?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameBacon Bowl 6: Referee Edition
Organizer NAF nameGobdomino (19092)
OrganizerNate Ball
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-05-12
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-05-12
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


isenmike (22673)Lizardmen

Runner up

EnglishChris (19342)High Elf

Most Touchdowns

TheFlyRoper (25021)Skaven

Most Casualties

Sobhek (24469)Tomb Kings

Stunty Cup

Hoshi_Komi (1654)Ogre

Best Painted

Other Awards

captainkellen (19082)Orc
Most Mediocre
LittleDenny (23365)Chaos Renegade
Best Defense
Tournament Location
Address13172 Midlothian Turnpike
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document


Event Name: Bacon Bowl 6: Referee Edition
Place: Battlegrounds in Midlothian, Virginia (see "Store Information" below for address, phone number and web address)
Date: Saturday, May 12th, 2018
Time: 9:00 AM – 7:45 PM
Entrance Fee: $20
Non-NAF members will need $5 for NAF membership.

9:00 AM – 10:45 AM, Tailgating and Registration
11:00 AM – 1:15 PM, First Round
1:30 PM – 3:45 PM, Second Round
4:00 PM – 4:45 PM, Tailgating/Dinner Break
5:00 PM – 7:15 PM, Third Round
7:45 PM - Award Ceremony


• $20 if NAF member, $25 if not (extra $5 will pay for membership).

• 3 copies of your team roster.

• Dice (1d8, 3 block dice), Blood Bowl board, dugouts and templates (some of these will be on-hand, but better safe than sorry).

• Your team (painting guidelines below under "Tournament Scoring").

• Pen or pencil.


• 3 Games of Blood Bowl.

• Custom dice: 2d6 (your choice of red or blue).

All items are limited and offered on a "first come, first served" basis.


• Tournament teams may be purchased using 1,150,000 GC.

• Inducements that are allowed:
o Bloodweiser Kegs
o Master Chef
o Bribes
o Wandering Apothecaries
o Igor
o Star Players

• Inducements that aren’t allowed:
o Mercenaries
o Wizard
o Special Play Cards
o “Star Staffers” from Death Zone 2

• Star Players may be chosen once all 11 players have been purchased.

• If opposing teams have the same star player, no problem!

• Star Players from both CRP/LRB and Death Zone will be allowed. This means that you can have both Zara the Slayer and Karla von Kill on your roster if you can afford it. The three Bugman's stars (Frank N. Stein, Rasta Tailspike, Bilerot Vomitflesh) are also available.

• Teams may be selected from any of the 26 NAF rosters, to include Bretonnian and Khorne. Goblins and Chaos Pact will use the updated rosters from Death Zone 2.

• Skills will be awarded depending on team type:

TIER A - 4 skills (0 doubles)
Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardman, Norse, Orc, Undead, Wood Elf
TIER B –5 skills (up to 1 double)
Bretonnian, Elf, High Elf, Human, Necromantic, Skaven
TIER C – 6 skills (up to 2 doubles), big guy double skills
Chaos, Chaos Pact, Khemri, Khorne, Nurgle, Vampire, Slann, Khemri
TIER D –6 skills (up to 4 doubles), +50,000 GC, big guy double skills
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Underworld (either type), Stunty Lizardmen

These skills may be awarded freely except for the following restrictions:

• No more than two skills per player.

• The same skill may not be selected more than twice. No more than two players per team may add Guard, for instance.

• Players with ST of 5 or more may not be given double skills unless they play for Tier C or D.

• Star Players may not be given any skills or stat increases.


Games will be played using the rules from the Blood Bowl Competition Rules Pack as modifed by BB2016 and its supplements. The following document explains the interaction between those rules sets:


Beyond that, the following modifications and additions will be in effect:

• Illegal Procedure will not be used.

• Turns will not be timed, unless a game is obviously falling behind schedule or one coach demands it. If a game is not finished within 2 hours, coaches will be given time to finish their last turn(s) and then it will be halted.

• If a game is timed, a chess clock app should be used. If one coach’s allotted time expires, he is only allowed to stand players up or turn them over from stunned to prone. These moves should be done as quickly as possible.

• Dice do not have to be shared unless either of the coaches participating in a match requests it.

• Rosters reset after every round. This means that injured players are restored to health and players gained through Raise the Dead are lost. This also means that there are no earnings or Fan Factor increases.

Pairing and Scoring

Opponents will be selected randomly for Round 1. Rounds 2 and 3 will be selected using the system of Swiss pairing (most points vs. most points, lowest points vs. lowest points, etc.).

+20 points for each win
+10 points for each draw
0 points for each loss
+ 1 point for each touchdown scored
+ 1 point per casualty (Only those that would normally result in SPPs, fouling, by secret weapon, or by Star Player)


* Referee model, Up to +3 points: Must look like a Blood Bowl Referee! This is entirely subjective and will be judged by the TO.
* Unpainted teams are allowed, but it will make us sad.

Here’s what you can strive for! Understand that we love handing out trophies to multiple people so you can only win one (exception being Best Star Player and Best Painted)

1. First Place
2. Second Place
3. Best Offense
4. Best Defense
5. Most Violent
6. Stunty Cup (only for Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Lizardmen with no Saurus, or Underworld with no Skaven)
7. Most Mediocre
8. Best Star Player
9. Halfling Chef (brought awesome homemade food)
10. Last Place

Referee RULES
Tensions are running so high amongst traveling and home teams that the Blood Bowl Officiating Alliance (BBOA) has decided to be more involved than usual in today’s games. Is their motive to ensure that the integrity of the game remains intact or is it that the surge of visiting coaches will help to fill their pockets all the more?

All games in this tournament will feature two referees who will be on the pitch! The rules of the referees, as well as additional special rules for this tournament, are as follows:

For this tournament, the refs are looking for extra money- especially from teams who are looking for an extra ‘edge’, and especially from McMurty’s who are introducing their bacon-wrapped hot dogs! The following tiers for bribes are as follows:

TIER A – Bribes are for Wusses- Bribes are normal cost
Bretonnian, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardman, Norse, Orc, Undead, Wood Elf
TIER B – Bribes Keep Refs Honest- Bribes are 50K
Amazon, Elf, High Elf, Human, Necromantic, Skaven, Nurgle, Chaos
TIER C – Bribes Are Part of the Game- Bribes are 50K and teams get one for free
Chaos Pact, Khemri, Khorne, Vampire, Slann, Underworld
TIER D – If You Ain’t Bribin’, You Ain’t Winnin’!- Bribes are 50K and teams get two free bribes
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Underworld (no Skaven), Stunty Lizardmen

Kick-off Table
The 2d6 roll "Get the Ref" and "Blitz" are switched.

No Affiliation
Referees do not count as players for either team. They do not provide assists to fouls or blocks, players are not required to make dodge attempts when leaving squares adjacent to the referee, nor do referee's add negative modifiers when players move through or into the referee’s tackle zone.

Slippery Movement
Because referees are trained and seasoned professionals of officiating Blood Bowl (not to mention staying out of harm’s way!) They always ignore the tackle zones of other players during their movement phase (more information on referee movement below.)

Starting Location
At the start of the game, after the Coaches have placed their teams on the pitch, both Coaches place one ref on any empty square on the pitch, with the Defensive Coach placing their referee down first followed by the Offensive Coach.

Referee Stats
Stats: Movement – 4, Strength – 4, Agility – 3, Armour – 9
Skills: Dodge, Jump Up, Side Step, Thick Skull, Right Stuff

Note for Kick-Off Table: Referees are not affected by pitch invasion but are affected by throw a bomb. Designate their number before a dice is thrown. If the ref catches the bomb, he would automatically succeed in throwing it back into the stands, causing no harm to anyone on the pitch.

Referee Behavior and Interaction
Refs move about the field at random, moving at the start of the Offensive Team Turn. The random movement will be determined by two throws of an 8-sided dice. Roll the 8-sided dice and use the Scatter Template to determine the direction of the Ref’s move, then roll the second 8-sided to give the distance moved:

If the Ref’s move would take him off the pitch, or into a square with the ball, another Ref, or a standing or downed player, the Ref stops in the adjacent square. If the ref is within 3 squares of a foul, it is automatically spotted! Otherwise, fouls will act as normal per the rules.

Spotting a Foul
Bribes are great to save a fouling player from being sent off when rolling doubles. However, Refs like money!

Did you see you that?!?: Coaches whose players are the victims of fouls may immediately use a bribe (this is a play out of normal sequence) after the results of the foul were resolved to force a roll off. Each coach rolls a D6. If the roll of the coach using a bribe for "Did you see that?!?!" is higher than his opponents, then the player who committed the foul counts as “spotted” and will be ejected (normal turnover rules apply) unless the accused coach uses a bribe in an attempt to counteract the ejection. This specialty bribe can only be used once per turn.

Argue the Call
Because this tournament has unafraid and professional referees, they will listen to no player or Coach who argues the call, so no dice will be rolled. They will, however, listen to violence! To Argue the Call, players may make blocks against the Ref as if he was another player, as long as the player has not already performed an action in the turn. Is the ref not adjacent to any of your players? No problem! Your team is so mad, you may designate a player who has not performed an action to gain a free “Blitz” with the express purpose of tackling the Ref. Any dodge rolls to get there must be performed, and no assists are given to help the Ref against the block although your own teammates can help with assists.

Be careful! If at any time, the free blitz or block causes your player to hit the ground, you are kicked out for the rest of the game! Also, if you are standing at the end of the block but so is the Ref, you are kicked out for the remainder of the game! No bribes may be used.

*There will be no blocking or blitzing a Ref in Arguing a Call to keep secret weapons on the field. The normal dice roll will be used*

Kill the Zebra!
Since coaches may find a referee occupying a certain space inconvenient or inhibitive of their desired strategy, referees can be blocked, blitzed, fouled, and if a player has the Throw Team-Mate Skill, thrown. All knock out and casualty results automatically remove the referee from the pitch. At the start of the next half a new referee will replace the dead referee using the rules for “Starting Location”.

Throw a bomb at the Ref?! If the Ref catches the bomb, he will immediately throw it into the stands automatically. Should the Ref keep his footing and remains standing, the bomb thrower will be immediately ejected. No bribes may be used.

Players with the Throw Team-Mate skill may attempt to throw a referee. This will NOT count as the team’s pass action for their turn. Referees may not be intentionally thrown into the crowd, though they may scatter off the pitch as normal. The opposing coach will roll for the referee attempting to stick the landing. Referees do not suffer negative modifiers for rolling to stick the landing if players from either team are located in adjacent squares. A player who makes a throw team-mate attempt will be automatically ejected if the ref remains standing and the coach will suffer a turnover unless the referee is killed on the landing, by the crowd, or is eaten in the attempt. If the referee is killed or eaten then no penalty is suffered.

Knocked Down and Stunned Referees
Knocked down or stunned referees are unable to spot fouls unless they are the target of the foul. Ejection (i.e. sent to the dungeon) and turnovers will not occur if doubles are rolled for determining armour or injury results during a foul action.

Dead Referees
If there are no referees on the pitch at any time then ejections and turnovers will not occur if doubles are rolled for determining armour or injury results for a foul action.

* Please note that the referee rules are a work in progress and will be undergoing play testing in the weeks leading up to the tournament. Coaches are encouraged to test these rules on their own and are welcome to submit comments/suggestions to the tournament organizer, Nate Ball by email at skullsandones.com. Any changes to these rules will be announced as they are made.

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