?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameScreaming Spires
Organizer NAF nameFallingDownJoe (22584)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-09-15
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-09-15
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


kilos (24613)Chaos Dwarf

Runner up

mawph (1143)Lizardmen

Most Touchdowns

Glowworm (10845)Amazon

Most Casualties

Twelfman (21092)Chaos Dwarf

Stunty Cup

FatboySlimming (25467)Lizardmen

Best Painted

thor87 (21674)Tomb Kings

Other Awards

FallingDownJoe (22584)Underworld Denizens
International Glowworm Award
landrover (5227)Khorne
Screaming Skulls Award
BertBassett (26460)Shambling Undead
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

Screaming Spires will be held near Oxford. The venue isn't quite confirmed yet, but is probably going to be in Eynsham, which is 6 miles from Oxford. If it isn't, it'll be held somewhere round in that general vicinity. Eynsham has great public transport links with Oxford, and there's a car park 3 minutes' walk from the venue.

Payment details will be put on TFF after venue confirmation.

Timings should be:
09:15 to 09:45 Registration
09:45 to 12:00 Game One
12:00 to 12:45 Lunch
12:45 to 15:00 Game Two
15:15 to 17:30 Game Three
17:30 to 18:00 Awards and close

[b/Teams & Rosters[/b]
You may choose from any of the NAF-permitted races. At the time of writing this includes the 21 races in the CRP, plus the three additional races (Underworld, Chaos Pact, and Slann). You may also bring Khorne or Bretonnian teams if you fancy having a shot at them.

Stunty rosters are classified as Halfling, Ogre, or Goblin teams. Additionally, Saurus-free Lizardmen teams and Skaven-less Underworld teams will count as Stunty. I'm hoping to run a Stunty Cup - this will depend on the number of stunty races taken.

Roster Building
You may spend up to 1.15 million gold pieces on your roster. Rosters may hire up to one star player on their team, which can be taken to make up your 11 players. Stunty teams are an exception to this: they may hire up to two star players if they want.

You will receive 30 points for a win, 10 points for a draw, and 1 point for a loss. I don’t expect anyone to concede, but you would lose 50 points for doing so.
3 bonus points will be awarded per touchdown (Max 9 points per match)
1 bonus point will be awarded per casualty (Max 3 points per match)
2 bonus points will be awarded if you keep a clean sheet

Screaming Skulls
Sometimes all you roll are skulls. On your score sheet you will be asked to record all of the Double Skulls (Skull-Skull on a roll) you take. If you reroll a Double Skull and it is anything other than a second Double Skull then you may not add it to your sheet.

If you happen to roll Triple Skulls (Skull-Skull-Skull) and use one of them then you can mark off two Screaming Skulls on your results slip. Quad Skulls (Skull-Skull rerolled into a Skull-Skull) are a source of shame and you should try harder (mark off three Screaming Skulls to help the situation in the meantime).

In summary:
Dub Skulls = 1 Screaming Skull
Triple Skulls = 2 Screaming Skulls
Quad Skulls = 3 Screaming Skulls

With only 3 matches, it’s possible that we may have a draw in points on the table. In that case, ties will be broken in the following order:
Screaming Skulls
Touchdowns scored
Touchdown difference
Casualties inflicted
Dice roll

You may give some of your players skills before the tournament. These will stay the same for all matches throughout the tournament. See the tier chart below for information on how many and which type of skills your selected team can choose (not confirmed until after sanctioning):

Tier 1: 5 Normal skills
Any team not explicitly mentioned below

Tier 2: 5 Normal skills, 2 Double skills
Ogres, Halflings, Goblins, Underworld minus Skaven, Lizardmen minus Saurus

Tournament Report
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