?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThundergnome II
Organizer NAF nameTheOldTook (21684)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-06-09
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-06-09
Cost30 EUR
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageZurich Alchemists League (ZAL)

Tournament Statistics


Kithor (3874)Khorne

Runner up

fluffy_bunny (21778)Human

Most Touchdowns

Big-A (11857)Skaven

Most Casualties

TheOldTook (21684)Chaos Chosen

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressGZ Oerlikon
 Gubelstrasse 10

Ruleset Document

Thundergnome is part of the SBBM series of Tournaments and counts towards the final ranking in the SBBM. It is a NAF-Sanctioned tournament and all games will count toward player statistics on the NAF.

Rules of Engagement

The Gnomes of Zurich welcome you to the second Thundergnome!
As Zurich is an expensive place, a higher starting value will be available for the Teams – with some special deals to be had for innovative banking (this is a Gnome-sponsored event after all). To give our bloodthirsty Fans something to cheer about, read on for the special rules.
Current Rules of Games Workshop™ Blood Bowl™ – as applied by the NAF.
All teams previously registered in the Competition Rules Book/LRB6 including Slann/Chaos Pact/Underworld/Bretonnian/Khorne are welcome.
Three Games played – Saturday 9th June – Registration 09:00 – 09:30
Game 1 – 09:30 – 11:45
Lunch - 11:45 – 12:45
Game 2 - 12:45 – 15:00
Game 3 – 15:30 – 17:45
Award Ceremony 18:00/18:30

Starting Basic Team Value: 120
Minimum 11 players per Team, no Star Players.
Wizards are not allowed, Halflings may hire a Masterchef for 100 K.
Inducements such as Bloodweiser Babes will be allowed, cost as per the price for the official ruleset. The Special Play Cards will not be used. The illegal procedure rule is not used, both players should take care that the turn marker is moved to keep track of their turns.
The four-minute rule is not used. However, due to time constraints, matches must be played within the time allowed, should a match begin to overrun, the players will be given a chess clock.
Handicap may be applied during games (see below for the rules on the Gnomish Hoard Cash for Thundergnome).
This is a resurrection style tournament, so all players will recover after the match. However, Undead and Necromantic teams may use their Necromancer to recruit Zombies for the duration of the ongoing match according to the LRB rules.
Tier 1: Undead, Wood Elf, Bretonnian, Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardman
Tier 2: Necromantic, Norse, Orc, Skaven, Chaos Pact, Pro Elf, High Elf, Human
Tier 3: Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Khemri, Slann, Underworld, Vampire
Tier 4: Goblin, Halfling, Ogre

Tier 1 may choose 2 Normal Skills.
Tier 2 may choose 1 Double Skill and 2 Normal Skills
Tier 3 may choose 1 Double Skill and 4 Normal Skills
Tier 4 may choose 2 Double Skills and 4 Normal Skills

In addition – a Gnomish Hoard of 200’000 Cash is made available – this can be spent to buy additional skills as follows:
Tier 1 – Max 1 Double Skills @ 50 K each and/or max 2 Single Skills @30 K each. One player per team may be upgraded with a second additional skill @ the cost of the skill + 80 K.
Tier 2 – Max 1 Double Skills @ 50 K each and/or max 3 Single Skills @30 K each. One player per team may be upgraded with a second additional skill @ the cost of the skill + 70 K. An Apothecary may be recruited for one match during the tournament.
Tier 3 – Max 1 Double Skills @ 50 K each and/or max 4 Single Skills @30 K each. Two players per team may be upgraded with a second additional skill @ the cost of the skill + 60 K.
Tier 4 – Max 1 Double Skills @ 50 K each and/or max 5 Single Skills @ 30 K each. Two players per team may be upgraded with a second additional skill @ the cost of the skill + 50 K.
Tiers 3 & 4 may buy up to a maximum of 2 bribes and may recruit an apothecary for two matches during the tournament.

A Win is worth 4 points
A Draw is worth 2 points
A Loss within 1 TD is worth 1 point
A Loss by more than 1 TD is worth 0 points.
Discontinue/Give Up -2 points.

Additional Gnomish Hoard rules – The Gnomes of Zurich like well-heeled Teams, but they like to have the cash in hand more – and will reward the teams with a higher bank balance. At the start of each match, it is determined which team has the higher bank balance remaining. This team may then choose to spend some of the funds during the match by paying 10 K each time. Remember, Spending money from the bank will be removed immediately. However, this will reduce the TV of your team and may have an effect on the handicap calculation for later matches:
Modify a Kick-Off Result by 1 (up or down)
Re-Roll any one Dice Roll for 10 K. Remember, this works similar to the RR rules, so only one RR per turn is allowed.
Once per match Re-Roll a failed Re-Roll (costs 30 K).

Additional Game Rules
GAME 1 – Fan Participation – the Fans have all been issued with free Rocks to throw – First Half, Each Kick-Off result is applied as usual, but another D6 must be thrown – on a roll of 1 or 2, the Fans also throw a Rock. / Second Half, most rocks have been expended and a rock is only thrown when a 1 is rolled. Both teams are equally affected – only FAME +2 adds +1 to the Dice Roll, FAME +1 gives no advantage.
Gnomish Hoard Cash may be used to add +1 to the Dice Roll if paying 20 K. Both teams can choose to pay.

GAME 2 – Secret Weapons – A secret weapon is stashed in every corner – a player reaching this corner (may not be placed within 4 squares from the corner at Kick-off) may, at the start of the next turn, act as if he had picked up a secret weapon / Determined by Dice Roll: Chainsaw, Set of Bombs, Dagger. The Ref has been paid to ignore these secret weapons, but they have to be dropped when a Touch Down is scored and the player reverts to being just a normal player for the next drive.
Gnomish Hoard Cash may be used to “unbribe” the Ref by paying 20 K – in which case he will spot the special secret weapon before the next Kick-off and send the player off. Both teams can choose to pay.

GAME 3 – Exploding Balls – The usual Game Ball has been replaced by a specially modified ball that may or may not explode – every time the ball is handled – on pick-up, catch, intercept, an additional ball-check is required. On a 3+ everything is fine, on a 1 or 2 the ball explodes, knocking down the player attempting to handle the ball and forcing an Armour Roll. Adjacent players are affected on a Roll of 1. A new ball magically appears two random squares away from the explosion site – if this is off-pitch, the fans throw in a ball as per the usual rules.

Gnomish Hoard will add 1 Point per 50 K remaining in the hoard to the final Ranking.

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