?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameFlorida Man's Red Solo Cup
Organizer NAF nameFloridaMan (24677)
OrganizerChristopher Nelson
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-11-10
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-11-10
Scoring30W/15D/10L + 2TD/2CAS
Cost$20 Pre-reg., $30 at the door, $5 NAF fee if not already N
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Jogrenaut (22460)Lizardmen

Runner up

Joker2and53 (24403)Norse

Most Touchdowns

ThePoPo (26517)Vampire

Most Casualties

voorhees_carnivean (23520)Orc

Stunty Cup

FloridaMan (24677)Ogre

Best Painted

Jogrenaut (22460)Lizardmen
Best Painted Florida Man Award

Other Awards

Joker2and53 (24403)Norse
Best Defense
Tournament Location
AddressGet Your Fun On
 3020 New Haven Avenue W
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Here are the Official Rules for Florida Man’s Red Solo Cup. A complete copy of these rules will already be printed out and given to each table during the event.
Tournament Schedule
Registration - 11-11:30am
Round One - 11:30am-1:30pm
Lunch - 1:30pm-2:00pm
Round Two - 2:00pm-4pm
Round Three - 4pm-6pm
Awards - 6pm-6:30pm
***A FRIEND: If you bring a friend who has yet to play in a Blood Bowl Tournament, they can play for a $5 NAF membership fee. The tournament itself will be free for them.
$20.00 Registration Fee BEFORE October 31st 1st (cash or paypal gift to plutos-a-planet@hotmail.com)
$30.00 Registration Fee AFTER October 31st (cash or paypal gift to plutos-a-planet@hotmail.com)

3 Copies of your Team Roster (one for you / your opponent/ tournament organizer)
Dice (these will be shared if your opponents ask)
Blood Bowl Pitch
Dugouts & Templates
3 Games of Blood Bowl
Florida Man Swag
Prizes and Awards
**ALL COACHES WILL BE NAF MEMBERS** If you are not NAF, please sign up at the event for $5.00**
Each coach will build their team with 1,100,000 gold and then add an additional 250,000 gold in skills, staff, extra players and so on. To be clear, the total Team Value for the tournament is 1,350,000.

* Each player may receive no more than 2 added skills (regular or double)
* No regular skill may be taken more than 4 times. No Double Skill more than 2 times.
* Big guys may be given skill at double normal cost. Big guys on Stunty teams may add skills at normal cost.
* Rerolls are normal cost.
* Star Players may be taken but there must be at least 11 other players on your team.

Games will be played using the NAF Tournament rules which includes DZ 1 and DZ 2. You can read about it here ... https://www.thenaf.net/2017/05/naf-and-death-zone-2/ and here

• Illegal Procedure will not be used.
• Turns are to be coaches pace for the first half and the 4 min. turn timer for the second half.
• Sharing dice is required if your opponent requests it
• Rosters reset after every round. This means that injured players are restored to health and players gained through Raise the Dead are lost.
This also means that there are no earnings or Fan Factor increases.
• Models MUST have some form of identification for skills that are purchased onto their players. The TO recommends skill bands, and will have some at the event.


Coaches choose 1 of 4 Florida Men/Women to play for the team the entire tournament. The Florida Man/Woman must be the 12th player on the Roster (i.e. you must already have a full team without them)
1) Flasher Florida Man – 8/3/3/7
Loner, Really Stupid, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Hypnotic Gaze, No Hands, Shadowing, Prehensile Tail, Thick Skull

2) Gator Wrestlin’ Florida Man – 6/4/3/7
Loner, Bonehead, Wrestle, Piling On, Grab, Diving Tackle, Jump Up, Thick Skull.

3) Resisting Arrest Florida Man – 6/3/3/7
Loner, Bonehead, Block, Dodge, Fend, Leap, Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull.

4) Florida Woman – 7/2/4/7
Loner, Wild Animal, Frenzy, Foul Appearance, Strip Ball, Dodge, Claws, Dauntless, Thick Skull.

In addition to the extra player, there are a number of special abilities to use during the course of the tournament:

Once per tournament:

Florida Orange Juice - Move a player in your CAS box to your reserves

Shiv – Player gains the “Stab” skill for one game

Illegal Fireworks – Player gains the “Bombardier” skill for one game

Once per game:

Bath Salts – Player gains Bloodlust, +1 to STR, Frenzy & Mighty Blow. Roll for this player at the end of each of your turns (only his owning coach’s turn). On the result of a 1, the player’s heart explodes and he is sent immediately to the CAS Box. A failure on this roll cannot be rerolled by any means.

“Florida Man Gonna Florida Man” – Immediately following a roll from your opponent, you can declare “Florida Man Gonna Florida Man”. Your opponent must accept the result of this roll and cannot reroll it by any means.

Ongoing effect:

“Florida Man Dives For Touchdown, Eats Dirt” – Any ball-carrier (not just Florida Men) attempting to GFI into the opponent’s end-zone, fails his GFI on a result of 1 or 2.

Weather for every game of the tournament is “Florida Weather”. The weather resets and starts again at the half.
Turns 1-2: Very Sunny
Turns 3-4: Pouring Rain
Turns 5-8: Sweltering Heat

OPTIONAL RULE: Florida Man Kickoff Chart
Blood Bowl with Florida Man is a little…dangerous. You never really know what to expect. This is reflected by a special kick-off chart which replaces the normal kickoff chart in games where both players have opted to use the full ruleset for the entire tournament.
• This means that in the case of a player who has opted to use the full ruleset playing a player who has opted not to use the optional kickoff chart, the standard kickoff chart will be used in that game.

2: Mysterious Trailer Explosion – Something that smells like chemicals has just blown up Florida Man’s sideline Trailer. The hulking wreck flies into the air and crash lands somewhere on the pitch. Starting on the center square on the receiving team’s line of scrimmage, roll a d6 and d8 for scatter and distance. The explosion starts from this spot and radiates d3 squares in all directions. All players within the area of the explosion roll and on a 4+ are safe, but on a roll of 1-3 are thrown down and armor and injury are rolled as if the explosion had Mighty Blow.

3: Domestic Disturbance – The neighbors are at it again. The ensuing brawl erupts out of the trailer and onto the pitch itself. If the receiving team's turn marker is on turn 7 for the half, both teams move their turn marker back one space as the referee resets the clock back to before the fight started. If the receiving team has not yet taken a turn this half the referee lets the clock run on during the fight and both team's turn markers are moved forward one space. Otherwise roll a D6. On a 1-3, both teams turn markers are moved forward one space. On a 4-6, both team's turn markers are moved back one space.

4: Swamp Ape! – Sasquatch runs across the centerfield, if only I had a camera. Suddenly a lumbering Swamp Ape runs right through the trailer park, throwing the game into disarray. Each player on the line of scrimmage is moved into the square directly behind them (away from midfield) and must make a standard Dodge roll. If another player is occupying that square, he is pushed directly backwards and stays on his feet. If the dodge roll is failed, the player is knocked over. Roll armor for any knocked over players as normal, except adding +1 for the meaty fists of the Swamp Ape. Players with ST5 or higher do not have to roll as the Sasquatch wisely detours around them.

5: Mosquito Swarm – It is the state bird after all, and boy have they come out in force. The swarm is so thick that only Quick and Short Passes may be attempted. This effect expires at the end of the drive.

6: Cheering Kin – Yeehaw! We got ourselves a game here cousin! Each coach rolls a D3 and adds their team's FAME and the number of cheerleaders on their team to the score. The team with the highest score is inspired by their fans cheering and gets an extra re-roll this half. If both teams have the same score, then both teams get a re-roll.

7: Sucker Hole- The Sun is peaking through and the rain stops for a brief minute. The weather becomes perfect Blood Bowl weather for this drive. Following this drive the weather reverts back to where it would be normally.

8: Brilliant Coaching – Florida Man’s drunk uncle played football in High School and he has some advice for the players. Each coach rolls a D3 and adds their and the number of assistant coaches on their team to the score. The team with the highest total gets an extra team reroll this half thanks to the brilliant instruction provided. In case of a tie both teams get an extra team reroll.

9: Quick Snap! – The offence start their drive a fraction of time before the defence is ready, catching the kicking team flat-footed. All of the players on the receiving team are allowed to move one square. This is a free move and may be made into any adjacent empty square, ignoring tackle zones. It may be used to enter the opposing half of the pitch.

10: Blitz! – The defense start their drive a fraction of time before the offence is ready, catching the receiving team flat-footed. The kicking team receives a free 'bonus' turn. However, players that are in an enemy tackle zone at the beginning of this free turn may not perform an Action. The kicking team may use team re-rolls during a Blitz. If any player suffers a turnover then the bonus turn ends immediately.

11: Throw a Bottle – An enraged fan hurls an empty bottle at one of the players on the opposing team. Each coach rolls a D6 and adds their FAME to the roll. The fans of the team that rolls higher are the ones that threw the rock. In the case of a tie a bottle is thrown at each team! Decide randomly which player in the other team was hit (only players on the pitch are eligible) and roll for the effects of the injury straight away. No Armor roll is required.

12: Police! – Roll for each player on the pitch. On a 1, that player is removed from the pitch and put in reserves as they attempt to hide from the police for this drive. Additionally, All Illegal fireworks and Shivs are confiscated (making the players revert to normal), and any players under the influence of Bath Salts are removed and placed in the CAS box as they have to be ‘put down’.

NO REF: Florida Blood Bowl games are not watched over by a Referee, which means players cannot be sent off, but they can be hurt in retribution. A player wishing to commit a foul does so as normal, taking assists into account. Irrespective of the success of the foul attempt, the coach of the fouled player may roll a D6; on a 1-3 nothing happens, on a 4+ angry fans have hit the fouler with a bottle. Make an AV roll for the player committing the foul adding +1 to the roll. If the roll is enough to break amour, make an injury roll as normal. If armor is broken on the player committing the foul, his team suffers a turnover.

SECRET WEAPONS: The fans aren’t too crazy about Secret Weapons, either. Any player with the Secret Weapon skill is safe for as long as the game is going on. As soon as a drive ends, however, the fans rush in to attack them. Each coach must roll a d6 for each of his players with the Secret Weapon skill. On a roll of 1-3, the player is dragged away by the riotous crowd. Consider said player Badly Hurt, but Florida Orange Juice may not be used to alter his condition. On a roll of 4-6, the player manages to fight his way free of the crowd and may play on until the next game break, when such a roll is made again.

REWARDS FOR DONATING TO TEAM PRIZE: Coaches are asked to donate a painted “Florida man” model for a Human team that will be given away as a prize. Any Coach that donates a painted model will be given a free reroll to use once during the tournament. This reroll can only be used once and then it is gone. It MAY NOT be used to reroll a dice that has already been rerolled. If a player donates a second model to the donation team, they will receive +1 additional Fan Factor.

BEST PAINTED FLORIDA MAN: Coaches are encouraged to bring a painted/converted model to represent their choice of Florida Man player they use on the pitch. After the tournament, Florida Man himself (Chris Nelson) will choose the best Florida Man miniature at the tournament and award its owner a SPECIAL PRIZE. Florida men miniatures used by players need not be painted/converted to be used, but only those that are painted or converted will be eligible for this prize.

Swiss Pairing: The tournament will be conducted using the Swiss method of pairing. This means that after the first round (in which pairs will be selected randomly, but with an eye toward
separating coaches from the same hometown or league),
coaches will play against those coaches that have performed
most similarly. So the coach with the most points will play
against the coach with the second most points, etc. The Coach with the MOST POINTS at the end of THREE ROUNDS will be declared the Tournament Champion
A coach will receive the following points, to be recorded after each round of play:
• +30 pts Win
• +15 pts Draw
• +10 pts Loss
• +2 pts Per Touchdown
• +2 pts Per Casualty (These include Normal CAS, Fouls, Crowd Surfs, Stabs, Secret Weapons, and Failed Dodges. These DO NOT INCLUDE failed GFIs, or Kickoff Result CAS, or Thrown bottles during Fouls)
There will be awards for the following categories:
TOURNAMENT CHAMPION – Most points overall
STUNTY CHAMPION – There must be THREE Stunty teams for this
MOST TDs – Most TDs overall
MOST CAS – Most CAS Overall
BEST DEFENSE – Least TDs allowed


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