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Tournament NameEmpire Cup 4
Organizer NAF nameMightyZuk (20267)
OrganizerMarc Zukerman
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-06-09
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-06-09
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Norse (144)Chaos Dwarf

Runner up

apojar (22436)Halfling

Most Touchdowns

isenmike (22673)Norse

Most Casualties

centipede (21112)Tomb Kings

Stunty Cup

apojar (22436)Halfling

Best Painted

Norse (144)Chaos Dwarf

Other Awards

chip_killy (21416)Chaos Dwarf
Best Sportsmanship
CrazyUnmaker (22592)Goblin
Long Island Lolita (Wooden Spoon)
MightyZuk (20267)Ogre
Third Place
ClanCampbell (24888)Norse
Best Defense
Tournament Location
Address294 E Montauk Hwy
StateNew York
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

What is the Empire Cup?
The Empire Cup is a NAF-sponsored resurrection-style tournament utilizing a Swiss pairing system. This means that any injuries sustained in one game will not carry over to the next. The tournament will be one day and feature three guaranteed games for participating teams. This is the fourth year that the Empire Cup is running, thank you for making it what it is today!

Is this tournament part of the Bombcast © Eastern American Series of Tournaments?
Yes!!! The rule set is compatible with the BEAST. Every team may be played and qualifies for BEAST points. Please contact the Empire Cup 2018 tournament organizer at empirecupbb@gmail.com for more information. Points available for this tournament are listed at the bottom of the document.

What do I need to bring?
• Your Painted Team
• A Blood Bowl Board (custom to standard specs or from the board game itself), dugouts, and templates.
• Four printed copies of your team roster, using the NAF team builder, found at https://www.thenaf.net/resources/roster-creation/.
• Good sportsmanship

What is the rule set for the tournament?
The documents that outline the rules for the Empire Cup are the new BB2016 rules released by Games Workshop. These rules are encompassed by the following documents:

• The rules in the Games Workshop box set (the Official Rules)
• Deathzone Seasons 1 and 2
• The following documents from www.bloodbowl.com
o Teams of Legend (ToL)
o The Errata (ERR)
o The FAQ (FAQ)

In addition, the following NAF-sponsored changes will be applied to the rule set:

• Slann, Khorne and Bretonnians will be allowed. These rosters can be found in at https://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/NAF_Tournament_Teams.pdf
• All CRP/LRB6 star players will be allowed in addition to the ones that were released in the official documents for BB2016, Death Zone 1 and 2.
• Special play cards will NOT be used
• Wizards are not allowed to be purchased as inducements. However, Horatio, the wizard infamous coach in Death Zone 2 is a valid addition to your roster
• Piling On will be allowed as a skill with the modification that it does NOT require a team reroll to use

How do I create a team?
You have 1,100,000 gold crowns to build a team consisting of a minimum of 11 players. You may purchase fan factor, rerolls, assistant coaches, cheerleaders and/or an apothecary (automatically successful) per each team’s usual rules. The following inducements may also be purchased at their standard price as permanent part of the team:

• Bloodweiser Kegs
• Wandering Apothecary
• Bribe
• Halfling Master Chef
• Star Players*

*Star players may be purchased as a permanent part of the team, however you must already have 11 players on your roster before doing so. If two teams playing each other purchase the same star player, they will both be able to use the star player.

Once your team is created, you are given an additional skill package to spend on player skills. Normal skills cost 20k, doubles cost 30k. No stat upgrades are allowed. You can only buy any one skill up to four (4) times and a single player can only be given two (2) skills.

Tier A: 60K Skills (Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, High Elf, Human, Lizardman, Necromantic, Norse, Orc, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elf

Tier B: 80K Skills (Bretonnian, Daemons of Khorne, Chaos, Chaos Pact, Elf, Khemri, Nurgle, Slann, Underworld)

Tier C: 100K Skills (Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Skinks, Vampire, Warpstone Goblins)

Finally, in the Empire Cup, there will be a Stunty Cup competition for players who are looking for more of a challenge. Eligible teams for the Stunty Cup are: Halflings, Goblins, Ogres, Skinks (10-16 with 0-1 Kroxigor), and Warpstone Goblins (12 Underworld Goblins, 0-1 Warpstone Troll). Other than the limitations stated with each team roster, the team creation rules are the same as with more “capable” teams. Note that the two non-standard stunty teams each have access to the same star players that their parent roster have access to.

Are there any painting or modeling requirements?
Any miniatures are allowed, however each of the models of a particular position must be easily identifiable as such (similar poses, features, etc.). Each of the models must be numbered clearly. There will be a reward for the best painted team as voted by all participants.

Coaches are also encouraged (not required) to have their models display identifiers for bonus skills bought. These could be rubber bands, stickers, flags or anything else creatively applied.

What is the format for the tournament?
The first round is determined by random pairings. Subsequent rounds will be Swiss pairings meaning that the two teams that will be playing each other will be of similar rankings. In the case that a coach would be paired with a coach they had already played against, the pairing will be broken up to face either up or down one rank in order to ensure this doesn’t happen.

Organizers will do their best to ensure that players that are travelling together from the same region do not play each other in the first round. This will depend on the number and variety of locations of players in the tournament.

How do you determine the winner of the tournament?
The winner of the game at the top table in the final round will be declared the champion. Second and ensuing places will be determined by most points at the completion of the tournament. Ties will be broken by strength of schedule. In the rare case where coaches in the final round were tied with either of the two top table players, those players are eligible to win as well and the one with the most points at the end of the final round will win the championship.

In addition, the top stunty team in the standings will be the Stunty champion.

Scoring will go as follows:
Win: 60pts
Draw: 30pts
Loss: 10pts
Touchdowns: 2 pts ea. (maximum of 4 per game for 8 pts)
Casualties Inflicted (including fouls, stabs, secret weapons and crowd-induced injuries): 2 pts ea. (maximum of 4 per game for 8 pts).

Note that we play Brooklyn Rules here – stabs, secret weapons and fouls can amass casualty points! So can the crowd!

What awards can I win in the tournament?
There will be a number of awards that will be given out at this year’s Empire Cup. Note that coaches may only win one of these awards with two exceptions noted below. The coach may choose which of the awards they are eligible to win to take.

The Montauk Lighthouse Award (1st place)
The Orient Point Award (2nd place)
The Beach Comber Award (3rd place)
The Long Island Lolita Award (least points in the tournament)
The Snob Costas Award (best stunty team)
The Suffolk Award (most touchdowns)
The Queens Award (best defense/least touchdowns)
The Brooklyn Award (most casualties)
The Nassau Award (sportsmanship – can be won by a winner of another award)
The Soho Award (best painted team - can be won by a winner of another award)

There’s an award for sportsmanship?
Yes there is! Sportsmanship is a big part of this tournament, as it should be with the entire game of Blood Bowl. While the players may be bashing each other to a pulp, coaches are expected to act with decorum. This includes a keeping positive attitude, not insulting opposing coaches, not rooting for bad rolls, not laughing at the opposing coach’s bad luck, not throwing dice, and other generally deviant behaviors. Hygiene is important too. Please shower unless you yourself are a Nurgle. At the end of the tournament, you will be asked to rank your opponents by sportsmanship shown.

Also remember that fouling, while a despicable act and worthy of distaste of the highest order, is a part of the game – this is not an act of bad sportsmanship.

What is the schedule of play?
We’ll be opening the doors at 10am for registration. You need to be there as close as possible to that time so that we can start on time. The matches will be limited to 2 hours in length, no timed turns. At the end of two hours, games will end and we’ll total up the scores, preparing for the next round.

Event Time
Registration 11:00 – 11:30
Round 1 11:30 – 1:45
Lunch Break 1:45 – 2:30
Round 2 2:30 – 4:45
Break 4:45 – 5:00
Round 3 5:00 – 7:15
Break 7:15 – 7:30
Awards 7:30 – 8:00
End 8:00

How much is this tournament going to cost?
Can you really put a price on fun? Yes, I supposed you can. The cost will be $25 whether you are a NAF member or not. If you are not a member and want to register for the NAF, it costs $5 at any NAF tournament. Note that you have to be a NAF member in order to have your results count towards the BEAST.

Are there any other prizes or giveaways that we may receive at the tournament?
Absolutely! There are going to be some nice prizes for all attendees! Watch the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/events/946193302228489/) for information as it comes out.

What if I’m new to table top? I just started with the new box set! Or I’ve only played the video game? I need rules and a team!
While this is a complex game that is hard to jump into, please reach out to the tournament organizer at empirecupbb@gmail.com and let us know that you need some schooling.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Tournament Organizing Staff at empirecupbb@gmail.com.

Any other custom rules I should know about for this tournament?
Yes! As this tournament is part of the BEAST and sponsored by Bombcast © Bloodsports, the fans are especially unruly during these games. Below are the custom weather and kickoff tables for the Empire Cup!

Empire Cup Weather Table
2 New York City Heat Wave It is so hot and humid in the ‘Big Apple’ today that some players collapse from heat exhaustion. Roll a d6 for each player on the pitch at the end of a drive. On a roll of 1 the player collapses and may not be set up for the next kick-off.
Note, this is no change from the current rule set
3 Here Comes the Sun, doo doo doo doo It’s such a glorious day, John Lennon would write a song about it. However, the blinding sunshine causes a -1 modifier on all passing rolls.
Note, this is no change from the current rule set
4-10 Nice Nice Baby It’s perfect Blood Bowl weather! Don’t worry, it’ll probably change soon enough.
Note, this is no change from the current rule set
11 What’s That Smell? Whether it’s being caused by the thousands of spectators chowing down on all those free jalapeño cheese sauce dipped hot dogs being given away at the stadium’s concession stands today or the drifting stink of the nearby island of Staten, a foul and filmy fog has settled menacingly upon the pitch. The fumes are so noxious that several of the players have started to complain about headaches, upset stomachs, and explosive diarrhea. A -1 modifier applies to all catch, intercept, passing, or pick-up rolls.
Note, this is no change from the current rule set
12 Oh no, not another hurricane! It’s raining and the sky above the stadium is filled with dark storm clouds. Over the roar of the thunder and the flashes of lightning, a mad scientist can be heard in the distance screaming from atop a large glass tower for someone named, Igor . . . or is it Ivana? The extremely slippery conditions brought about by the extra mud and water on the pitch means that any player attempting to move an extra square (GFI) will slip and be Knocked Down on a roll of 1-2, while the torrential downpour of rain and high winds means that only quick or short passes can be attempted without issue. Any Pass made beyond this range will automatically be inaccurate and scatter three times.
Note, this is no change from the current rule set

Empire Cup Kickoff Table
2 Jimmy ‘The Sneak’ Sent Us A local Goblin bookmaker sent a few of his knuckle-dragging goons over to the stadium to discreetly rough up the referee over some of the more dubious decisions he’s made during this match and in the past. His replacement is so intimidated that he can be more easily persuaded to look the other way. Each team receives 1 additional Bribe to use during this game. A Bribe allows you to attempt to ignore one call by the referee for a player who has committed a foul to be sent off, or a player armed with a secret weapon to be banned from the match. Roll a D6: on a roll of 2-6 the bribe is effective (preventing a turnover if the player was ejected for fouling), but on a roll of 1 the bribe is wasted and the call still stands! Each bribe may be used once per match.
Note, this is no change from the current rule set
3 The Streak How he made his way on to the pitch nobody knows, but a tall well-toned and visibly intoxicated Norseman just ran passed the defensive line wearing nothing but a smile. The obviously uninhibited artic barbarian could be heard all the way up in the cheap seats screaming, “Boogitty, Boogitty!” If the receiving teams turn marker is on turn 7 for the half, both teams move their turn marker back one space as the referee resets the clock back to before the fight started. If the receiving team has not yet taken a turn this half the referee lets the clock run on while the nude Norseman runs around and both teams’ turn markers are moved forward one space. Otherwise roll a D6. On a 1-3, both teams’ turn markers are moved forward one space. On a 4-6, both team’s turn markers are moved back one space.
Note, this is no change from the current rule set
4 They Stole Our Playbook?!? The kicking team’s coach has managed to get his hands on a copy of the opposing teams playbook. The kicking team’s coach may reorganize his players – in other words he can set them up again into another legal defense. The receiving team must remain in the set-up chosen by their coach.
Note, this is no change from the current rule set
5 Money Talks, Bull Centaurs Walk A wealthy Manhattan socialite with a vested interest in the outcome of today’s game has made a ‘generous donation’ to the ’favorite charity’ of the kicking team’s kicker. The altruistic kicker has agreed to keep the game ‘fair and honest’ as a sign of appreciation for this ‘kind and selfless donation’. To the surprise of all the fans in attendance today, the ball is kicked very high during this kickoff, allowing a player on the receiving team time to move into the perfect position to catch it. Any one player on the receiving team who is not in an opposing player’s tackle zone may be moved into the square where the ball will land no matter what their MA may be, as long as the square is unoccupied.
Note, this is no change from the current rule set
6 BEER!!! Each coach rolls a D3 and adds their team’s FAME (see page 18) and the number of cheerleaders on their team to the score. The team with the highest score is so inspired by the raucous and unintelligible chants emanating from the tens of thousands of beer swilling spectators in attendance today that they get an extra re-roll this half. If both teams have the same score, then both teams get a re-roll.
Note, this is no change from the current rule set
7 Storm Front An unexpected weather front rolls in off the ocean and starts playing havoc with the current weather in the area. Make a new roll on the Weather table. Apply the new Weather roll. If the new Weather roll was a ‘Nice’ result, then a gentle gust of wind makes the ball scatter one extra square in a random direction before landing.
Note, this is no change from the current rule set

8 Bloodweiser Scouts Rumors have been circulating all day that Bloodweiser has sent scouts to the Empire Cup tournament in hopes of finding some strong talent for a new Bloodweiser sponsored Blood Bowl team. Whether the rumors are true or not, everyone involved in the tournament is putting their best foot forward in hopes of landing a ‘Big Pay Day’ contract with Bloodweiser. Each coach rolls a D3 and adds their FAME (see page 18) and the number of assistant coaches on their team to the score. The team with the highest total gets an extra team re-roll this half thanks to the brilliant instruction provided by the coaching staff. In case of a tie, both teams get an extra team re-roll.
Note, this is no change from the current rule set
9 Awwww RATS! The sewers of New York have emptied out and overrun the pitch with little tiny rodents (who, let’s be realistic – probably rule the city anyway). They start moving along the Line of Scrimmage (LoS) extended through both wide zones. They get under feet, they climb under your uniform, they nibble at your skin, they… they… eeeek! Every single player along the LoS (including in the wide zones) gets wigged out and moves one square in the direction of the kicking team’s goal. This WILL cause receiving players to move into the kicking team’s side of the pitch.
10 Rumble In Da Bronx! Both teams have been talking so much ‘trash’ all game, that all the players set up on the Line of Scrimmage (LoS) start brawling as soon as the kickoff goes flying overhead. The kicking team gets extra agitated and gets to throw the first punch. They get to choose any or all of their players who are in a Tackle Zone on the LoS to make a legal block against a player on the other team that is also on the LoS, no other actions are permitted (e.g. Blitz, Move). The blocking player is REQUIRED to follow up their block. There are no turnovers for failed blocks. After the kicking team has made all legal blocks they choose to make, the receiving coach may then have all of their players who were originally in tackle zones on the line of scrimmage that are still standing, make a legal block against any player on the other team - no other actions are permitted (e.g. Blitz, Move). Again, the blocking player is REQUIRED to follow up their block. There are no turnovers for failed blocks. Once the melee concludes, the final kickoff scatter roll can be made and the receiving team can proceed with their drive.
11 Throw a Bomb Bombcast© Bloodsports got their start broadcasting Blasta Ball, a glorified game of ‘Hot Potato’ popular with Goblins. Whenever an angry fan of that sport ends up at a Blood Bowl match by mistake, they invariably respond by hurling a bomb onto the field. Each coach rolls a D6 and adds their FAME to the roll; the team with the lower score is targeted by a bomb. In the case of a tie, the bomb is a dud and has no effect. Decide randomly which player in the team is targeted (only players on the pitch are eligible) and proceed as if that player has been hit with an accurate bomb thrown by a player with the Bombardier skill. The bomb may be caught and then thrown again as usual. Any knockdowns and injury rolls (for either team) are worked out before the event ends.
12 Autograph Hounds Local legend and Empire Cup superstar Gofiz has decided to make an appearance at today’s game. Hoping to just stay for a few minutes and sign a few autographs before ducking out the backdoor of the stadium, the hometown hero is quickly swamped by die-hard fans and paparazzi. Unfortunately, the players on the pitch get the ‘business end’ of this deal as thousands of star-struck fans plow their way passed them like Warpstone-powered Deathrollers! Both coaches roll a D6 for each opposing player on the pitch and add their FAME (see page 18) to the roll. If a roll is 6 or more after modification, then the player is Stunned (players with the Ball & Chain skill are KO'd). A roll of 1 before adding FAME will always have no effect.
Note, this is no change from the current rule set

BEAST Points
• +10 to +1 points for top 10 placement, on a declining scale. In other words, a 1st-place finish would be worth 10 points, a 2nd-place finish would be worth 9 points, on down to a 10th- place finish being worth 1 point.
• Should there be fewer than 10 coaches (it happens!), the top coach's score would be equal to the total number of participants, the rest would decline as usual.
• +1 point per 10 places below them in the standings. (Examples: A coach finishing 1st in a 32-coach tournament would receive a bonus of +3 because there are 30+ coaches below them. A coach finishing 1st in an 11-coach tournament would receive a bonus of +1 because there are 10 coaches below them. A coach finishing first in a 10-coach tournament would receive no bonus because there are only 9 coaches below them.)
• +1 point per day of the tournament. Given to all participants.
• Organizer bonus: +1 point per 10 coaches in the tournament (only for organizers who do not play in their own event. Organizers also get the participating bonus above.)
• Coaches will be awarded points based on their performance in each TS event they participate in. This is a cumulative score, not an average.
• There is no minimum number of tournaments that a participating coach must attend.
• In order to receive points, coaches must be NAF members prior to participating in a tournament. In other words, they cannot sign up in December and receive retroactive points for all the tournaments they attended throughout the preceding year.
• Coaches must use at least 2 races for their scores to count, assuming they played in more than 1 tournament.
• In addition to the main table, a separate table will be maintained for points accrued with Stunty teams. Points will be awarded in the same way, but only those tournaments played with Stunty teams will count.
• For the purpose of this series, Stunty teams will be defined as Goblins per LRB, Halflings per LRB, Ogres per LRB, Lizardmen with 0-16 Skinks, 0-1 Kroxigor, and Underworld limited to 0- 16 Goblins, 0-1 Troll. Organizers can still set their own standards for their individual tournaments' Stunty Cup (for example: Ogre teams limited to 0-3 ogres, "all skeletons" as an added list), but only the rosters above will generate tournament points toward the Stunty award.
• Tiebreakers will be: Most First Place Finishes, followed by Most Second Place Finishes. If scores are still tied, the prize will go to the coach who used the most different team types during the series. If there is still a tie, random determination (coin toss or die roll) will be used.

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