?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Organizer NAF namesaebelsultan (20854)
OrganizerKevin Kiessling
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-06-08
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-06-08
Cost5 €
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Junior84 (20857)Amazon

Runner up

lheytobb (24058)Lizardmen

Most Touchdowns

cubefarmer (3741)Norse

Most Casualties

NicerDicer (24672)Chaos Chosen

Stunty Cup

AlbT (26045)Halfling

Best Painted

Other Awards

treborius (21062)Human
7th at Sevens
AlbT (26045)Halfling
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
AddressSpielecafé Würfel & Zucker
 Eilbeker Weg 39

Ruleset Document

3 games of BB Sevens on one Friday evening!
For full rules please download and read the DOCKLAND SEVENS Tournament description from the Talk Fantasy Football link above.

3 Games BB Sevens in Swiss Format.
Find the offical NAF BB7s Ruleset here: http://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/NAF_BB7s.pdf

8th of June 2018, 5:30 pm

Spielecafé Würfel & Zucker
Eilbeker Weg 39
22089 Hamburg

For registration please send an e-mail to anni78@passtschon.com. Please state your NAF-name and ID if possible. You will then be provided with paying instructions. Your final registration is complete when I have received your fee.
Non-NAF members are welcome.
This tournament is limited to 16 coaches.
The venue is a Café. Juveniles under 16 years are only allowed when accompanied by a parent due to alcohol licenced venue.

Rules summary
- NAF BB7s, BB2016, NAF Tournament Ruleset and all 26 NAF races.
- The Tournament will use player resurrection after each round.
- No extra skills will be available.
- Piling On as per NAF suggestion.
- Coaches need a proper coaching model for using Argue the Call
- No Illegal Procedure
- Max. game time is 75 minutes. No 4 minute rule.
- Scoring: Win 3 points, Draw 1 point, Loss 0 points, Conceding -3 points. Tie breakers (in this order) are Secret Objectives, TD-Difference, CAS-Difference (blocks, fouls, secret weapons, stab, stake, or crowd surfing)
- Secret Objectives (thanks to Deeferdan from Stone Bowl):
Each player gets a set of 5 Secret Objectives (SO) cards. Before each game one of the SO is secretly drawn by each player. If during the match the player is able to fulfill his SO he gains 1 bonus point for tie breakers. The SO is put aside and for the next match the player has one card less to draw his SO from. The SOs are:
1. Cause at least 2 CAS through fouls.
2. CAS the most valuable player on the opposing team by blocking or fouling. If more than 1 player has the same value only 1 has to be CASed. Player has not to be declared beforehand.
3. Win by a lead of at least 2 TDs.
4. Do not concede a TD.
5. Cause at least 3 CAS through blocks, fouls, secret weapons, stab, stake, or crowd surfing.

Tournament Report
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