?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameNuffle's Wyld 2
Organizer NAF nameJogrenaut (22460)
OrganizerJoshua Wojcik
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-08-18
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-08-18
Style5 rounds, sevens, swiss pairing
ScoringThere is no top table. Placing is based on total points. win-15 tie-10 loss-8 TD-2 Casualty-1 Casualty points are given for everything, whether it be crowd, foul, secret weapons, or wild rampaging bears.
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


voorhees_carnivean (23520)Amazon

Runner up

CoachGonzo (22697)Norse

Most Touchdowns

Odette1148 (25985)Skaven

Most Casualties

AlphaWolf (24379)Dwarf

Stunty Cup

marcv2 (22594)Goblin

Best Painted

kk4nof (24039)Necromantic Horror
Best Painted Cheerleader

Other Awards

CoachGonzo (22697)Norse
Best Defense
Tournament Location
AddressGet Your Fun On
 3020 new haven ave
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Welcome back one and all to Nuffle's Wyld Gambling and Gaming Resort Emporium Inc. Ltd Trademark. Here at Nuffle's Wyld, we're happy to provide you with a way to win your fortune or lose it all. Nuffle is a cruel mistress but sometimes she forgets to look your way! Win BIG! Gamble hard! Just remember to look for the 7! This is a 5 round Bloodbowl tournament with 7s special rules.

This tournament will use the NAF 7's variant as described here:
Any rules on this page override any rules you see in the NAF 7s document including the team building. If I did not mention any changes for any particular rules in the NAF 7s document, then use what's in the document.

Saturday August 15, 2018
11:30 – 12:00 : Registration
12:00 – 1:15 : Round One
1:30 – 2:45 : Round Two
3:00 - 4:15 : Round Three
4:30 – 5:45 : Round Four
6:00 – 7:15 : Round Five
Allow about 30-45 minutes after the tournament for awards, announcements, and what have you.

The time limits are hard time limits. When time is called, drop your dice and the game ends.
We have no food break here. Bring a few snacks and expect to munch as you play throughout the day OR play fast and try to sneak away for something.

I am limiting this to 30 players. You may preregister via paypal at jw109v@gmail.com. Please use friends or ad the addition percentage to offset. I'll keep a list of people on the FB announcements section.

$15.00 Registration Fee (Unless you did Pre-Reg)
3 Copies of your Team Roster
Dice (1d8 and 3 Block Dice), Blood Bowl Pitch,
Dugouts, Templates (Corresponding to Your Pitch Size)

3 Games of Blood Bowl
Custom Swag Pack (definitely dice and a craps token, working on other stuff)
Prizes and Trophies
Meet new friends! Have FUN!


This is a RESURRECTION style event. Rosters reset after each round.

You have 700 Gold to build your team. Once your team is created, you can give skills to your players. You may choose one of the following skill packages:
Normal Skill Package: 4 normal skills (not including Leader), no more than 2 on one player
Expert Skill Package: 2 normal skills (not including Leader) plus 1 double skill, no more than two on one player.
Ludicrous Skill Package: You may add one extraordinary skill to a player.
This is a 5 round, blow your socks off, 7s tournament. Every round will have a special event after the teams are set up but before the game begins.
Special Events will be some form of gambling and chance before the game. I took everyone's feedback very seriously. You will want to gamble.
This tournament will use the NAF 7's variant as described here:
Any rules on this page override any rules you see in the NAF 7s document including the team building. If I did not mention any changes for any particular rules in the NAF 7s document, then use what's in the document.

Here are some notable exceptions: The only inducements allowed are hafling chef for haflings only and bribes for goblins only. Special play cards are NOT used.

Scrounging for Talent:
In addition to only getting 4 “specialists”, your team may not have duplicate specialists if there is another available specialist option on your roster.

So for example: Mr. Bear the bloodbowl player wants to make an ork team. Mr. Bear selects 2 blitzers, a thrower, and a troll as his specialists. However, Mr. Bear CANNOT have 2 blitzers as there are goblins and black orks available as specialists he has not chosen yet. Mr. Bear must select another type of specialist that has not already been selected and dump the blitzer.

May She shine her good fortune on you and rip your opponent to shreds.

Luck Be a Lady Tonight! : If you have a female model on your roster, you get one reroll. This is a one time reroll for the entire event and can only be used when your female model is on the pitch. Once used, have your opponent sign off on your match report that it was used.

Poker Face : Nominate one player on your team at the beginning of the match to have Poker Face. The player gains the stab skill because they know how to poker face. Using poker face is very rude and incurs the results of a foul when activated.

Nuffle's Lucky 7s Craps Tokens: You have been given a poker chip with Club picture on it. At the start of the match and every drive, place this on your opponent's side of the field anywhere except for the line of scrimmage and the endzone. Every turn you push an opponent's player onto it, you force your opponent to roll the craps dice for the player that was pushed on it. Note every turn the player is PUSHED on it so it doesnt matter if they start right on top of it. Your opponent will roll 2D6, pray to Nuffle, and consult the chart below:

2,3,12 : Crapped out! Player has a large rock tossed at him. What a loser! Treat as thrown rock with +2 on the armor roll instead of +1.
7, 11 : Nothing happens and Nuffle has shined upon this player by not being a jerk for a change. Still player is a loser
Any other result: This sets the point for the team and the chip does nothing on the pitch while there is a point (although please do not move it). Write the result down. If a 7 is rolled on any subsequent die roll by any player before that point value is rolled, 2 random players on each team (one from each coach) have rocks tossed at them as per the kick off table. Once the rock is tossed in this manner, the token resets. The rock toss is immediate so it would take place before a declared pass, block, pick up, armor roll, or any action and could potentially cause a turnover. In the case of the armor roll, still see if the blocked player's armor was broken and possible injury. However the tossed rock happens first so its possible the rock steals a potential casualty point.

If the point is rolled, Nuffle has once again shined upon you by not being as much of a D bag. Erase the point and reset the Craps Tokens. Everyone is now a winner! YAY.


There is no top table. Placing is based on total points.
Casualty points are given for everything, whether it be crowd, foul, secret weapons, or wild rampaging bears.

In the words of John Madden: “Usually the team with the most points wins”.

All 2016 bloodbowl 2 races are allowed per current GW rules including slann, Brettonians, and daemons of khorne. You'll find their rosters on the NAF site.

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