?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThe Squig Trophy
Organizer NAF namedreamscreator (20654)
OrganizerHugo Rodrigo
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-11-10
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-11-10
ScoringW: 70 ; D: 30 ; L: 10 ; C: -50 ; Extra points: 1 point for 1-2 TD; 2 points for 3+ TD; 1 point for 1-2 CAS; 2 points for 3+ CAS
Cost£12 NAF - £17 non-NAF
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


dionysian (19480)Slann

Runner up

Atlas04 (16057)Lizardmen

Most Touchdowns

dionysian (19480)Slann
14 touchdowns

Most Casualties

TheShepherd (16089)Khorne
14 casualties

Stunty Cup

wobert (20177)Ogre

Best Painted

AngryHobbit (18811)Khorne

Other Awards

Nightwing (19902)Slann
Most Squig Casualties
itchen (18181)Nurgle
Third place
Canteloup (13763)Necromantic Horror
Glowworm Award
dreamscreator (20654)Goblin
Anything but a 1 (Most 1s): 62
AngryHobbit (18811)Khorne
Why Nuffle? Why? (Most Skulls): 26
Tournament Location
Address32 Bond St
ZipBS1 4ER
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document


Goblins love the chaos of a good Blood Bowl match but never is enough chaos. That's the reason to create The Squig Trophy. A tournament where the field is surrounded by cages full of squigs. Of course, the goblins will use any excuse to release one or two, or maybe more into the field. Do you think this is madness? This is Blood Bowl!


4 games of Blood Bowl at Excelsior! Games (https://www.facebook.com/groups/397621823723212/) in Bristol.

NAF approved.

The cost is £12 NAF - £17 non-NAF to cover the venue cost and buy lots of prizes.

If you are NAF you can pay here, include your name, naf name, and naf number in the comments: https://www.paypal.me/dreamscreator5/12

If you are non-NAF you can pay here: https://www.paypal.me/dreamscreator5/17

Minimum 10 players two weeks before the date, maximum around 60.

Register: 10.00-10.15
Game 1: 10.15-12.15
Lunch: 12.15-12.30
Game 2: 12.30-14.30
Game 3: 14.40-16.40
Game 4: 16.50-18.50
Awards: 18.50-19.00

As the schedule is very tight, if any game has more than 4 turns to play in the last 30 minutes the players will be forced to play with a clock with 3 minutes per turn. There are plenty of places to buy food 5 minutes walk from the local. And there is only 15 minutes break for the lunch. So, I recommend you buy the food before or finish your first game quick ;)

The first 15 signed up will have a free mini sculpted by the amazing Pedro Ramos and produced by Hungry Troll. The first 20 signed up will have a pair of dice with a squig in the side six produced by Akaro Dice. And the first 30 signed up will have free metal tokens (1 x turn, 3 x rerolls).



24+2 races allowed.


Tier 1: 6 normal skills
Amazons, Brettonians, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elfs, Dwarfs, Lizardmen, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elfs
Tier 2: 7 normal skills + 50k extra to expend
Chaos Renegades, Elf Union, High Elfs, Humans, Khorne, Necromantic
Tier 3: 7 normal and 1 double skills + 50k extra to expend
Chaos, Khemri, Nurgle, Slann, Underworld, Vampires
Tier 4: 8 normal and 2 double skills + 100k extra to expend
Goblins, Halfings, Ogres

No stack skills are allowed.

Star Players are allowed after 11 regular players.

Special play cards cannot be taken, all the rest of inducements are allowed.


Resurrection tournament.

Rules from 2016 + Death Zone 1 + Death Zone 2 (no Spike Magazine).

Win: 70 points
Draw: 30 points
Lost: 10 points
Concede: -50 points
Extra points: 1 point for 1-2 TD; 2 points for 3+ TD; 1 point for 1-2 CAS; 2 points for 3+ CAS

Tiebreak, in order: SOS, TD+CAS diff, TD scored, CAS scored.

Awards: Champion, Runner-up, Stunty Cup, Max Cas, Max TD, Squig Champion (most casualties made with squigs), spot prizes

Weather would be start always as nice.


The field is surrounded by cages full of squigs, that means that if a player is pushed into the crowd the opponent will roll injury roll as usual but with a +1 in the result. It's not the same to be hit for a hooligan than for a crazy squig.

The following kick-off table results replace the usual ones. I will bring a few squig miniatures but if you have, please bring them.

The fans are bored by a slow and not enough bloody game. They decide to release a squig in each touchdown lines to add some extra fun to the game.
Each team gains the control of one squig who will place in any square of his defensive touchdown line. Once the drive has finished or one team scores, both squigs leave the pitch.

3 - RIOT
Two opposing players start a fight involving the rest of the players. The goblins use that moment of confusion to swap one of the players of each team for a squig.
Choose one of the linemen of your team and put a squig instead (if you haven't a lineman in the field you can choose any other player on your team). The lineman goes to the KO box. Once the drive has finished or one team scores, both squigs leave the pitch.

One of the squigs has broken its chain and jumps to the pitch looking for something to eat.
Each coach rolls a D6 and adds their FAME to the roll. The squig will bite one player in the team that rolls lower. In the case of a tie the squig bit a player of each team! Decide randomly which player in the other team was a hit (only players on the pitch are eligible) and roll armour and injury as normal as if the player has been hit by a squig with claw and mighty blow.

The jail where the squigs are has been opened. As a result, the pitch is full of squigs hitting everything in its way until the goblins "TRAINERS" capture all of them again.
Roll a D6 for each opposing player on the pitch and add their FAME to the roll. If a roll is a 6 or more after modification then the player has been attacked by a squig. Roll armour and injury as normal as if the player has been hit by a squig with claw and mighty blow. A roll of 1 before adding FAME will always have no effect.

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