?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameWarpstone Cup 2018
Organizer NAF nameClan_Skaven (2854)
OrganizerRod Davidson
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-04-14
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-04-15
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Stimme (17245)Bretonnian

Runner up

genghis (19383)Dwarf

Most Touchdowns

SewerRat (5737)Skaven
12 Tds (+4 net) in five games

Most Casualties

SewerRat (5737)Skaven
20 casualties (+13 net) in five games

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

seanh1986 (23461)Skaven
Best Skaven coach
Tournament Location
Address8068 Mountain Rd
CityNiagara Falls
ZipL2E 6S4

Ruleset Document

Registration and schedule

Registration: 9:00am - 9:30am

Game 1: 9:45am - 11:45pm
Lunch: 11:45pm - 12:45pm
Game 2: 12:45pm - 2:45pm
Game 3: 3::00pm - 5:00pm


Game 4: 10:00am- 12:00pm
Lunch 12:00pm- 12:45pm
Game 5: 1:00pm- 3:00pm

Awards: 3:15 pm

Warpstone Cup R.U.L.E.S. is the Warpstone Cup. The Revenge of the Refs!

R.U.L.E.S. = Refs United Legalizing Employment Safety !

The Refs of the Old World are fed up! Time is for a change and Respect for those that don the zebra stripes! Refs everywhere are making a stand so much so they have even formed a Union! They have decided the Warpstone Cup is the first location to put their foot down. The Refs Union has done away with the Warpstone Cup's Scandalous Reign of the Skaven Clans. There is no more Sponsorship of the 4 major Clans, so no more Magic Items! With the start of R.U.L.E.S. there are now Refs from all over the Old World attending BloodBowl Matches.

Before each game there will be 1 of 16 Refs waiting for you. Player roll d16 at start of match.

1.Regular Ref Normal (Normal Bloodbowl Ref rules.)
2.Orc Ref Brutish (If you do not get caught on first foul, you may foul a 2nd time that turn.)
3.Dark Elf Ref Sadistic (If at the end of your turn you have not fouled, one random player from ,your team is ejected for not fouling. You are not ejected if there was no actual opportunity to foul )
4. Goblin Ref Sneaky (All Secret Weapons that would be sent off are not if the Goblin Ref is on the Field.)
5. Lenient Ref Lenient (Players ejected are only sent to the KO'd Bin, Thick Skull has no bearing on this.)
6. Dwarf Ref Grudge Bearer (If you are sent off, you also miss the next match too.)
7. Troll Ref Really Stupid (If someone gets caught fouling randomize the team, then randomize the player sent off.)
8. Halfling Ref Hungry (If caught with a foul or Secret Weapon, roll a D8 and if the roll is less than the current turn the Halfling too busy is at a Food Vendor to see the call)
9. Khorne Ref Bloodthirsty (Any foul that doesn't break Armour the fouler is automatically ejected, this overides the Sneaky Git skill. Any foul Result that is Badly Hurt, Seriously Injured or Dead will never be caught.)
10. Sympathetic Ref Sympathy ( If a team is losing the Ref will turn a blind eye to them for fouling , not Secret Weapons.)
11. Ex BloodBowl Ogre Star Player Ref Intimidating (Ignore all Riot and Pitch Invasion results on the Kick Off Table.)
12. Union Rep of R.U.L.E.S. Angry (All fouls are automatically caught.)
13. Skaven Ref : Skaven Teams Get a Free Bribe (if Skaven Ref is removed the Bribe he gave you is lost if not used.)
14. Underworld Ref : Underworld Teams Get a Free Bribe,(If Underworld Ref is removed the Bribe he gave you is lost if not used)
15.Nurgle Ref: The more Sickly team ( has more players in Dead and Injured Box ) the Nurgle Ref will turn a Blind Eye.to Fouls
16. Choose Ref, Both Coaches roll a d6 (reroll ties) higher chooses Ref from this list.

Teams will be assigned a Ref at the start of the match. If Get the Ref is rolled on a Kickoff, immediately roll a D16 for the replacement Ref (with the exception the new REF does not start with a bribe.

***Skaven Clan Refs have a slight exception to this rule.

Warpstone Tokens

Each team starts the game with 2 Warpstone Tokens, each token can be used once per game.

They may be used one of 3 ways.

1) Warpstone Roulette!

May be used at the start of any turn. Roll a D6, on a 3+ Roll a D16 on table below, on a 1 place the sick player Stunned as they suffer Warpstone Poisoning. Skaven & Underworld Teams are unaffected by a 1.

1: Big Hand
2: Bone Head
3: Claw
4: Disturbing Pr.
5: Extra Arms
6: Foul App.
7: Horns
8: Hypnotic Gaze
9: Prehensile Tail
10: Really Stupid
11: Regeneration
12: Tentacles
14: Two Heads
15: Very Long Legs
16: Wild Animal

if the result rolled is already on the player (horns on a beastman, or Bonehead on an Ogre, then reroll the D16 until a result that he/she does not already have) The player gains this result for the remainder of the game, but leaves him before next game starts.

2) Warpstone Reroll

You can use a Warpstone Token as a Team Reroll for any player on your team. On a 3+ you may use the Reroll, if a 1 is rolled the player overdoses and roll straight to the Reserves Box for treatment (if the player was holding the ball , scatter the ball from where he was, and a Turnover occurs. Just like any Team RR, no roll may be rerolled more than once, and no more than 1 Team RR may be used per Turn.

3) Warpstone Bribe

You can use a Warpstone token for a Bribe on any Ref, It works on a Skaven or Underworl Ref on a 2+ and any other Ref on a 4+


All teams get 1,000,000 to build their team. No Inducements or Star Players may be purchased.

Teams get 150,000 to buy skills. Normal skills at 20k, Double skills at 30k.
No more than 4 of the same Skill may be chosen.

Other than Warpstone Roulette there is no Improvements after Registration.

Home Field Advantage , all Skaven and Underworld teams get a +1 FF for free.

Kick Off Table Changes

4: Is now "WARPSTONED" The ill effects of the Warpstone is affecting the players ability to stay healthy. Both Coaches roll a D6 adding +1 for each Warpstone Token they own (even if already used this game.) The higher roll (both if tied) has a randomised player that succumbs to Warpstone poisoning. For the remainder of this Drive the player(s) has the No Hands, & Foul Appearance skills/traits. Skaven & Underworld teams are less likely to be affected so they subtract a -1 for each Warpstone token they own rather than adding a +1 .

*********Underworld teams only can take advantage of the Skaven Bonuses described above if their roster includes all 6 Skaven players on their roster. Chaos Pact Teams do not qualify for the Skaven bonuses as there is only 1 Skaven on the roster************

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Best Skaven/Underworld Team
Most TD
Most Cas
Spoon (last place)

Tournament Report
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