?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameTriangle/Raleigh Area Turncoat Rumble
Organizer NAF nameungodlynoob (21464)
OrganizerJacob Denmark
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2017-10-07
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2017-10-07
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Gaixo (13696)Multiple Races

Runner up

spartan357 (2406)Multiple Races

Most Touchdowns

ChrisF (23732)Multiple Races

Most Casualties

coachclyde (21461)Multiple Races

Stunty Cup

SupWill0048 (20761)Multiple Races

Best Painted

Other Awards

Half_Baked (24319)Multiple Races
Best Defense
ozeeb (19789)Multiple Races
Last Place
Tournament Location
Address1496 Garner Station Blvd
StateNorth Carolina
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Turncoat Style Event

4 round tournament with a lunch break after round 2.

Turncoat on 2nd and 4th round. (Play with your opponent’s models and roster)

Teams may be selected from any of the 21 official rosters as well as Chaos Pact, Slann, and Underworld.

1,100,000 starting budget. You may purchase players, rerolls, fan factor, coaches, and cheerleaders as normal.

Wizards, Journeymen, Special Play cards, Mercenaries, and Death Zone S1/S2 inducements are NOT ALLOWED. (i.e. Mini-Wizards, special refs, etc)

You may purchase any other inducements for your team, including Star Players (DZ S1/S2)

Each team will receive an additional 150,000 to purchase skills. (Left over funds from initial starting budget will NOT carry over to the skill budget)

20,000 for regular skills and 30,000 for doubles.

No more than 2 skills per player, the same skill can be used multiple times. [i.e. 4 Black Orcs with Block] (No stat increases)

Star Players may not be given any additional skills.

Each roster must have 11 players BEFORE including star players.

Each bribe will cost only 50k. (Cannot be purchased with skills budget)

Things to Bring: Your (Preferably) Painted Team

4 copies of your team’s roster.

GW or NAF Blocking Dice and a D8 for scatter.

Custom D6s will be provided and should be the only D6s used during this tournament

Before each match you and your opponent should agree on dice sharing, what constitutes a cocked die, etc.

Blood Bowl Board and templates if you have them. (We can’t guarantee how many extra sets we will have on site.)
Current Blood Bowl and Death Zone S1/S2 Rules

Tournament Rules: 4 games of Swiss pairing first and second place will be chosen by highest point total after 4 games. Weather will be rolled by each table. The Kickoff table in the LRB 6.0/C.R.P. will be used, except Throw Rock will be replaced by Throw a Bomb. Tournament will be a resurrection style tournament. Any injuries your team suffers will not carry over to the next game. The roster you start the tournament with will be the same for each round you play. Apothecaries always work. Igors function as normal.

Illegal Procedure: In the spirit of good sportsmanship, Illegal Procedures will not be called. The 4-minute turn rule will not be strictly enforced. But if the Tournament Referee feels the game may not finish in the 2 Hour time allotted, he may insist you use a timer and begin enforcing the 4-minute rule.

No Overtimes will be played!

Casualties of all kinds WILL count toward the Most Violent trophy. i.e. (Crowd, random events, fouls, star players) (Self inflicted [Failed Dodge, GFI, etc] Will NOT count)

Scoring: After each round you will fill Game Sheet awarding the following Game Points: A WIN is worth 10 pts, DRAW is worth 5 pts, a LOSS is worth 0 pts.
Tie-breakers for this tournament are determined by head-to-head, then net Touchdowns (TD for, to TD against), then net Casualty (Casualty for, to Casualty against). Additional tie breakers will be instituted by the Tournament Organizer as needed.

Painting and Modeling: All teams are expected to meet the minimum painted guidelines, if not, it’s not a huge deal, I promise most of us understand. Just make sure your opponent knows which models represent which player on your roster.

Sportsmanship: We are here for the fun of the game. Sportsmanship is not just encouraged from the coaches, it is required! An important note on sportsmanship: fouling 16 turns in a row, running up the score, etc. is not poor sportsmanship, but gloating and ridiculing your opponent while doing so is.

Awards: Trophies for First, Second, Most Casualties, Most Touchdowns, Best Defense, Stunty Cup*, Dirty Deeds**, Most Casualties Suffered, and Last Place. This event will use the “Spread the Wealth” system. If you are eligible for more than one award, you will be asked which one you prefer. By default, First and Second Place will take precedence.

Stunty Cup* - to be eligible for the Stunty Cup, you must play a Halfing, Goblin, Ogre, Underworld with no Skaven (that includes Skaven Star Players), or a Lizardman team with just skinks and a rookie Kroxigor (only Skink Star Players)

Dirty Deeds** - the team with the most foul attempts will win this award. Note that this is just attempts, not ejections. Play dirty! If players are tied for the awards, I will add in NET ejections, and then NET casualties.

Tournament Schedule:

Registration: 9:00am-10:00am
Round 1: 10:00am-12:00pm
Lunch: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Round 2: 1:00pm-3:00pm
Round 3: 3:00pm-5:00pm
Round 4: 5:00pm-7:00pm
Awards: 7:00pm-8:00pm

Tournament Report
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