?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameSin City Bowl VI
Organizer NAF nameHighElfMage (18390)
OrganizerNebojsa Trivanovic
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-06-22
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-06-22
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageSin City Bowl

Tournament Statistics


HighElfMage (18390)Chaos Dwarf

Runner up

AL13N (16185)Amazon

Most Touchdowns

daht (16802)Shambling Undead

Most Casualties

Dragonforgeworks (23151)Chaos Dwarf

Stunty Cup

OneChiquita (15384)Ogre

Best Painted

Morkman (17030)Chaos Dwarf

Other Awards

GodzillaHeartstopper (14922)Shambling Undead
3rd Place
Tournament Location
AddressAtomic trading
 8011 N Durango Dr #110
CityLas Vegas
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Admission fee is $40 pre-registration by May 31, 2019 $50 after June 1st

11am Start 4 games!

Fees cover
Admission to event
1 Nebark Perovic Model
2 Custom Sin City Bowl D6
1 Custom Sin City D2/3
1 Nebark Perovic Player Card

Team Builds
1.25 million build it any way you like max of 2 level ups skills/stats or combination of both per player. Goblin sure if you wanna waste 100k on two +1 st. Star players only after initial 11 players purchased. Nebark Perovic model can exceed the 16 roster maximum so you don't have to save a spot for him.

100% of all inducements are allowed this includes all of death zones and spike magazines even if a spike is released the week prior. Piling on works exactly as crp.

Nebark Perovic
MV 7 ST 2 AG 3 AV8

Skills: Loner, Stunty, Dodge, Claws*, Big Hand**, Two Heads, Horns, Piling On*, Sure Hands**
This two headed Goblin has two totally different personalities, they get along all the time with exception of when they hit the pitch.

Before your turn roll the SCB d2
Result of Nebs head The Killer instinct head takes control and Claws and Piling on skills maybe used while, big hand and sure hands can’t be used.

Result of Marks head The scorer instinct head takes control and Big Hand and Sure Hands skills maybe used while, Claw and Piling On can’t be used.

All other skills, Stunty, Dodge, Two Heads, and Horns will be in use at all times.

Both Teams can field Nebark Perovic. Nebark Perovic can not be removed from the pitch by any means. At very worst he is stunned. Nuffle has blessed this amazing goblin. Casualties sustained are still tracked but results are still a stun.If pushed into crowd he will be pushed back into an empty space he was at. Nebark will never be ejected for a caught foul but will cause a turnover as normal.

Email your roster to nebojsafa@gmail.com by 6/9 to get 1 bonus points

60 points win
30 points tie
10 points loss
1 Point for every Touch Down
-1 point for every touch down conceded
1 Point for every Casualty(failed dodge/gfi don’t count)
-1 point for ever casualty conceded (failed dodge/gfi don’t count)
2 Points for every casualty Nebark Perovic causes.
3 points for every Touchdown Nebark Perovic scores

Note Previous Winners can not win SCB with the same team.

Sin City Bowl 2014
Jan Andersson

Sin City Bowl II 2015
Doug Saunders

Sin City Bowl III 2016
Nebojsa Trivanovic

Sin City Bowl IV 2017
Mark Perre

Sin City Bowl V 2018
JJ Tew

Tournament Report
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