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Tournament NameBlitzmania II - Birmingham
Organizer NAF namemonkeyjuice (21835)
OrganizerShaun Stevenson
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-06-30
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-07-01
ScoringWin +3/ Draw +1/ Loss 0
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageBlitzmania II Birmingham TFF

Tournament Statistics


wwe2015 (21107)Shambling Undead
McMurty's Coach of the Year

Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

egor250 (26142)Chaos Dwarf
Spike! Magazine Most Violent Player

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

TheRake (25035)Lizardmen
Best Newcomer
FallingDownJoe (22584)Dark Elf
Best Newcomer
Deacon (256)Amazon
Zug's Anger Management Award (Fewest Casualties)
GORGOROTH (5893)Human
Jim Johnsons' Lifetime Bereavement Award (Most Casualties Suffered)
Tournament Location
AddressGeek Retreat Birmingham
 38 The Priory, Queensway
StateWest Midlands
ZipB4 7LA
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

Welcome to Blitzmania II, held at Geek Retreat Birmingham in collaboration with the Manabowl Blood Bowl League. We are very glad to have you join us. In this pack, we have provided you with all the information you need to prepare your team to compete in Blitzmania II. On behalf of myself, everyone at MBBL and Geek Retreat Birmingham, we hope you have a fantastic weekend and thank you for joining us.

Event Details

Name: Blitzmania II: Birmingham

Location: Geek Retreat
The Priory, Queensway
B4 7LA
Tel: 0121 238 4334

Date and Time:
Saturday 30th June, 10am until 7pm
Sunday 5th March, 12am until 7pm

What you will need
• Block Dice, d8, d12/d20 and 2d6.
• Models to represent your team and players. Each player must be numbered.
• A pencil, pencil sharpener and eraser/rubber.
• A pitch and dugouts.
• A range ruler and scatter templates.
• A deck of Special Play Cards.

What you will get
• 7 Blood Bowl games.
• The chance to win one of five Blitzmania certificates.
• An exclusive ball token and set of badges.
• An exclusive MBBL league reference sheet.


Saturday 30th June
10:00am – 10:30am: Registration and Roster Creation
10:30am – 12:30pm: Round One
1:00pm – 3:00pm: Round Two
3:00pm – 5:00pm: Round Three
5:00pm – 7:00pm: Round Four
Sunday 1st July
12:00pm – 12:15pm: Coffee
12:15pm – 2:15pm: Round Five
2:45pm – 4:45pm: Round Six
4:45pm – 6:45pm: Round Seven
6:50pm: Awards

Tournament rules

Blitzmania: Birmingham will be using the rules from Blood Bowl 2016 and The Blood Bowl Almanac (including Teams of Legend (available at www.bloodbowl.com), and the FAQ and Errata (also available at www.bloodbowl.com)). However, we will not be using the rules from Spike Magazine Issue #01.
Rules for Stadiums will be included. However, coaches may not roster Star Players.
The rule “Illegal Procedure” will not be used and Piling On does not require a team re-roll to use.
Turns will not be timed unless both coaches agree to do so before the match begins.
Rosters will not be reset each round. The details surrounding this are disclosed in full in the “Special Tournament Rules” section.

Roster Creation

Rosters will be created per the rules for roster creation in Death Zone: Season One/The Almanac.

Coaches will have 1,000,000 gold with which to buy their initial team. The teams available include Slann, Brettonians and Khorne. The rosters can be found on the NAF site under updated team rosters (https://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/NAF_Tournament_Teams.pdf).

Team roster sheets can be provided to those who require one for their roster creation on Saturday, however these are also downloadable as a printable PDF from www.bloodbowl.com.
Rosters will be altered throughout the tournament; it is worthwhile recording your changes in pencil so they can be changed using a rubber. If you do not have a pencil you can be provided with one. If your roster is damaged, you can be provided with a replacement.

Pairing and Scoring

All 7 rounds will be scheduled at random before the tournament begins, during the registration on Saturday morning. Once the rounds have been determined, they will be played in order and the points recorded in SCORE.

Coaches are awarded points based on the following:
+3 points for each Win
+1 point for each Draw
+0 points for each Loss

Special Tournament Rules

Blitzmania II is not a resurrection tournament, which makes it quite unusual. It is closer to a very brief league season. For this reason, there are a few rules that are unique to this tournament.

The rules for casualties are identical to those in Death Zone: Season One, with the following changes:

Miss Next Game: Record your player as ‘Miss Next Game’. For the next game you play, this player is replaced by a temporary stand in – use the same model but treat them as a basic player of their type, ignoring any improvements they have earned.

-1 MA/ST/AG/AV: Record the characteristic change on the team roster. No characteristics may be reduced by more than 2 points, or below a value of 1. Any injuries that could reduce it further are ignored. The player will still receive the ‘Miss Next Game’ result.

Dead!: The player is replaced with a Rookie. Change their name and reset their characteristics and skills to how they are shown on the team list.

Pre-Match Sequence
The Pre-Match Sequence has the following changes:

Roll for Stadium:
Coaches will roll on their stadium table to determine which stadium they will play on before any other rolls are made in the pre-match sequence.

When hiring mercenaries, mercenaries are bought at the cost printed in their team list.
0-2 Star Players can be hired but must not take the team to over 16 players. Star Players can be taken from both the NAF approved list of “Legacy Star Players” and those newly available in the Almanac.

0 -1 Wizards are also available for 150,000 gp.

Coaches may also take the new inducements from the Almanac.

Post – Match Sequence
The Post-Match Sequence has the following changes:

Award Improvements:
SPP’s are not recorded in Blitzmania: Birmingham. Instead, after each game, pick three of your players who you think performed particularly well and deserve an improvement. Line them up and roll a D6. On a 1 or 2, the player on the left gets the improvement. On a 3-4, the player in the middle gets it. On a 5-6, it goes to the player on the right.

When a player gets an improvement roll 2D6 and look up the result on this table:
Result Effects
2-9 Give the player a New Skill (+20,000 gp for a Normal Skill/30,000 gp for a Double Skill)
10 Give the player a New Skill (+20,000 gp for a Normal Skill/30,000 gp for a Double Skill), or increase the player’s MA or AV characteristic by 1 point (+30,000 gp)*
11 Give the player a New Skill (+20,000 gp), or increase the player’s AG characteristic by 1 point (+40,000 gp)*
12 Give the player a New Skill (+20,000 gp for a Normal Skill/30,000 gp for a Double Skill), or increase the player’ ST characteristic by 1 point (+50,000 gp)*

*No characteristic can ever be increased by more than 2 points.

Record any new skills and characteristic increases on your roster sheet. Each improvement also increases your player’s value, as shown on the table above – update their Cost on your roster sheet accordingly.

Adjust Fan Factor:
Roll a D6, adding 1 to the result if you won or subtracting 1 if you lost. On a result of 1 or less, reduce your Fan Factor by 1 (to a minimum of 1). On a result of 6 or more, increase your Fan Factor by 1.

Retire Players:
If any players have too many injuries to be worth keeping, you can retire them from your roster and replace them with a Rookie. Change their name and reset their characteristics and skills to how they are shown on the team list.

Awards and Prizes

Certificates will be given during the awards ceremony for the following:
• McMurty’s Spamburgers Coach of the Year Award (most match points)
• Spike! Magazine Most Vicious Player Award (most casualties inflicted (from Blocks only))
• Jim Johnson’s Lifetime Bereavement Award (most casualties suffered)
• Zug’s Anger Management Award (fewest casualties inflicted)
• Bloodweiser Best Newcomer Award x 2 (most match points of the under 16’s and most match points from a coach who has played in fewer than 6 NAF tournaments)

How to register

Blitzmania: Birmingham has 10 places available in total.
Step One: To register and secure a place, email the Tournament Organiser, Shaun, on: brumbbtourney@gmail.com.
Step Two: Join the event page on Facebook as “Going” to get updates on the event.
Step Three: Arrive with everything you need to play in the tournament at 10am June 30th.

Please do not request a place if you are not yet committed to going to the tournament. With places limited it is important that there are no unfair reservations keeping players from attending. Before emailing for a place, please be sure that you are fully able to attend. If you are interested but are still unsure as to whether you would like to attend, select “Interested” on our public Facebook event page to see what we are giving away and what the rules are like to better decide if this tournament is for you.

Store Information

Geek Retreat
The Priory, Queensway
B4 7LA
Tel: 0121 238 4334

Tournament Report
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