?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameBeerBeer Open -17
Organizer NAF namevalkohukka (18772)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2017-05-27
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2017-05-28
Scoring3/1/0 Wind/draw/loss
Cost25€ / 35€(nonNAF)
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressKeilaranta 9
 Oton Soppa

Ruleset Document

BeerBeer Open -17 rules:

Team creation:
Teams have 1100000 gold plus extra cash depending on team’s tier to buy the team, rerolls, apothecary, fan factor, cheer leaders, assistant coaches and inducements. All official teams in the CRP are welcome, as well as the three new races (Slann, Chaos Pact, and Underworld.)

Goblins are allowed to buy up to 3 Bribes for 50k each and Halflings are allowed to buy a Halfling Master Chef for 100k. Halfling, goblin, ogre and underworld teams may buy up to two star players, but you still need at least 11 regular players in your team. No other inducements are allowed.

Team tiers and extra cash:
During team creation, you will get the following benefits to your team according to the tier your team belongs to:
Tier 1 (Undead, Wood elf, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Lizardmen, Dwarf, Norse, Amazon, Skaven):
100 000 gp to buy additional players, coaching staff or new skills.

Tier 2 (Necromantic, Elf (Pro), Orcs, High Elves, Human, Slann, Chaos, Chaos Pact, Nurgle):
130 000 gp to buy additional players, coaching staff or new skills.

Tier 3 (Underworld, Khemri, Vampire, Goblin, Hafling, Ogre):
160 000 gp to buy additional players, star players, coaching staff or new skills.

One player can only ever be given one new skill. Normal skills cost 20 000gp and skills normally only obtainable by throwing a double cost 30 000gp.

This is a resurrection tournament. Casualties are ignored at the end of the game, no SPPs or winnings are ever earned and your team-value is never calculated. In essence you play with the exact same team all 4 games.

Illegal procedure:
Will not be called in this tournament in order to keep things nice and friendly.

Time limit:
Each game will have 2 hours and 15 minutes to be completed. If the game seems to be progressing too slowly, the referees can place a chess clock with half the time remaining per coach to be used for the rest of the game. When your time has run out you are only allowed to stand your models up, or place them for kickoffs, but may not take any further actions.

Being late:
If you are more than 30 minutes late your opponent is entitled to force you to concede. Winning a game this way gives a 1-0 win (TD wise) and 0-0 on the casualty tiebreaker. If you are more than 15 minutes late and the time rule is enforced you will only get 1/3 of the remaining time and your opponent will get 2/3 of the remaining time.

No dice hogging, any dice used are allowed to be used by both coaches. Any cocked dice should be rerolled.

Tournament specific rules:
If a coach has open beer on the table when rolling for K.O. recovery, that counts as 1 Bloodweiser Babe. A coach does not gain extra benefit of having more than one beer at table.

What you need to bring
• A painted and numbered team that you intend to play with.
• Block dice (GW or NAF models recommended), 2D6, 1D8.
• Copy of the LRB 6.0/C.R.P. Don't forget the rules for the three new races: Chaos Pact, Slann, and Underworld.

What would be good to bring
• A chess clock or chess clock app.
Tournament points
• Win = 3 pts
• Tie = 1 pts
• Loss = 0 pts

Tournament Match ups:
Tournament pairings will be setup in a bastard swiss style, so you will be paired up with coaches who have similar scores as yourself after each round. You can only play an opponent once in the tournament. If you play a coach for the second time, please notify a referee. There will be no final game, winners are determined by total score after last round. No overtimes will be played!

1. Strength of schedule
2. Net TD's plus Net CAS
3. Total TD's plus Total CAS

Only casualties resulting from a block counts as casualties for scoring purposes.

Three best coaches will be awarded.

Paint and miniatures
Your miniatures should be painted with at least 3 colours, clearly numbered and based. It should also be clear what positional the miniature is intended to be. If your opponent can't easily recognize the different player types on your team, you must let him mark them somehow (without damaging the miniatures, of course). This could be with bottle caps or colored rings etc. We encourage you to use the following base colouring guidelines:
Gray/Black - Linemen or equivalent
White - Thrower
Yellow - Catcher, Runner
Green - Blocker (inc. Mummies and Tomb Guardians)
Red - Blitzer (inc. Berserkers and Wardancers)
Blue - Striker (inc. Witch Elves and Troll Slayers)
Purple - Secret Weapons (inc. Assassin)
Big Guys may use Green, Red, Blue, Purple or Black.

The Venue:
The tournament will be held at Innofactor Campus, Ravintola Oton Soppa Keilaranta
Keilaranta 9
02150 Espoo

Lunch will be served at venue both days. Also coffee / tea and small snacks will likely be available for purchase. Alcoholic beverages can not be bought from the venue but own drinks are allowed.

Age limitation:
Because of the nature of the tournament, we unfortunately can not accept coaches, assistant coaches, cheerleaders or other people under age of 18 in this tournament.

The cost and what is included:
Tournament fee is 25€ for NAF- members and 35€ for non-members (this includes NAF membership for one year). The fee includes six games and a lunch buffet served on the venue Saturday and Sunday. Tournament fee is paid in cash at the venue. Please try to bring even sum to avoid extra change hassle.

Tournament is held on Saturday 27.5.2017 and Sunday 28.5.2017, first games starting 10:00. All games have play time of 2 hours 15 minutes with 15 minutes break between the games.
9:30 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 12:15 Game 1
12:15 – 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 – 15:15 Game 2
15:30 – 17:45 Game 3
18:00 – 20:15 Game 4

10:00 – 12:15 Game 5
12:15 – 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 – 15:15 Game 6
15:30 Award ceremony

Registration for the tournament:
You can register for the tournament by mailing your name, cell phone number and NAF number to mikko.bjorklund@helsinki.fi. Feel free to also mail us if you need help with accommodation, need to borrow a painted team or have any questions. There is place for maximum of 40 players in the tournament.

Tournament Report
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