?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameWinter Mayhem Weekend - Day 2
Organizer NAF nameInnerdemon (18998)
OrganizerLair Ashmead
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-11-11
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-11-11
StyleResurection -Swiss
ScoringW 65, T25, L0
CostOne Day $25, both days $35
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


MotherNurgle (21220)Necromantic Horror

Runner up

frzntoz (12737)Necromantic Horror

Most Touchdowns

apethemin (20585)Dark Elf

Most Casualties

Duffception (21377)Dwarf

Stunty Cup

Wyzard (20805)Goblin
Stunty Legend Red Patch!

Best Painted

Devilink (21379)Goblin

Other Awards

Phrygerator (20907)Chaos Dwarf
Best Defense !
Tournament Location
AddressOgres Den
 3220 5 ave NE #22

Ruleset Document

Name: Winter Mayhem Weekend
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada
Venue: The Ogres Den 3220 5 Ave NE #22 Calgary, AB
NAF Approval Pending!
Winter Mayhem is a proud supporter NAF Tournament series the West Coast Grand Prix

Online Updates
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/254956208220350/

Date: Saturday November 10/11th

One Day: $25
Both Days: $35
NAF Membership is mandatory to participate.
Pre-Registration and rosters can be emailed to

Tournament Organizer: lair.ashmead@gmail.com

Tournament schedule:

The weekend will feature 2 single day events. Each day will feature a 3 game swiss style, resurrection tournament. First games will be determined by random matchup. The remaining games will be determined based on tournament points. Coaches are not required to play the same team on both days.
For the first round only, we will do our best to pair players off against members that are outside of their home club.
This year we are featuring a few new components for the weekend. We will be using the Winter Kick off table as well as a coaching team component. You and 1 other coach of your choosing, with be paired up for the weekend. At the end of the weekend, your total points from each day will be added together and the coaching team that accumulates the most points will win the coaching team challenge. Please note it will be possible for coaches teamed to face each other in the weekend.

November 10 2018
9:00 AM : Registration begins
9:30 : First game
12:00 PM: Lunch Break
1:00 PM : Game 2
3:30 PM: Gam3 3
6:00 PM – Awards and Wrap Up

November 11 2018
9:00 AM : Registration begins
9:30 : First game
11:00 AM – A moment of silence to show respect for Remembrance Day!
12:00 PM: Lunch Break
1:00 PM : Game 2
3:30 PM: Gam3 3
6:00 PM – Awards and Wrap Up

What to bring:
- Painted team with suitable models.
- Skill rings or another appropriate way to identify skills/positions
- Block dice
- D6s, d8, d12/16/20
- 3 copies of your team roster including skill purchases and inducements

Tournament Rules:
- Standard NAF Rules 2016 + DZ 1 and 2, Spike Magazine 1 and 2 – 26 teams, including Slann, Khorne and Brettonians.

Winter Weather Table
This is a new feature this year to the event. Both days will be using this custom kick off chart to replace the existing weather chart.

2 – Howling Winds – The Fans are shivering in the stands as ferious gusts of wind blows steadily down the pitch. Any pass attempts have an additional -1 modifer. Each players rolls a d6 (rerolling ties) the wind is blowing down the pitch towards the losing players end zone. When ever the ball scatters for a kick off or inaccurate pass, it will blow down the pitch. Before making a scatter roll, place the throw in template over the ball so that the 3-4 result is pointing in the same direction as the wind. Then roll a d6 and move the ball one space in the corresponding direction. Repeat this a second time, then scatter the ball as normal.
3 – Freezing – A sudden cold snap turns the ground as hard as granite (and not the astro variety the players are used to) When ever a player is knocked down add 1 to the result of the armor roll.
4-10 – Brisk – Its rather chilly, but it is as close as perfect to blood bowl weather that you can hope for at this time fo year. This counts as a “nice” result for purposes of changing weather result on the kick off table.
11 – Heavy Snow – Visibility is low, slippery underfoot. It is impossible to spot tripping hazards making it very difficult to block effectively. When ever a player makes a blitz action, their Movement is reduced by 1 for the duration of that action.
12 – Blizzard – Between the snow, the wind and the icy ground it is a miracle the game is in progress. Any player attempting to GFI will slip and be knocked down on a 1 or a 2, only quick and short passes may be attempted.

- Argue the call, Timber are allowed. Pile on is allowed as per the NAF document.
Rules Not Allowed
NO WIZARDS, No refrees, No Special Play Cards, No Special Balls,
NO special pitch rules, No Sponsorships, No Infamous coaching staff.
Only stars from the Death Zone Season 1 and season 2 and the NAF document, plus the Spike 1 and 2 are available.
- Teams will resurrect at the end of each games. No SPPs, injuries or any roster changes carry over between games
- Illegal Procedure and the 4 minute time limit will not be enforced.
- Games will have a maximum length of 2 hours 30 minutes. Turn time limits or chess clocks may be imposed if a game is at risk of going over the 2.5 hour time limit.

- Players must agree on cocked die rules, the use of dice cups and/or sharing dice at the start of the match.
- If there are any disagreements or rules disputes, tournament directors will be standing by to assist.
- Teams with the ability to raise killed players will not be allowed to.

Team building:
- 26 NAF sanctioned teams are eligible.
- Teams get 1.2 million gold to construct their roster.
- Star players are not “highlander” and may be present and used on both coaches rosters.
- Star players can be purchased as part of a roster. A maximum of 2 star players may be taken. (Brick Farth and Grotty count as 1 star player, but will fill 2 roster spots as per rules, The Swift Twins would be the same ) Star player can fill the role of the 11th player on your team.
Legendary Star Players are not available for this event.
- Teams must play with a minimum of 11 players.
- Teams can purchase Rerolls, apothecaries (if allowed), coaches, cheerleaders or fan factor.
- teams may also include bribes as part of the roster as per the standard inducement cost.
- Chefs can only be purchased by halfling teams.
- No other inducements may be purchased (including wizards, cards, extra apothecaries, mercenaries, etc).

- Skills
After purchasing your team of 11 or more players (including Stars) and any Inducement options, you may add skills to your team, based on that team’s Player Improvements. Skills are divided into tiers (No attribute picks are allowed):
Tier 1 skill = Block, Frenzy, Kick, Strip Ball, Sure Hands, Dodge, Leader, Guard, Mighty Blow and Claw.
Tier 2 skill = anything else.
1 point for the first instance of a tier 2 skill.
2 points for the second or further instance of a tier 2 skill.
2 points for the first instance of a tier 1 skill.
3 points for the second or further instance of a tier 1 skill.
+2 points for any skill that is a double.
Teams have the following points to spend:
9 points – Shambling Undead, Wood Elf, Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Lizardmen
11 points – Dwarf, Orc, Norse, Dark Elf, Skaven
13 points – High Elves, Humans, Elf Union, Necromantic Horrors, Khemri Tomb Kings
15 points – Slann, Underworld Denziens, Chaos Renegades, Nurgle, Chaos Chosen, Vampires
17 points – Goblin, Halfling, Ogre
Example : My Chaos Chosen team has 15 points to spend. I take three Chaos Warriors with Block, the first costing 2 points and the next two costing 3 points each (total 8 points). I then take three Beastmen with Wrestle, the first costing me 1 point and the next two costing 2 points each (total 5 points). This leaves me with 2 points, with which I take a Tackle Beastman and an Extra Arms Beastman. 2+3+3+1+2+2+1+1 = 15.
Note: Star players may not be given additional skills and no player can add more than one skill. There are no other limits to skill selection

Tournament Scoring:
Win = 65
Loss = 0
Tie = 25

Scoring Bonuses
There are no scoring bonus points for this event. But all casuatlites inflicted with the exception of failed gfi and failed dodges will count towards the casualty awards.

Stunty cup: There will be a Stunty Cup if at least 3 coaches pre-register prior to Oct. 15 2018
-There must be a minimum of 3 teams to compete for the Stunty Cup.
- Stunty teams will play for their own cup while still participating in the main tournaments.
- Stunty teams include Halflings, Goblins and Ogres, as well as Lizardman teams that are made up of All Skinks (or Skinks plus a Kroxigor), and Underworld teams without Skaven players. Please note Lizardmen and Underworld stunty teams do not receive any different skill options.
- Star players can be added to a stunty team without disqualifying them from the Stunty Cup.

Glittering prizes:
Performance Awards
- The Overall Best Coach aka The Winner: The Coach with the most tournament points over the 2 days. In the case of a tie, tie breakers are as follows:
- Head-to-Head record if applicable
- W-L-T Record
- TD difference
- CAS difference
- Runner up - the coach with the 2nd most tournament points over the 2 events.
- Stunty Cup - The stunty coach with the most tournament points IF the required amount of players are registered.
-Wooden spoon - The coach with the least tournament points over the 2 events.
-Best Defense – The coach who overall has the best defense over both events.
- Most Touchdowns – The coach who has the overall most TD’s over both events
- Most casualties - The coach who has the overall most Casualties over both events.
Community Choice Awards
- Hobby First – This is a combination of painting, conversions, display ect. If the team looks cool, it can be voted for.
- Here for a good time – The coach as selected by opponents and peers for their positive conduct during the tournament.

Swag and prizes:
- Every dollar collected will be given back to the players in the form of prizes.

Tournament Report
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