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Tournament NameCrucible 7: Bloodvania Bowl
Organizer NAF namevoorhees_carnivean (23520)
OrganizerJason Carter
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-10-14
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-10-14
CostVaries (see Information)
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageCrucible 7: Bloodvania Bowl

Tournament Statistics


ThePoPo (26517)Norse

Runner up

FloridaMan (24677)Bretonnian

Most Touchdowns

FloridaMan (24677)Bretonnian

Most Casualties

Sturmjarl (4310)Norse

Stunty Cup

Jogrenaut (22460)Ogre

Best Painted

Other Awards

Joker2and53 (24403)Chaos Dwarf
Best Defense
Tournament Location
AddressPark Inn by Radisson Resort & Conference Center
 3011 Maingate Ln
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Step into the shadows of the deadliest dwelling on earth. You’ve arrived at Castlevania, and you’re here on business: to win the coveted Castlevania Cup!
Count Dracula is hosting a Blood Bowl tournament within the confines of his ancestral home, and you and your team have been cordially invited to attend. But to even have a shot at the prize, you’ll have to make it through several monstrous floors of the castle, filled with spike traps, deadly gears and perilous precipices. And beware the dreaded Phantom Bat!

This event is part of the three day Crucible 7 miniature gaming convention being held at the Park Inn in Kissimmee, FL from October 12th - 14th, 2018. There is a link to the registration page on Crucible's home page below.


Players wishing to participate should go on the site and purchase either a weekend long pass to the Crucible event ($35) or a day pass for Sunday, October 14th ($20) and then select the Bloodvania Bowl event ($10)

3 Copies of your Team Roster
Dugouts & Templates

4 Games of Blood Bowl

Sunday, October 14th, 2018
Registration: 10AM
Round One: 10:30 - 11:30
Round Two: 12:00 - 1:00
LUNCH 1:00 - 2:00
Round Three: 2:00 - 3:00
Round Four: 3:30 - 4:30
Awards Ceremony: 5:00

This is a RESURRECTION style event. Games will be played using the below version of the NAF Dungeon 7's variant rules.

• Illegal Procedure will not be used.
• Turns are to be coaches pace with a 4 minute turn timer if requested
• Rosters reset after every round. This means that injured players are restored to health and players gained through Raise the Dead are lost.
This also means that there are no earnings
or Fan Factor increases.
• Models MUST have some form of identification for skills that are purchased onto their players. The TO recommends skill bands, and will have some at the event.

Outside of those modifications specifically described below, games will be played using the most current rules for Blood Bowl.

Team Creation
You have 600 Gold to build your team using any of the 26 NAF approved Blood Bowl teams.

• Teams may be purchased using 600,000 GP
• Teams may be selected from any of the 26 approved Blood Bowl teams
• A team must have at least 7 players and no more than 11 players
• Only 4 "positional" players may be used
• Team rerolls cost double their listed cost.
• Inducements, including Special Play cards, may not be used.

Once your team is created, you can give skills to your players. You may choose one of the following skill packages:
Tier A (Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Lizardman, Orc, Undead, Wood Elf)
3 Skills TOTAL - No Doubles
Tier B (Amazon, Dwarf, High Elf, Necro, Norse, Skaven)
3 Skills TOTAL - up to 1 Double
Tier C (Chaos, Chaos Pact, Pro Elf, Human, Khemri, Nurgle, Bretts)
4 Skills TOTAL - up to 2 Doubles
Tier D (Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Slann, Underworld, Vampire, Khorne)
4 Skills TOTAL - up to 3 Doubles
***EACH PLAYER may receive no more than 2 added skills (regular or double)***
***The Leader skill may not be taken***

Bloodvania Bowl Pitch
Rather than an open field, Bloodvania Bowl is played in a series of interconnected rules and corridors. Each round players will play on one of three randomly determined preset maps. The top table in the final round will play on a fourth preset map.

• Place the the six Candle tokens (chests in regular Dungeonbowl but this is Castlevania, and the good stuff in here always comes from destroying candles) in the six marked locations on the map.
• Shuffle the six candle cards and place in a deck face down somewhere to the side of the map
• Players roll a die (or flip a coin). The winner chooses who will have the first turn
• The player with the first turn sets his team up seven players in any endzone square or any square adjacent to an endzone square.
• There is no kickoff table - after both teams are set up, players begin taking turns.

Winning the Game
Games will go for 60 minutes or less and can end in the following ways

• One team is 1 TD ahead after 50 minutes (Points Win/40 points)
• One team is ahead by 2 TDs any time after 40 minutes (Runaway Win/50 points)
• Your opponent has no players in the dungeon at the start of your turn and at least 40 minutes have been played (Annihilation Win/50 points)
The score is tied at the end of 60 minutes (Draw/20 points)

Diagonal Movement
Players may always move, assist, and follow-up diagonally and around corners.

When a player enters a square that contains a candle token, remove the token and flip the top card of the candles deck. If the ball is revealed, the player who entered the square (even if pushed into the square) the player must attempt to pick it up, unless he is not standing as he enters the square. Pickup rolls are made with the usual modifiers (+1 for picking up a ball at rest, -1 for each tackle zone the player is in). If a player fails to pick up a ball during his team's turn, that team suffers a turnover.

When a player carrying the ball moves into a space in the opposing enzone or a ball is passed or handed off to a player already in an opposing endzone space, a touchdown is scored.
Move the counter to reflect the score and then reset the dungeon.
- Players roll for knocked out players as normal.
- If a player does not have 7 players available, he sets up as many as he can
- The scoring player takes the second turn in the following drive.

Boss Monster: The Phantom Bat
The Phantom Bat must be contended with before a player may move into the endzone with the ball.
- The Phantom Bat is considered to occupy any square in the endzone.
- In order for a ball carrier to advance into the endzone, the Phantom Bat must have been successfully blocked during that turn.
- The Phantom Bat has a STRENGTH 4, ARMOR 8, and does not have the Block or Dodge skills. Any result that doesn’t result in the blocking player being knocked down is considered a successful block.
- A player may block the Phantom Bat by declaring a block against any empty endzone square.
- Players without the ball may enter an endzone square at any time as normal, and the Phantom Bat may be blocked by another player already in the endzone.
- By using a Blitz action, the ball carrier may block the Phantom Bat himself and then proceed to enter the endzone. In this case, a ball carrier with the Block skill may choose to follow up into the endzone square even if a Both Down is rolled.
- In the case of uphill die rolling against the Phantom Bat, the opposing player chooses the die as if it were one of his players being blocked.
- If a result would cause the Phantom Bat to be knocked down, make an armor roll as normal with a +1 modifier.
* If Stunned or knocked out, the Phantom Bat in that player’s endzone is considered out of play for the rest of the drive.
*If a casualty, the Phantom Bat is out of play for the rest of the game
- The Phantom Bat does not give Casualty points if injured
- If trying to throw or hand the ball off to a player in the endzone, the Phantom Bat (if it has not been blocked this turn or taken out of play) will intercept the ball on a 4+. Use the throw in template from the target square in the endzone and roll D6. The ball will travel that many squares before bouncing.

Beginning with each player's second turn, reserves may be brought on. Choose one player from the reserves box. Declare what action the player will perform (e.g. move, blitz, pass). Place the player in an space in their own endzone. Then start the action for the player. If the player is placed before declaring an action, it must be a basic move. Only one player may enter the game per turn.
If a player about to enter the dungeon would take the team above 7 players on the field, roll a D6. On a 1, the referees stop the player from entering the field that turn.

Knockouts are rolled after a TD as normal (4+)
Both players also make knockout rolls immediately after the 40 minute and 50 minute alarm is sounded. Recovered players move into the reserves.

In a dungeon, the game officials have considerable difficulty keeping their eyes on everyone, so players are only sent off for fouling if they roll doubles on the armor roll.

The range of passes is the same as in normal Blood Bowl, but passes are not permitted if a wall breaks the center line of the range ruler at any point between thrower and target.

Ending the Game
The game won't end until at least the 40 minute alarm is sounded. Between the 40 minute and 60 minute alarms, check after each turn for Runaway or Anihilation wins to trigger the end of the game. After the 50 minute alarm, check after each turn for a Points win. At the 60 minute alarm, the active player finishes his turn and the game ends either in a Points Win (if they score) or a Draw.

Balls Bouncing Off Walls
If the football hits a wall due to a pass or scatter it will bounce one square away from the wall in a random direction using the throw in template. Note that it is possible for a ball to bounce back into the square it came from.

Players Pushed Into Walls
A wall is a valid "destination square" for any player who is pushed or blocked, but only if there are no vacant squares to push the player into.
When a player is pushed back against a wall but not knocked down, leave the player standing but make an armor roll with a +1 modifier caused by the hard wall. If armor is penetrated, the blocked player falls down: roll for injury.

Players Knocked Down Into Walls
If a player is knocked down into a wall, treat the block as being made by a player with the Mighty Blow skill. If the player already has the Mighty Blow skill, add a further +1 to both the armor and injury rolls.

Each of the three maps has a specific hazard associated with it. The top table map has two hazards. Rules for the hazards are as follows.

Stage 1 Map
Water: Nobody could swim throughout the first 11 years of Castlevania games, and neither can you. Players pushed or knocked down into a Water space are removed from the pitch immediately and suffer an injury roll modifier. If the ball ends up in a water space, use the throw in template and roll a single D6 for distance as a helpful fishman tosses the ball back into play.

Stage 2 map
Spikes! This map is filled with piston operated spike traps.
If a player ends his activation on, or is pushed onto a spike trap space, roll a D6. If a 1 is rolled, make an injury roll for that player, adding +1 to the roll. If a player is knocked down into a spike trap space, skip the armor roll and immediately make an injury roll with a +1 to the roll. (Mighty Blow cannot be used here)

Stage 3 map
Precipice: In the upper floors of the castle, crumbling battlements are the only thing standing between a player and certain doom from plummeting to the ground far below. Fortunately, precipice areas are lined with battlements that act as walls for the purposes of being pushed or knocked down or for bouncing balls. However for the purposes of passing the ball, the battlements can be ignored and the ball can be passed over a precipice. If the ball ends up in the precipice use the throw in template and roll a D6 for distance as a helpful eagle puts it back in play.
In several sections marked on the map, the battlements have crumbled away and balls can scatter off into the precipace and players can be pushed or knocked down into the precipice. If a player is pushed or knocked down into a precipice square, he is removed from the pitch and suffers an injury roll with a +1 modifier to the roll (Mighty Blow cannot be used here)

Stage 6 map (final round top table)
Gears: The center of the map comprises the interior of the castle's giant clock tower, with massive gears capable of crushing a player.Gears are treated as dungeon walls with the following two exceptions. If players are pushed into the gears, make an armor roll for the player and add +2 to the roll. If a player is knocked down into a gear, make an armor roll for the player and add + 2 to the roll. Mighty Blow can still be used in either case.

Precipice: There are also several spaces on the map at the edge of a precipice, with no battlements to keep players or balls from falling in. Balls and players that are moved into a precipice space are treated the same way as in the Stage 3 map.

Swiss Pairing: The tournament will be conducted using the Swiss method of pairing. This means that after the first round (in which pairs will be selected randomly, but with an eye toward
separating coaches from the same hometown or league), coaches will play against those coaches that have performed most similarly. So the coach with the most points will play against the coach with the second most points, etc. The Coach with the MOST POINTS at the end of FOUR ROUNDS will be declared the Tournament Champion!

A coach will receive the following points for each game, to be recorded after
each round of play:
• Draw = 20 points
• Points Win = 40 points
• Runaway Win = 50 points
• Annihilation = 50 points
(see the below tournament rules for victory conditions)

In addition, players will earn points each round for the following
• +2 Each touchdown scored.
• +2 Per casualty inflicted (including those as a result of fouling and knocking or pushing a player into a hazard)

Tournament Report
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