?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameMootland Grand Half-Bowl
Organizer NAF nameEmilius (23217)
OrganizerEmil Tsanev
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-06-09
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-06-09
ScoringWin – 2 pts Draw – 1 pt Loss – 0 pt
Cost12 euro
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


PigInSpace (25748)Chaos Dwarf
Mootland Grand Half-Bowl Champion 2018

Runner up

rorarimbo (24592)Human

Most Touchdowns

Biromryn (26013)Elf Union

Most Casualties

WhiteWolfBg94 (26014)Norse

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

rorarimbo (24592)Human

Other Awards

bachokolio (25403)Dark Elf
Wooden Sppon
Tournament Location
AddressPloshtad Petko R. Slaveykov № 7
 Level Up Sofia

Ruleset Document



June 9th at Level Up Sofia (Gaming Club)
Ploshtad Petko R. Slaveykov № 7
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria


- 12 euro/24 levs (+ 5 euro/10 levs to get NAF membership if you’re not a member). A small lunch pack (sandwich and water) is included in the above cost. All coaches will receive two D6 dice with the Grand Half-Bowl logo on them for participation in the tournament.


The tournament is limited to 16 players.

Preregistration is possible with upfront payment. You can pre-register at GrandHalfBowl@gmail.com
We’ll contact you regarding payment. Please send your Roster at this email too.

If there are free slots on the day of the tournament, coaches can register also register at the tournament place.


10:30 - 11:15 Registration
11:15 – 13:45 1st match
13:45 – 14:30 Lunch break
14:30 – 17:00 2nd match
17:30 – 20:00 3rd match
20:15 – 20:45 Closing ceremony
Team Building Rules

The Grand Half-Bowl is a resurrection tournament. All coaches start each game with the same roster and skills they registered for the tournament.

Each coach have 1 100 000 gold pieces to build their team.

No inducements are available except:
- All teams can induce 0-2 Star Players (for non-stunty teams you must have at least 11 regular players before inducing Stars) - Highlander rule applies
- Goblins may buy 0-3 Bribes
- Halflings may buy 0-1 Master Chef
- Tear 3 teams can additionally induce Gumbo Ranchstock

Gumbo Ranchstock – Halfling Thrower, Price 240 000 gp MA 6 ST 2 AG 4 AV 7 Skills: Loner, Right Stuff, Dodge, Stunty, Kick

All skills must be chosen before the tournament and will stay the same for all matches throughout the tournament.

See the Tier Chart for information on how many and which type of skills any team can choose. Skill stacking or stat upgrades are not allowed. No more than 3 instances of any additional skill can be chosen. No skills can be taken on a star player.

Teams considered “Stunty” and thus competing for the Stunty Cup are Halfling, Goblin, Ogre, Stunty Lizardmen (no Saurus Blockers), Stunty Underworld Denizens (no Skaven players).

Tier Chart

Tier 1 - 6 normal skills
Wood Elf, Shambling Undead, Lizardmen, Skaven, Dwarf, Chaos Dwarf, Orcs, Dark Elf, Norse, Amazon, Bretonnian

Tier 2 – 7 normal skills & 1 double skill (or 8 normal skills)
Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Human, Khemri Tomb Kings, Slann, Necromantic Horror, High Elf, Elven Union, Nurgle, Vampire, Underworld Denizens, Daemons of Khorne

Tier 3 – 6 normal skills & 2 double skills (or 7 normal & 1 double or 8 normal skills)
Halfling, Goblin, Ogre, Stunty Lizardmen, Stunty Underworld Denizens

What you should bring

- 4 Copies of your Roster;

- Throw in/scatter templates if you have such available – we will provide enough fields and printed templates, but if you prefer sturdier templates we advise you to bring your own

- Your team. Painted miniatures are not mandatory but always welcome.
The miniatures don’t have to be original GW-minis however the miniatures must be somewhat representative for the roster's race and players and be easily recognisable from other positionals.

We encourage you to use the following colour coded bases:
Grey/none: Lineman
Red: Blitzer
Green: Blocker
White: Thrower
Yellow: Catcher, Runner

If your opponent can't easily recognise the different player types on your team, you must let him mark them somehow (without damaging the miniatures, of course). This could be with bottle caps or coloured rings etc.

All miniatures have to be numbered and the numbers should match the numbers on the team roster sheet. The numbers may be written anywhere on the models or on the bases using paint, decals, markers, stickers, etc.

Skill markers would be greatly appreciated. We’ll provide rubber bands for you to use and encourage you to use the following colour code for the most common skills:
Blue: Block
White: Wrestle
Green: Guard
Red: Mighty Blow
Orange: Dodge
Yellow: Sure Hands
Pink: Frenzy
Beige: Break Tackle
Purple: Tackle

Points System

Win – 2 pts
Draw – 1 pt
Loss – 0 pt

Tie-Breaker in Swiss Draw:
1) Touchdown difference
2) Casualty difference
3) Most touchdowns
4) Most casualties

Fair Play

In order to ensue a tournament in good sport and the best fun for everybody there are a series of rules that the players should try to follow. Small changes on the following rules can be made, if both coaches agree on it

1) You must allow your opponent to use your dice if they so wish.
2) Illegal procedure rule will not be used at all.
3) Every match has a limit of two and a half hours. If after hour and a half a match is still in its first half, a chess clock (or similar smartphone app) will be introduced giving the two coaches 30 minutes each. The coach who runs out of time may not make any voluntary actions except standing up his players. For example, this coach may not attempt interceptions, but still rolls armour and injury rolls and un-stuns his players.
4) If a coach arrives late to the table, the match will still take place. If the delay exceeds 15m, the waiting coach will start the match winning by 1-0, and can choose if he starts attacking or defending, without having to roll any dice.
5) Dice are cocked if they are not flat on the table.
6) If one, two or three dice come out of the dice cup when shaken then none count and they should all be rerolled.


Half-Bowl Champion
2nd place
Best painted team
Most Touchdowns
Most Casualties
Best Sportsman (decided by player votes)
Stunty Cup (if at least 3 stunty teams participate in the tournament)
Wooden Spoon

Tournament Report
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