?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameBetacon Brawl 2017
Organizer NAF nameGlamdryn (14586)
OrganizerSeth Stewart
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2017-01-21
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2017-01-22
ScoringSee rules.
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageBetacon Brawl 2017 Facebook Event

Tournament Statistics


gsxr750emt (13358)Human
1st Place Champion

Runner up

VandloMiguel (22784)Elf Union
2nd Place Runner Up

Most Touchdowns

VandloMiguel (22784)Elf Union

Most Casualties

Greenflashlite (21932)Dwarf
Most Brutal Award

Stunty Cup

WarPanda (21788)Ogre
Stunty Power Award

Best Painted

Nazarak (21477)Human
Best Team

Other Awards

Orock (23426)Amazon
The Spooooon!
Tournament Location
AddressThe Ramada Inn, Clarks Summit, PA
 820 Northern Blvd
CityClarks Summit
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Betacon Brawl 2017
Version 1.4 (01/12/2017)

09:00 – 10:15 Registration
10:15 – 12:30 First Round
12:30 – 01:30 Lunch Break
01:30 – 03:45 Second Round
03:45 – 06:00 Third Round
06:00 – 06:30 Awards Ceremony
08:00 – Bed Optional Drinking w/ DrunkAssGames (visit http://www.drunkassgames.com)
SUNDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 2017
10:00 – 02:00 UnderDeeps Dungeon (open to 4 coaches)

The Ramada Inn, Clarks Summit, PA
820 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit, PA 18411
(570) 586-2730

You must register for the convention here: http://betacon.dracowolf.com/Betacon/shop/. Pre-Registration ends January 1st. This is a great deal: $25 dollars for a 3-day convention and you get to participate in a 5 round Blood Bowl tournament! You also get dice from Betacon!
This is an NAF sanctioned event (http://www.thenaf.net/) and is part of the B.E.A.S.T. tournament series http://www.7citiesbb.com/BEAST2017.pdf.

This just in from the illustrious Betacon folks: "Our door prices are $5 friday and Sunday each... then 25 for saturday.... they were better off paying the pre reg for 25 and getting the weekend... Reason Saturday is more expensive is all the door prizes, the raffles and the band... If it makes a difference and they wish to pay the weekend 25 price, we are doing a special one day event this sunday at Gamestop, Viewmont Mall, Scranton, PA... registering there will be 25 for the weekend... If they cant make it have them send $25 per person to betaconpa.staff@gmail.com via paypal on sunday only..."


The Betacon Brawl 2017 has maliciously stolen the rules set from the glorious Amorical Cup 2017 (http://amoricalcup.com/news/). Da Commish of the NYBBL will steal all the good roster ideas and use them for extreme devious purpose!!! Send rosters to pubbowl@gmail.com or come early to registration.
TIER A Teams (4-Skills, No Doubles):
Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Lizardmen, Orc, Shambling Undead, Wood Elf
TIER B Teams (4 Skills, up to 1 Double):
Amazon, Dwarf, High Elf, Necromantic Horror, Norse, Skaven
TIER C Teams (6 Skills, up to 3 Doubles):
Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Elven Union, Human, Khemri Tomb Kings, Nurgle
TIER D Teams (8 Skills, up to 4 Doubles):
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Slann, Underworld Denizens, Vampire
• All skills are assigned before the tournament begins (i.e. no progression) and should be reflected on team rosters.
• Each player may receive no more than 2 added skills. Each of those can be a regular or double skill.
• There is no limit on skill incidence. Dwarves can have 4 Guards and Lizardmen can have 4 Blocks.
• Coaches have 1,100,000 GP to create their starting team rosters. Team rosters must consist of at least 11 players. Star Players count toward this total.
• Inducements are not allowed, with the exception of Tier C and tier D teams, which may purchase Bribes, a Halfling Master Chef, and Star Players. All prices are the same as in the Inducements section of the BB2016 Death Zone 1 rule set.
• Again, Star Players ARE counted toward the minimum of 11 players per team. If opposing teams have the same Star Player, both may be used. All CRP stars are allowed including the 1 new BB2016 star (Guffle Pusmaw) and the 3 legacy Bugman’s stars.
• Player improvements are not counted towards Team Value, so in effect Team Value is fixed at the starting 1,100,000 GP for all rosters and therefore of no impact.
• The 23 “official teams,” as well as Slann are allowed. (Brettonians and Khorne are not allowed.)
Stunty Team Qualification - You are considered a Stunty Team and may win the Stunty Power Award if you build one of the following teams:
• Goblin, Halfling, or Ogre.
• Lizardmen: 0-16 Skink Runners & 0-1 Kroxigor.
• Underworld Denizens: 0-16 Goblins & 0-1 Troll.
• Khemri Tomb Kings: 0-16 Skeleton Linemen.
Note: For team creation purposes, the above teams follow the same Tier rules as above.

[b]MOAR RULES:[/b]
The Betacon Brawl 2017 will use the current ruleset [BB2016] (which does differ slightly from the CRP), with the following exceptions, clarifications, and/or amendments:
• The Illegal Procedure rule will not be in use, nor is the 4-minute “timer” rule. However, you may be given a certain amount of time to complete your game should you be running late. (More on this under “Match Sequence.”)
• Normal resurrection rules are in effect, meaning that SPPs are not recorded and injuries do not carry over between games. This means that Weeping Dagger has no effect.
• Special Play Cards will not be used.
• Piling On is allowed and uses CRP rules.
• The Head Coach rule is in effect, but a model is not required for its use. (However, using a Head Coach model can earn you extra tournament points, as described below.)

The match sequence is as follows:
1) Pre-Match and Introduction.
• Decide dice rolling conventions: shared dice, cocked dice, dice towers or cups, what to do if dice go off the table. Ultimately this is for the coaches to decide, but try to be easygoing.
• Show your opponent your roster and team.
• Point out which players represent which positions and point out which players have which skills.
• Look over your opponent’s team roster and ensure that it’s legal.
• Call for a tournament official in the event of any problems before the match begins.
• Work out the number of Fans and FAME and note the result.
2) The Match.
• Roll Weather.
• Roll or flip a coin to decide who goes first. (Winner decides to kick or receive.)
• Receiving team’s turn.
• Kicking team’s turn.
• Etc.
3) The Post Match Sequence.
• Fill out your portion of results sheet and sign it. Then, give it to a tournament official.
4) Match timing.
• You have 2 hours and 15 minutes to complete your match. When one hour is over, a general notice will be given that you should be close to starting the 2nd half.
• If with one hour left your game hasn’t started the second half yet, a timer must be introduced. There are many timer applications for mobile phones and each team is required to have at least one available for the general use of their teammates. Once timekeeping has begun, each coach will have 30 minutes in which to complete all his or her remaining turns.
• If your time expires before your opponent’s, all you are allowed to do each turn is place any prone players upright and unstun any players that are stunned. You are not allowed to take ANY other action than this.
• If one or both coaches are late for the game, the referees will make note of your table number and who is late. If, with one hour left, the game hasn’t started the second half yet, the coach who is late will get 20 minutes instead of 30. The opponent will get 40 minutes instead of 30. If both players are late, both players will get 30 minutes. If one of the players is not at his table after 30 minutes, the other player will win by default! If 2 hours and 15 minutes have passed or both players’ time has run out, the game ends immediately.

Rankings will be influenced by the overall result of a round.
• Winning a round: 100 points
• Drawing a round: 50 points
• Losing a round: 0 points
• Each Touch Down: 3 points
• Each Injury Inflicted: 2 points - Any player that is injured on the opposing team by a Block, Blitz, Chainsaw, Stab, or Foul. A player who successful regenerates or is healed by an apothecary still counts.
• Painting and Modeling: 2 points each for, models are numbered, models are easily identifiable, at least 3 colors, bases are finished, & complete staff (Head Coach!) and markers. 10 Points total. Many of these are completely subjective. You will be at the mercy of Da Commish!
Tiebreaker: Head to Head record. 2nd Tiebreaker: Strength of Schedule. 3rd Tiebreaker: Roll Off!

• 1st Place Champion (Highest Ranking)
• 2nd Place Runner Up (2nd-Highest Ranking)
• Stunty Power Award (Highest Ranking by a Stunty team, see above for qualifications)
• Most Brutal Award (Most Casualties caused)
• Sportsmanship Award (See below)
• Best Team (Coaches will vote for their 2 favorite teams, most votes wins)
• The Spooooon! (Lowest Ranking)
Sportsmanship Award: At the end of the 5th round, each coach will assign a number to each of their played opponents. The number assigned will be a 1 through 5. 5 being the best (most friendly, easygoing, nice, best sport, etc.) 1 being the worst. Each number can only be assigned once, meaning that you must assign a 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 uniquely. While every coach is expected to be an amazing opponent, you must give someone a 1, so we recommend that you take some notes during or right after a match to help you with the score. This is not a popularity contest, so don’t just give your buddies a 5!


[b]BB2016 HELP:[/b]
If you are confused about which version of Blood Bowl is floating around, start with the “NAF Rules – BB2016” link above. If you want the complete rules, grab the rule book from the new BB2016 core set + Death Zone S1 + BB2016 FAQ + BB2016 Teams of Legend Rev 1 + NAF Rules – BB2016 + this document (A lot of crap, right!). If you are a CRP man, here are the differences that are relevant to you:
1) Human Catchers are now 60k (instead of 70k). [See BB2016 core rules]
2) Halfling Treemen now have Timmm-ber!, which is a slight boost. [See Teams of Legend]
3) New NAF document explaining how they are handling CRP to BB2016. [See link above]
4) Head Coach rule brought back from LRB5ish. [See DZ1]
5) New Star Player for Nurgle: Guffle Pusmaw. [See DZ1 or NAF link]
6) And this doc!
As you can see, not much has changed for the tournament scene! Cheers!

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