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Tournament NameTzeentch's Challenge III
Organizer NAF nameMightyZuk (20267)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-11-10
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-11-11
ScoringW: 60 D: 30 L: 10
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageURL facebook

Tournament Statistics


isenmike (22673)Multiple Races
378 points

Runner up

buzzard (19811)Multiple Races
335 points

Most Touchdowns

darukku (22276)Multiple Races
11 in 6 games

Most Casualties

MightyZuk (20267)Multiple Races

Stunty Cup

MightyZuk (20267)Multiple Races

Best Painted

Other Awards

buzzard (19811)Multiple Races
Best Defense
ak_the_snake (25539)Multiple Races
Third Place
isenmike (22673)Multiple Races
Best Bash
ClanCampbell (24888)Multiple Races
Best Dash
centipede (21112)Multiple Races
Best Flex
Makosmichio (25679)Multiple Races
Best Sportsman
Tournament Location
Address294A East Montauk Highway
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Rule Set v1.1

Tzeentch’s Challenge is a NAF-sponsored tournament utilizing a Swiss-pairing system that will test a coach’s abilities across different types of teams: Bash, Dash and Flex. The tournament will be two days and feature six guaranteed games for participating teams.

Bash teams hurt their opponents. Like Dwarves or Orcs. Dash teams usually focus on scoring or at least staying away from that guy who piles on. Like Elves or Skaven. Flex teams often have their own style, or at least a mesh of the two others. Like Necromantic or Vampires.

Each coach will pick a team from one of the three styles of play and will coach that team in two rounds of the tournament. Note that the teams you will be playing against will also be from that same style because each round will be featuring a different style. So bash teams will play against bash teams, flex vs flex, etc.

You need to bring the following:
• Three Painted Teams (You may borrow teams, you don’t have to own all of them!)
• Two printed copies of each of your team rosters, using Little Army Builder found at http://www.littlearmybuilder.com/bb/en/
• If you have one, a Blood Bowl Board (custom to standard specs or from the board game itself), dugouts, and templates.
• Good sportsmanship

Here are the groupings for each style:
Bash – Rounds 1 & 2
Chaos Dwarf

Dash – Rounds 3 & 4
Dark Elf
High Elf
Warpstone Goblins*
Wood Elf

Flex – Rounds 5 & 6
Chaos Pact
Daemons of Khorne
* Special stunty teams, see below

The documents that outline the rules for the Tzeentch’s Challenge are the new BB2016 rules released by Games Workshop. These rules are encompassed by the following documents:

• The rules in the Games Workshop box set (the Official Rules)
• Deathzone Season 1 and Season 2
• Spike Journals 1 (Chaos) and 2 (Dark Elves)
• The following documents from www.bloodbowl.com
o Teams of Legend (ToL)
o The Errata (ERR)
o The FAQ (FAQ)

In addition, the following NAF-sponsored changes will be applied to the rule set:

• Slann, Bretonnians and Daemons of Khorne will be allowed. The rosters can be found in the NAF Tournament Teams file.
• All CRP/LRB6 star players will be allowed in addition to the ones that were released in the official documents for BB2016. The list of star players can be found in the NAF Rules August 2017 file.
• Special play cards will NOT be used
• Wizards ARE allowed to be purchased as inducements. The wizard rules can be found in the NAF Rules August 2017 file.
• Piling On will be allowed as a skill with the modification that it does NOT require a team reroll to use

You have 1,100,000 gold crowns to build a team consisting of a minimum of 11 players. You may purchase fan factor, rerolls, assistant coaches, cheerleaders, and/or an apothecary (automatically works) per each team’s usual rules. Inducements may also be purchased at their standard price as permanent part of the team. Star players may also be purchased as a permanent part of the team, however you must already have 11 players on your roster before doing so. If two teams playing each other purchase the same star player, they will both be able to use the star player.

Once your team is created, you are given skills to give to your players. You may choose one of the following skill packages:

Normal Skill Package 4 normal skills, no more than 2 on one player
Expert Skill Package 2 normal skills plus 1 double skill, no more than two on one player, double skill may not be given to a “big guy”
Attribute Package 1 attribute (Movement, Strength, Agility or Armor Value) may be increased by 1

Any miniatures are allowed, however each of the models of a particular position must be easily identifiable as such (similar poses, base color, features, etc.). Each of the models must be numbered clearly.

Since there will be so many teams required of coaches, there will not be a painting award for this tournament.

The first round (Bash Round I) is determined by random pairings. Subsequent rounds will be Swiss pairings meaning that the two teams that will be playing each other will be of similar rankings across the entire tournament. All tiebreakers will be broken by strength of schedule and then tournament organizer prerogative. In the case that a coach would be paired with a coach they had already played against, the pairing will be broken up to face either up or down one rank in order to ensure this doesn’t happen.

Organizers will do their best to ensure that players that are travelling together from the same region do not play each other in the first round. This will depend on the number and variety of locations of players in the tournament.

The winner of the tournament will be the coach who has gained the most points over the course of the two days. Ties will be broken by head-to-head record and then strength of schedule (points gained by opponents). If two coaches are still tied, they will roll 10 block dice and the winner will be the coach who has rolled the most SKULLS (attacker down).

Scoring will go as follows:
Win: 60 pts
Draw: 30 pts
Loss: 10 pts
Complete game in the time allotted: 5 pts
Touchdowns: 2 pts ea. (maximum of 4 per game for 8 pts)
Casualties Inflicted (including fouls but not crowd-induced injuries): 2 pts ea. (maximum of 4 per game for 8 pts). Note that we play Brooklyn Rules here – stabs, secret weapons and fouls can amass casualty points!

There will be a number of awards that will be given out at this year’s Tzeentch’s Challenge. Note that coaches may only win one of these awards with one exception noted below. The coach may choose which of the awards they are eligible to win to take.

Tzeentch’s Champion
Second Place
Third Place
Wooden Spoon
Highest Scorer (most TDs)
Best Defense (least TDs)
Most Violent (most casualties)
Best Bash Team
Best Flex Team
Best Dash Team
Best Stunty coach (whomever gets the most points across all rounds with stunty teams – Ogres, Halflings, Goblins, Warpstone Goblins, Skinks)
Best Sportsman (most votes by other coaches – can be won by a winner of another award)

Yes, sportsmanship is a big part of this tournament, as it should be with the entire game of Blood Bowl. While the players may be bashing each other to a pulp, coaches are expected to act with decorum. This includes a keeping positive attitude, not insulting opposing coaches, not rooting for bad rolls, not laughing at the opposing coach’s bad luck, not throwing dice, and other generally deviant behaviors. Hygiene is important too. Please shower unless you yourself are a Nurgle. After the last round, the TO will ask for everyone’s top 3 coaches for sportsmanship.

We’ll be opening the doors at 10am Saturday for registration. You need to be there as close as possible to that time so that we can start on time. The matches will be limited to 2 hours in length, no timed turns. At the end of two hours, games will end and we’ll total up the scores, preparing for the next round. Note that there is a 5 point bonus for both coaches for getting your game in completely in 2 hours.

Event Time
Registration 10:00 – 10:30
Bash Round #1 10:30 – 12:30
Lunch 12:30 – 1:15
Bash Round #2 1:15 – 3:15
Dash Round #1 3:30 – 5:30
Dinner 5:30 – 6:15
Dash Round #2 6:15 – 8:15
Arrival 10:00
Flex Round #1 10:15 – 12:15
Lunch 12:15 – 1:00
Flex Round #2 1:00 – 3:00
Awards 3:15 – 3:30
End 3:30

Can you really put a price on fun? Yes, I supposed you can. The cost will be $40. If you are not a member and want to register for the NAF, it costs $5 at any NAF tournament (including Tzeentch’s Challenge on November 10th) or you can pay $10 online at http://member.thenaf.net/index.php?module=Users&func=register (don’t use Google Chrome for registration – it doesn’t work right now). So, go ahead and register for the NAF and you get a nifty prize! It supports the hobby!

While this is a complex game that is hard to jump into, please reach out to the tournament organizer at tzeentchbb@gmail.com and let us know that you need some schooling. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Tournament Organizing Staff at tzeentchbb@gmail.com.

Tournament Report
By Hannah Storm Vermin

This month was the third annual Tzeentch's Challenge, a NAF tournament hosted by the Long Island Blood Bowl League. The tournament is the brainchild of commissioner MightyZuk. The goal is to present the coach with a multitude of teams of different types and see how they do against other teams of the same type. Then, who is the best coach across different teams without worrying about the standard rock/paper/scissors issues (Amazons vs Dwarves as an example)? The tournament has been talked about quite a bit in the NAF and has sparked a copy-cat series in Florida as well as been partially responsible for a recent rules change in the NAF.

The tournament is six rounds over two days where each coach plays one bashy team, one speedy team and one flex team, all against others of the same genre. Each team had 2 games to play and was constructed with an 1100K team value. The coach could then apply a skill set package of four normal, 1 double and 2 normal, or a stat boost, to players on their team. A large number of star players made it to the pitch as well, including one Warpstone Goblins team (Underworld Denizens without Skaven) coached by Zuk that had both Glart Smashrip and his son Glart Jr. Awards were given out for 1st through 3rd place, last place, best offense, best defense, most casualties, best bash, best dash, best flex and best sportsmanship. Plus there were a number of tournament giveaways as prizes to coaches who satisfied the TO's fancy for chaos. One round gave away a new Nurgle team to whoever rolled the most 1s in the round (won by Apojar with 19 in one game) #franked.

This year, the LIBBL showed in force. Of the 12 participating coaches, MightyZuk, ClanCampbell, Centipede, SilvaGeargrinder and Apojar as well as former LIBBL coaches Buzzard and CrazyUnmaker, made up more than half of the field. IsenMike from Brooklyn, the defending champion, led the non-LIBBL force along with Darukku (tournament organizer for the Tournament of Madness in Wilkes Barre), AK the Snake (Syracuse), Makosmichio (Wilkes Barre) and Virgil2Oct (Syracuse).

The first round saw three ties with bash teams. That included ClanCampbell (Undead) vs Buzzard (Lizardmen), MightyZuk (Goblins) vs SilvaGeargrinder (Dwarves), and CrazyUnmaker (Lizardman) vs Virgil2Oct (Orcs). IsenMike's Orcs smacked MakosMichio 3-0 while Centipede and Apojar each pulled out 2-1 wins over AK the Snake and Darukku respectively. The second round saw more mediocrity with a whopping 4 ties. The only winners were Silva, who beat Virgil 3-2, and Darukku, who walloped MakosMichio. Everyone else tied 1-1.

The top table in the first dash round was an epic battle between Apojar and Centipede. Centipede's Skaven fell 2-1 to Apojar's Dark Elves. Meanwhile, IsenMike continued his quest for a second Tzeentch's Champion award by beating Virgil. The biggest win was Darukku, who's Dark Elves took advantage of MightyZuk's Warpstone Goblins to the tune of a 5-0 shellacking. Campbell beat Crazy, Buzzard beat Silva and AK and Makos tied each other. That meant the new top table for the second dash round, finishing out the activities on Saturday, was between IsenMike and Darukku (thank you bonus points for touchdowns!). IsenMike pushed ahead and established a day one win with a 2-1 victory over Darukku. Apojar faltered a bit as he took his 1-0 loss to Campbell hard. Other winners at the end of the day were Buzzard, Zuk, AK (who pitch cleared CrazyUnmaker) and Silva.

The next day began with just the Flex teams to play. Norse and Necromantic teams were abound, comprising half of the entries. One brave soul, MightyZuk, played Halflings (and paid for it). Every single match in this round was a shutout. IsenMike set himself up well as he dispatched Clan Campbell 2-0 and other winners were Buzzard, Apojar, AK, Centipede and Crazy.

Everything was set up for a final match between IsenMike and Buzzard. Norse vs Amazon. It was a very hard fought match that ended up in a tie. Meanwhile, Apojar went down to AK 2-0. MightyZuk got into Clan Campbell's head and despite losing to Campbell's Norse, the halflings physically beat up the glass cannons. Mace finished on a strong note and beat Darukku while Silva got a final win against Crazy Unmaker. Virgil was able to pull out a last win against Makos as well.
Top award went to IsenMike with 378 points. Second went to Buzzard with 335 and AK took third just behind with 329. The awards were spread out as much as possible, but the actual leaders were: Scoring IsenMike/Darukku 11; Defense Buzzard 3; Casualties MightyZuk 20; Stunty MightyZuk 226 points; Bash IsenMike 120; Dash Campbell 146 (he's very proud of this); Flex Centipede152; Wooden Spoon (last place) Makosmichio 128
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