?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameGreat Smoky Mountain Bowl
Organizer NAF namehighmecca (14938)
OrganizerRosco Piercy
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-06-30
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-06-30
ScoringW-20 T-10 L-0 Painted Team +10
Cost15 / 20 /25
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


SkavenElbow (23872)Wood Elf

Runner up

Gaixo (13696)Wood Elf

Most Touchdowns

waaagh (23243)Elf Union

Most Casualties

khamos (23106)Orc

Stunty Cup

Jogrenaut (22460)Ogre

Best Painted

Other Awards

ScreamingT (25968)Halfling
Last Place
xrishadowchaser (23724)Chaos Chosen
Best Sportsman
Tournament Location
AddressMulligan's Gaming
 5334 Fort henry Dr.
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Early Bird Preregistration Price: $15.00 Through April 30th 2018
Regular Preregistration Price $20.00 Through May 30th 2018
Event Day Price $25.00

Events can be paid through Paypal to Friends and Family at HoustonPiercy@gmail.com. Leave me a note saying registering for GSMB

If you Early Bird Preregister, you get 4 Extra Raffle Tickets along with the cheapest entry fee pricing.
If you Preregister, You get 2 Extra Raffle Tickets along with a discounted entry fee.

Rosters must be turned in online by June 16th Email rosters to

Tournament Schedule: Modified as needed
8:30 Register Players
8:45 Pairing Begins
9:00 Round 1 (Random Pairing attention given to pair against unknown opponents)
11:00 Lunch
12:00 Round 2 (Swiss)
2:00 Break
2:15 Round 3 (Swiss)
4:15 Break
4:30 Awards, and Prizes

What you Need:
A (preferably) Painted Blood Bowl Team
5 Copies of your Roster
Bring your Pitch/ Dugouts/ and Templates
Games Workshop, NAF, or Impact Block Dice & a D8
Quick Reference Sheets

Gameplay Rules:
2016 Rulebook
Deathzone Seasons 1 / 2 or The Almanac
The following documents from www.bloodbowl.com
d. The BB2016 Errata
e. The BB2016 FAQ
f. NAF Rules for Tournaments from August 2017 (or newer)
26 Teams Including Khorne and Bretonnians,

Special Rules:
No Illegal Procedures
Piling on does not require a re-roll.
D6's from the Tournament are to be used, no others.
Resurrection Format (Teams reset each game)
Due to the nature of the weather in the Great Smoky Mountains, You will be required to roll on the weather table at every kick-off, along with any other result rolled on the kick-off table.
If your opponent feels you are taking to long, you will both be set to a 4 minute rule by the tournament administrator.
3 Special Play cards will be issued to players. Any 1 card may be used in each game, and may not be used again for the rest of the tournament.

Win: 20
Tie: 10
Loss: 0
Painted Team :10


1. Touchdown Differential (Scored (–) Allowed)
2. Touchdowns (+1 Point ea) + Casualties (+1 Point ea) + Shutout Bonus (+3 points ea)
3. Highest Sportsmanship points

Team Creation: (11 players minimum not including star players)
Gold: 1,200,000
Star Players from NAF & Almanac are allowed.
No Grak & Crumbleberry
No Grombrindal
No Black Gobbo

Skill Packages: (no doubles on big guys & no more than 2 of each skill may be given, and only 1 skill may be given to any player.)
Package 1: 7 Regular skills, .
Package 2: 5 Regular skills , 1 doubles skill,
Package 3: 3 Regular Skills, 2 Doubles skills

Stunty Package Halflings, Goblins, Ogres, and No Saurus Lizardmen: Allows doubles on big guys

Same as above but add
Package 1: + 3 Regular Skills
Package 2 & 3: +3 Regular Skills or +1 Regular Skill and 1 Double Skill

1st Place: Blue/Gold
2nd Place Red/Silver
3rd Place: White/Bronze
Best Sportsman
Stunty Cup
Best Offense (Most Touchdowns scored)
Best Defensee (Fewest Touchdowns allowed)
Buckwild in the Backyard (Most Casualties inflicted)
Dammit I Tried!!! (Wooden Spoon) worst record

Tournament Report
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