?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameStone Bowl
Organizer NAF namedeeferdan (20747)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-04-21
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-04-21
StyleSwiss / Resurection
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Podfrey (149)Dark Elf

Runner up

KFoged (10691)Shambling Undead

Most Touchdowns

GORGOROTH (5893)Lizardmen

Most Casualties

Barney_the_Lurker (10572)Norse

Stunty Cup

AyupMeDuck (20894)Halfling

Best Painted

pigmental (18601)High Elf

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressThe Station Building
 Station Approach
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document



This year’s inaugural STONE BOWL will be held at Stone Station Community Centre, Stone, Staffordshire.
The venue is quite literally the station building and can be easily accessed by train or by road to the address: Station Approach, Stone, ST15
Access the venue the central red doors, they will be open from 11:45am.
If travelling by train please note that direct trains to Stone are hourly and available from Stafford, Stoke-on-Trent and Crewe. Trains are hourly and arrive at Stone station at 35 minutes past the hour if travelling south and 50 minutes past the hour traveling north.

Food & Drink

The venue has its own kitchen. Tea and coffee will be provided. You can also bring your own alcohol to the venue if you wish.
Food in the form of sandwiches and snacks will be included in your ticket price. Should you have any specific dietary requirements please let me know in plenty of time.


Tickets for NAF members are £14 and includes food and refreshments.
If you are not NAF member tickets are £19 and includes NAF membership that will be arranged for you prior to the tournament.
Payment should be sent by PayPal to danieldavidatherton@gmail.com (please send money as a gift)


Players will have 2.15 hours per game and we will try to stick to the following schedule. 4 minute turns will not be enforced but please try to be conscious of the time as you play, the referee will give you regular time updates as we go through each round and may request you use a clock if you are falling behind. We cant get into the venue until 11:45am on the day so we need to be quite prompt in order that we can get through the games in a fairly prompt fashion.
Registration 11:45 – 12:15
Game 1: 12:15-14:30
Lunch: 14:30-15:00 (provided – note this is a movable feast and food will be available prior to and probably post this time)
Game 2: 15:00-17:15
Game 3: 17:30-19:45
Awards Ceremony 20:00 (with the aim of having everyone away for 20:15)
What you need

Please bring:
a painted team
dice (block, d6, d8)
any other relevant tokens you feel you need
a blood bowl pitch (either size)

Rostering your team

The core tournament rules will follow official NAF advice regarding the new rules for Blood Bowl, as of the most recent edition released November 2016.
‘Resurrection’ rules will be used i.e. after each game all roster changes such as injuries, SPPs, winnings, FF change etc. are disregarded. You will use the same roster in all matches played.

Rosters are purchased with a treasury of 1,100,000 gold crowns and any of the 26 NAF sanctioned teams can be selected (so including the new Khorne and Bretonnian lists).
Inducements may not be purchased as part of your tournament roster other than these three exceptions:

i) All teams may hire 0-2 Star Players
ii) Goblins may hire 0-3 Bribes
iii) Halflings may hire a Master Chef.

If you include Star Player(s) in your roster you must first have at least 11 normal rostered players. If two coaches are drawn against each other in the tournament with the same Star Player on their roster, then both players are permitted to use the Star (contrary to the normal CRP rule).

Besides the starting skills on your roster, you are also permitted to add additional skills to your players, as per the table below:

Stunties (Ogres, Halfling, Goblin): 6 normal skills and 2 double skills
Everyone else 5 normal skills and 1 double skill
(Double skills do not have to be taken and can instead be exchanged for a normal skill)

All the additional skills are added to your roster at the start of the tournament. Players may receive a maximum of one skill.
Note that skills allowed for each Tier are exactly as ‘New Skill’ rolls specified either ‘Normal’ or ‘Double’ as per the Improvement Rolls table. There are no restrictions on skill duplication i.e. you may give several different players the same skill if you wish.
Star Players may not be given additional skills.

Each team will compete in 3 game rounds.
The first round will be randomly drawn.
Round two onwards the Swiss system will be used to determine your opponent (ie closest to you on your points ranking)

Tournament points

3 points for a win
1 point for a draw
0 points for a loss
-3 points concession
0-3 bonus points available over the three rounds (see secret objectives below)

Secret objectives

Each player will receive the same set of secret objective cards before game 1.
There are 5 cards in your deck all with different objectives, if achieved you will receive one bonus point to your final tournament score. Note, you simply have to achieve the goal specified on the card to achieve the bonus point, you don’t have to win the game.

Before each game both players shuffle their own secret objective deck and then randomly select one card from their own deck. This is your objective for the game, it represents what your coaches, shareholders, chairman or fans are particularly keen to see from the team this match. You do not have to declare what the objective is (in fact I would active encourage you to keep it a secret, hence the name), but at the end of the match you MUST reveal the card to determine if you have achieved the bonus point.
Each objective can only be used once during the tournament, so once selected the card should be set aside, meaning you shuffle 4 cards for game 2, and then 3 cards for game 3. Bonus points will be added at the end of round 3, so they will not impact the Swiss system rankings as the tournament progresses.

The objective cards are as follows:

1) Kick ‘em when they’re down, your fans are feeling particularly bloodthirsty today and wont to see horribly blatant fouls. Get two players sent off (a successful argue the call still counts as a sending off, only a sending off caused by double rolls during fouls count).
2) Comfortable victory, No more nail biting finishes, it’s not doing the coach’s pecker any good. Win by two clear touchdowns (2-0, 3-1 etc)
3) Assassinate, The teams shareholders want an increase in the team’s notoriety. Badly hurt (or worse) your opponent’s most valuable player (if there is more than one player of the same value, causing a casualty on any one of these players is sufficient, you DO NOT have to designate the target prior to kick off).
4) Clean Sheet, Time to stop the lazy D! Don’t concede any touchdowns this game.
5) CRUSH THEM! the commissioner will only be entertained by violence. Injure at lease 3 players on the opposition team (blocks, fouls and crowd casualties only).


There will be awards and prizes for the following (only one prize per participant with the exception of best painted):
Runner up
Most Casualties
Most touchdowns
Stunty Cup (2 or more stunty teams for eligibility)
The best-painted trophy will be voted fro between rounds by entrants. The idea of the best-painted trophy is for it to become a bit of a legacy of Stone Bowl. By agreement this years winner will be asked to paint next years trophy or return this years painted trophy, adding to the variety (and hopefully the quality) of the teams on show.


Should you have any further queries please email me via danieldavidatherton@gmail.com or post a message on the TFF forum.

I look forward to seeing you there,


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