?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameNärkebowl 2017
Organizer NAF nameduckwing (16278)
OrganizerDuckwing & Kaju
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2017-04-01
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2017-04-02
ScoringWin: 3, Draw: 1, Lose: 0, Concede = -5, Kill the Imposter = 1
Cost150 SEK / 100 for NAF members
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


inforthepain (19483)Norse

Runner up

ozt (14941)Dwarf

Most Touchdowns

lard (18457)Lizardmen
inforthepain (19483)Norse

Most Casualties

inforthepain (19483)Norse

Stunty Cup

brocCooLi (12552)Halfling

Best Painted

Other Awards

spoiledsquid (19252)Goblin
Killed the Imposter
Tournament Location
AddressDrottninggatan 11
 Lindhska Bokhandeln

Ruleset Document

Type: Resurrection
Place: Lindhska Bokhandeln, Örebro
When: 1-2 april
Cost: 150 SEK / 100 for NAF-members

We welcome you to Närkebowl 2017!
Several hopeful coaches with elite teams will be gathering to compete for the coveted title! They may find however that the atmosphere of Örebro might have a slightly negative effect on the performance of their players!

This tournament will use the Bloodbowl 2016 rules.
This is a resurrection tournament. Casualties are ignored at the end of the game, no SPPs or winnings are ever earned and your team-value is never calculated. You play with the exact same team all 6 games.
Special play cards will not be used. Illegal procedure or the 4-minute turn rule will not be used unless both coaches wish so.
Each game will have 2 hours and 15 minutes to be completed. If the game seems to be progressing too slowly a player may request that a chess clock with half the time remaining per coach to be used for the rest of the game, if they can provide one. When your time has run out you are only allowed to stand your models up, or place them for kick-offs, but may not take any further actions.
No dice hogging, any dice used are allowed to be used by both coaches. Any cocked dice should be rerolled.
The tournament will use a Swiss format for pairing the matches.
If it is discovered after kick-off that a coach has too many players on the pitch, then players shall be randomly selected and removed until the correct number of players remain. If the ball-holder is removed the ball scatters but no turnover occurs.
Points will be awarded thus: Win 3 points, draw 1 point, loss 0 points, concede -5 points, killed the imposter 1 point.
Tiebreakers in this order; strength of schedule, net TD, net CAS, TD, CAS.

[b]To Participate[/b]
Register by sending an e-mail to doffrell (at) gmail.com with the subject "Register for Narkebowl 2017". We need your name, NAF number and a telephone number where we can reach you.
Rosters need to be completed and sent by e-mail one week before kick-off.
You can send your payment by paypal to doffrell@gmail.com or if you live in Sweden by Swish to 0736870479. If you prefer to pay in cash that can be arranged but let us know in advance.

[b]What you need to bring[/b]
Blood Bowl dice and counters for keeping track of turn, score, re-rolls etc.
A team painted with at least three colours. All figures should be easily distinguishable to recognise the players they represent. We recommend the following base colours to distinguish positionals: red = blitzer, yellow = catcher/runner, white = thrower, grey = lineman, green = blocker.

[b]Team creation[/b]
You may play with any of the currently published teams + any team from the document [url="https://19070-presscdn-0-68-pagely.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/BB-Teams-of-Legend-v4.pdf"]“Teams of Legend”[/url] + the slann.
You can find rules for Slann teams and starplayers not included in the Bloodbowl 2016 rules in [url="http://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/NAFRulesFeb17.pdf"]NAFRulesFeb17[/url].

[b]Building your team[/b]
You may spend 1200k gold to buy a team of at least 11 players. After having bought at least 11 rostered players all teams are allowed to buy the following inducements; Bloodweiser Beer-kegs, Bribes, Extra Team Training, Halfling Master Chef, Igor, Mercenaries, Star Players, Wandering Apothecaries.
Special play cards will not be used in this tournament in any way.

Kill the imposter: if two teams with the same star player on their roster meet each other, then logically one of the teams must have hired an imposter. In this case it is your duty to kill the imposter! If one of the star players in question suffers a CAS during the game for any reason, then the other star player is considered to be the original. This still stands if the “imposter” star player who suffered a CAS regenerates or if the “original” star player later also suffers a CAS.

Each team also receives a cache of gold to buy extra skills, which increases the cost of the player as normal. This sum depends on the tier of the team. A player may be given one and only one extra skill and at most three players may be given the same skill. The extra skill may be selected from either the “normal” or “double” skill category.

Tier 1: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Wood Elf, Undead
Teams receive a cache of 160k gold for extra skills.
All tier 1 teams receive a -1 modification to their FAME.

Tier 2: Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegade, Elven Union, High Elf, Human, Khemri, Necromantic, Nurgle, Slann, Vampire
Teams receive a cache of 170k gold for extra skills + 1 normal skill for free, and ma, y select one skill that is protected.

Tier 3: Underworld, Halfling, Goblin, Ogre
Teams receive a cache of 170k gold for extra skills + 2 normal skills for free, and may select two skills that are protected.

[b]Losing skills[/b]
The tournament will consist of six games. Before each game you will select one player on your opponent's roster that has received an extra skill which is not protected. That player permanently loses the extra skill for the rest of the tournament. If you do not wish to select a player to lose a skill, you may let another coach select for you.

9:00 Registration

9:30-11:45 Game 1

13:00-15:15 Game 2

15:30-17:45 Game 3

18:00-20:15 Game 4

20:30 Dinner at restaurant or pub for those who wants to join.

10:00-12:15 Game 5

13:30-15:45 Game 6

16:00 Price Ceremony

Tournament Report
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