fixed at the starting 1,100,000 GP for all rosters and therefore of no impact.
-The 21 "official teams," as well as Chaos Pact, Slann, and Underworld teams are allowed.

The number of skills awarded will also be determined by team type.
Tier A - 4 skills (no doubles)
Dark Elf, Chaos Dwarf, Lizardman, Orc, Undead, Wood Elf
Tier B - 4 skills (up to 1 double)
Amazon, Dwarf, High Elf, Necromantic, Norse, Skaven
Tier C - 6 skills (up to 3 doubles)
Chaos, Chaos Pact, Elf, Human, Khemri, Nurgle
Tier D - 8 skills (up to 4 doubles)
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Slann, Underworld, Vampire
-All skills are assigned before the tournament begins (i.e. no progression) and should be reflected on team rosters.
-Each player may receive no more than 2 added skills. Each of those can be a regular or double skill.
-There is no limit on skill incidence. Dwarves can have 4 Guards and Lizardmen can have 4 Blocks.
-Please note that Tier C and Tier D teams also have access to Bribes, Halfling Master Chef, and Star Players.

Please note that this is not a Team Tournament like the Amorical Cup will be. Coaches will be battling it our on their own this time around.

This tournament is open to all Blood Bowl enthusiasts, not just those looking to attend the Amorical Cup.

The tournament will consist of three games held over 1 day.

Start times and schedule TBD.

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