?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameDead of Winter (Deathbowl)
Organizer NAF namemaydaymick (19324)
OrganizerMayday Mick / DUBBL
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2017-01-21
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2017-01-21
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address44927 George Washington Blvd
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Registration: 10am
Game 1: 10:30am - 2pm (Halftime: 12:15pm)
Break: 2pm - 3pm
Game 2: 3pm - 6:30pm (Halftime: 4:45pm)
Awards: 7pm

Team build:
1250000 gold pieces

Tournament style:

Deathbowl Varient Rules:
The official NAF Deathbowl rules can be downloaded here: http://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/NAF_DeathBowl.pdf

Please review these rules as they differ from standard Blood Bowl!

Keep in mind that in Deathbowl, you must field a minimum of 11 players but may field up to 16 players on the pitch. In the event that a team has less than 11 players for game two, the coach may field journeymen (0-16 position players with Loner) to bring their roster up to 11 players if they so choose.

All teams may add four Normal skills and the choice of one Double skill, +1 MA or +1 AV. No limitation on duplicate skills (4 guard, etc., is okay). Players may be given up to two skills or a skill and a stat increase.

This is an attrition tournament, not the usual resurrection style. Causalities from the first game carry over into the second game. There are only two rounds of Deathbowl in this tournament, so any usual "Miss next game" results from game one are disregarded and the injured player returns for game two. Instead, coaches roll on the special casualty chart below for these players.

Dead of Winter casualty chart:
Roll a d8 for all casualties (not the usual d6 + d8)
1-2: Niggling Injury (opponent adds +1 to Injury roll)
3: -1 AV
4: -1 MA
5: -1 AG
6: -1 ST
7-8: DEAD

Apothecaries and Igors:
Khemri, Necromantic, Nurgle, Undead may not buy staff apothecaries (50,000 gold) or 0-2 wandering apothecaries (100,000 gold) as other teams can, but they may purchase 0-1 Igor for 100,000 gold.

- Apothecaries and Igors automatically work (no roll required)
- If a player is KO'd, keep the player on the pitch and treat them as stunned
- If the player suffered a niggling injury or stat bust on the Dead of Winter casualty chart (1-6 on a d8), the player is healed of his injury and placed in the Reserves box.
- If the player is dead (7-8 on a d8), the coach rerolls the player's casualty chart result and must keep the result of the 2nd roll.

Necromancers and Clerics:
Khemri, Necromatic and Undead teams automatically receive a free Necromancer. All of the other teams, except Nurgle (because of their "gift" of Nurgle's Rot), may purchase a Necromancer for 100,000 gold. Hired Necromancers succeed in Raising the Dead on a roll of 2+.

All teams other than Khemri, Necromantic, Nurgle and Undead may purchase a 0-2 Clerics for 50,000 gold each. The Cleric will attempt to counteract the Necromancer's "Raise the Dead" action or the infection of Nurgle's Rot by blessing the mangled corpse of the fallen player. Each coach rolls a d6 to determine the fate of the dead player. If the coach with the Cleric prevails, the player is still dead, but may rest in peace. If the coach with the Necromancer or Nurgle's Rot prevails, the player is raised as a Zombie or Rotter, respectively, and joins the opposing team. Each Cleric may attempt to bless a fallen player once per game.

Special note on effect of Nurgle's Rot - Unlike standard Blood Bowl rules, infected players immediately become a Rotter and join the Nurgle team as soon as the casualty occurs (same as when a Zombie is raised from the dead).

Raised and Infected players remain on the pitch in the square in which they fell at the time of their death and immediately become a player for the team that slayed them. Turn the figure face down and treat them as you would a stunned player. The coach that now controls the newly turned Zombie or Rotter may turn the player over during their next turn.

All infected or raised players from game one change rosters and join their new team for game two.

Special Inducement:
All teams other than Khemri, Necromantic, Nurgle and Undead may purchase 0-1 Holy Hand Grenades of Antioch for 50,000 gold. Coaches must designate which player shall lobbest it at start of the game. The rules for using Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch are exactly the same as player with the extraordinary skill Bombardier, however any player that suffers a casualty from this sacred relic may not use the Regeneration skill. The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch shalt only be lobbest once per game.

Match Results:
All 4-player deathbowl games will be scored as two head to head matches. The highest and lowest scoring coaches with be entered into NAF records as winning and losing opponents. If the middle two coaches have the same number of touchdowns, their matchup will be scored as a draw. If there is a difference in touchdowns between the two middle ranking coaches, the match will be scored with a winner and loser.

Table winner: 20 points
2nd place coach: 15 points if more TDs than 3rd place coach (10 points if tied)
3rd place coach: 5 points if fewer TDs than 2nd place coach (10 points if tied)
4th place coach: 0 points

Tournament Ranking Tiebreakers:
1) Net Casualties
2) Most Deaths Inflicted (regardless of Apothecary or Igor results)
3) Most Opponents Raised or Infected

Odd Man Out:
Deathbowl matches require four teams on each board. Given the possibility that less than a perfect multiplier of four coaches attend the tournament, the following scenarios may arise:
+1 extra coach: The tournament organizer will sit out of game play
+2 extra coaches: The tournament organizer AND his opponent will play two teams simultaneously. (Coaches may bring a second team, or the organizer will supply a second team for his opponent.)
+3 extra coaches: The tournament organizer will play two teams simultaneously.

Champion of Death (1st place)
Death's Lieutenant (2nd place)
Grim Reaper (Most casualties)
Necromancer (Most dead raised)
Fireplug (Most opponents infected)
Whistling Past the Graveyard (Most touchdowns)
The Penitent Man (Best performing Stunty team)
Pretty Corpse (Best painted)

Tournament Report
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