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Tournament NameSpiky Cup VII 2018
Organizer NAF nameKilowoggy (11278)
OrganizerSteve Campbell
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-02-25
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-02-25
ScoringSee Rules Pack
CostSee Rules Pack
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageOrclahoma Bowl

Tournament Statistics


Macbeth9 (20290)Ogre

Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address3719 W. Main
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Recommend that players go to website to download rules pack.


Spiky Cup VII 2018
February 25th at Wizards Asylum
3719 W. Main Street (NEW LOCATION!)
Norman, OK (Next to Tuesday Morning)


EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Pre-register by December 31, 2017
• $25 - Spiky Cup (Only)
• $40 - Orclahoma Bowl & Spiky Cup (Both Events)

REGULAR Pre-register by January 31, 2018
• $30 - Spiky Cup (Only)
• $50 - Orclahoma Bowl & Spiky Cup (Both Events)

• $35 - At the door the day of the event

All Events can be signed up and paid for at the Orclahomabowl.com

Pre-Registration Bonus
If you pre-register by January 31, 2018 you will get 2 additional Spiky Cup D6’s, extra prize ticket and discounted tournament entry fee.

All players that pre-register for Spiky Cup are required to send in their Roster by February 12, 2018. Players can email their Roster to BDRosters@gmail.com

Tournament Schedule
8:00 – Registration Starts
8:15 – Registration Ends
8:30 – Round 1 (Random)
10:30 – Break
10:45 – Round 2 (Swiss)
12:45 – 1:45 – Lunch
2:00 – Round 3 (Swiss)
4:00 – Break
4:15 – Results/Awards

What you should bring
• Your Painted Blood Bowl Team
• Four Copies of your team roster
• Blood Bowl Field/Dugouts/Templates
• GW or NAF Block Dice & D8
• Printed Copy of Competition Rules (CRP)/LRB6 can be found here- http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m780049a_Blood_Bowl_Competition_Rules.pdf
• Plus the three new teams list http://www.orclahomabowl.com/documents/New_Teams.pdf

Things we will provide
• Pen
• Nametag
• Match Sheet
• Custom Dice
• Awards

Special Weather table
There is NO weather for these matches to start off with.

Special Rules
• No cards will be used
• Ref rules, Ptich Rules and any rules not in CRP, BB16 or DZ1 are not allowed
• Argue The Call – For this to be allowed, you MUST have a coach model that is thematically accurate for your team. No regular players or oddball figures. Final discretion is given to the organizer as to what qualifies.
• See below for clarification on Star Players that are allowed

Team Building Rules
• Each Non-Goblin team will be given 1 free bribe (this is in addition to the 3 you can normally buy).
• Each Goblin team will be given 2 free bribes (Maximum of 4 bribes may be received: 2 bought and 2 free).
• You are given 1,300,000 gold pieces to build your team using accepted BB rosters from BB2016, Teams of Legend and Slann/Kislev. Khorne and Brettonian are not allowed.
• You may purchase players, rerolls, fan factor, coaches, and cheerleaders as normal.
• Star Players are the ones listed in the CRP, BB16 and ONLY the following: Bilerot Vomitflesh, Frank N Stein, Rasta Tailspike and Guffle Pussmaw. No other stars will be allowed.
• Wizards, Journeymen, Special Play cards, and Mercenaries are NOT ALLOWED.
• With that said, you may purchase any other inducements as part of your team built.

You may use up to 300k from your build total to purchase and add skills as you see fit.
No more than 10 skills in total can be taken.
Regular skills are 20k and doubles are 30k (Except for stunty teams who may buy double skills for 20k).
Spiky Norman is a crazy Goblin so there is no one skill per player limit. Choose wisely.
SPECIAL SKILL INFO: Piling On uses the same rules as CRP, not as stated in the BB2016 Rules.
You may not give skills to Star Players.

The Experimental Goblin Try Outs
In honor of the NAF Reforming the Goblin Roster to allow new positions onto the pitch, they’re attempting to try out some new players to see how they work in practice. Each coach will be provided 6 cards with 6 different characters on them. Each half, you will shuffle your cards and present them to your opponent for them to randomly choose which player you will be playing with for that half. After that player has been used, he may not be used again for the remainder of the tournament. Write the stars you’ve used on the score sheet.
You will not be provided a figure for these, so please bring a Goblin or visually unique character to be used as the Try Out each round.

CRP Star Players
Note: If you are including a Star Player from the CRP Rule Book, you must still have 11 players on your team BEFORE being able to hire them. Having 10 plus a Star is not allowed.

Rule for Multiple of the Same Star Player
This is a once in a lifetime event for most of the guys. As such, some players may pretend to be a Star Player or some of the smart ones will be cloned by Wizards to get double the pay. What does that that mean? Star Players may play for both teams. There will is no “Highlander Rule”.

NAF Tournament Info
This is a NAF approved tournament. You may register onsite for $5.
More information can be found at TheNAF.net

Illegal Procedure
In the spirit of good sportsmanship, Illegal Procedures will not be called

The time limits WILL be strictly enforced. You will receive ‘Time Remaining’ updates from the Tournament Organizer to help you stay on pace.

The 4 Minute turn rule will not be used unless the Tournament organizer feels your game is in danger of not completing in the two hour timelimit. He may insist on a timer being used and enforcing the 4 minute turn rule.

You are encouraged to share dice with your opponent. Only GW or NAF Block Dice may be used and only the Spiky Cup D6’s received at registration may be used. You and your opponent should decide whose set of dice will be used.

After each round you will fill out the game sheet based on the game just completed.
• ALL KNOCK OUTS from Blocking, Fouling, Crowd Surfing, Weapons etc will provide 2pts (Not for failing GFI or Dodges)
• ALL CASUALTIES from Blocking, Fouling, Crowd Surfing, Weapons etc will provide 4pts (Not for failing GFI or Dodges)
• A WIN is worth 60pts
• A DRAW is worth 30pts
• A LOSS is worth 10pts
• If you lost by 1 Touchdown, you earn +2 bonus pts
• If you caused 1 more CAS from Blocking than opp you earn +2 bonus pts
• If you caused 2 or more CAS from Blocking than opp you earn +5 bonus pts
• If you clear the pitch you earn +5 bonus pts (max once per game)
• If you won by 2 Touchdowns you earn +2 bonus pts
• If you won by 3 or more Touchdowns you earn +5 bonus pts
• If you finished the game by using all turns +3 bonus pts

There will be no overtime played. If your game ends in a draw, it’s draw.

Goblins love causing chaos, cheating and mayhem. If by chance there is a tie in Tournament points, the ties will be broken in this order:
• Goblin Team wins tiebreaker against over any other team
• Most Casualties
• Most Casualties + Knock Outs
• Whoever pays the organizer the most
• Knife fight (Goblin Style)

All teams are expected to meet the minimum painted guidelines. They must have 3 colors on them and have had some attempt at making them appear finished.

We are here for the fun of the game. Sportsmanship is not encouraged from the coaches, it is required!
Fouling 16 turns in a row and running up the score is not poor sportsmanship, but gloating and ridiculing your opponent while doing so is.

Sportsmanship Awards will be determined based on answers given in the Etiquette Sheet.
Tournament Organizer will strictly enforce the “Don’t be a Douche” policy. Basically, it consists of not performing any acts of Douchebaggery.

To be eligible for an award, you must have played all 3 rounds of the tournament.
The following trophies will be given out after the last round:
• Spiky Cup Champion - First Place Team in standings with the most overall points after 3 rounds.
• 2nd Place - Second Place team in standings with the most overall points after 3 rounds
• Del Zine Cup - Third Place team in standings with the most overall points after 3 rounds
• Best Offense - Team that scored the most TDs
• Best Defense - Team that allowed the fewest TDs
• Most Brutal - Team with the most KO and CAS bonus points
• Stunty Champion - Best Stunty Team (Halflings, Goblins, Ogre) in standings with the most overall points
• Fan Favorite - Best fan favorite team as decided by the participants of the event. It could be based on anything, your vote for the best team at the event.
• Best Sportsman - Best Sportsman as decided by participants via Etiquette sheet. Tournament Organizer will break ties.
• Back of the Pack - Coach that finished with lowest number of Tournament pts

Spread The Wealth
A coach may only win one award. If they are in line to win more than one award, they will be asked which one they would prefer and the next coach in line will be given the other award. Tournament organizers reserve the right to adjust the awards at their own discretion for maximum benefit of the coaches.

QUESTIONS? Email us at OrclahomaBowl@gmail.com for Answers!
Spiky Cup Kick-Off Table
2 Old Star Riot- Not liking the idea of new players, the United Goblin Guild have decided to bum rush the pitch. The refs will be busy trying to keep things from getting ugly.
There are no refs for this drive. Secret Weapons after the drive remain the same rules.
3 Get back in there! - The fans have been bribed to make sure the team stays on the pitch to further the NAF's testing. For this drive only, any player pushed out of bounds will be thrown back in.
Resolve as a regular throw in for a ball with, but with only 1D6 unless they're stunty, then it will resolve with 2D6. Landing rolls only succeed on a 6. Armor/injuries made as normal.
4 Protect the Investment - The NAF have decided to make sure their investments are secure. They hire a wizard to cast a protect spell against the Try Out. For this drive, the Try Out cannot be sent off the pitch. If they were to be KO'ed or Injured, they remain stunned.
5 Ball Drone - The NAF is testing out one of their newest inventions, the Ball Drone. While in the air, the drone captures it and the receiving player can move it to over any one of their players.
Roll for catch. The player gets +1 if on the midline, or -1 if not.
6 Yaye NAF! - The fans are getting excited and are enjoying the NAF interfering in the matches.
Each coach rolls 2D6, adds Coaches, Cheerleaders and FAME. The highest roll GAINS a reroll.
7 Sabotage! - Someone has sabotaged the Weather Controls in order to try and cause mayhem.
Roll a D3 and implement the appropriate weather:
1: It's raining Grots and Snots- Due to the rain, it’s -1 to Picking Up, Catching or Intercepting the ball and due to the mud. the 2nd GFI will fail on a 1 or 2.
2: Where'd everyone go? - A thick fog rolls in. For this drive, armor rolls from Fouls will not cause ejections. If armor breaks, the ref gets alerted and may see the injury roll.
3: What the Hail? - Any Catch/Intercept roll get -1. If a player fails a GFI, add +1 to their armor roll.
8 Boo NAF! - The fans are getting rowdy and are sick of the NAF interfering in the matches.
Each coach rolls 2D6, adds Coaches, Cheerleaders and FAME. The highest roll LOSES a reroll.
9 Gizmo Ball - Before kicking off, the kicking team has replaced the regular ball with a weird contraption from some disgruntled United Goblin Guild members. After kicking, the ball sprouts big spikes. Any failed pickup or catch roll will cause a player to be stabbed. Resolve as normal. Does not cause a turnover.
10 Tear 'em apart! - The crowd is worked into a frenzy and wants blood! Any player pushed into the crowd will have a +1 on their Injury Roll
11 Spiky Cup? Oh… oops… - A confused and very zealous fan has jumped onto the field with a Spiky Bat. He then proceeds to bash a member of each team before being torn apart by the happy fans. One random player from each team will go prone and do an armor check with +1 to the Armor Roll. Resolve injuries as normal.
12 Kidnapped! - The United Goblin Guild has had enough. They have hired some corrupt officials and taken measures to screw things up royally.
Both Try Outs are removed from the pitch and returned to the sideline. No secret weapon rolls are required. Due to no Try Outs on the pitch, the fans start leaving in droves. Both players FAME is moved to Zero for the remainder of the game.

Tournament Report
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