?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThe Keystone Kup
Organizer NAF namegsxr750emt (13358)
OrganizerChris Steinbacher
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-11-17
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-11-17
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


grimfoe (24873)Dwarf

Runner up

MightyYruHa (9488)Shambling Undead

Most Touchdowns

Baugh2 (3573)Skaven

Most Casualties

Aaronrpg (23866)Elf Union

Stunty Cup

SupWill0048 (20761)Goblin

Best Painted

Griff8886 (26859)Lizardmen

Other Awards

Tyranicalpuma (17208)Skaven
Best Defense
matman (24876)Goblin
Your Dice Have Failed You
Tournament Location
Address1 South Union St.
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

November 17th, 2018
Tattered Flag Brewery and Distillery
1 S. Union St, Middletown, PA 17057


10:00 am Tournament Location Opens and Registration Begins
10:30 am Blood Bowl Round One Matches Begin
12:30 pm Lunch Break and Blood Bowl teams will be set up for painting evaluation.
1:30(ish) pm Blood Bowl Round Two Matches Begin
2:30(ish) pm Blood Bowl Round Three Matches Begin
5:00(ish) Awards and Raffles!


You will participate in a series of three games. In the first round special consideration will be paid to avoid pairing players from the same league; pairing will otherwise be done randomly. In following rounds the two players in 1st and 2nd place (based on tournament points) will play each other, and so on…. You shouldn’t play the same person twice, with the possible exception of the final round. After three rounds of play the top point earner will be declared the winner. Tournament points and tie-breaks are fully detailed later in the rules.


● Timers will not be used, however, the Tournament Organizers will be diligent in keeping the tournament on schedule

● Illegal Procedure will not be called, if a player forgets to move his turn marker just remind him

● All rosters reset after each match; any seriously injured or dead players will be back for the next game and any Zombies gained through Raising opposing players are removed

● Please note there are changes to the Kick-Off table: ‘Blitz’ has been changed, and ‘Throw a Rock’ has been changed to ‘Throw a Bomb’. Details of the changes are included in the revised Kick-Off table at the end of this document

● Any team from the 2016 Box Set, Teams of Legend PDF, the Deathzone books, or the Slann roster is allowed. We have included all current team rosters at the end of these rules

● You will have 1.1 Million Gold to purchase your team

● Rosters must contain at least 11 players, not including Star Players; a complete list of approved Star Players is included at the end of these rules

● You may purchase Inducements, with the exception of Special Play Cards and Wizards

● Your team receives a Skill Package per the listed tiers. Skill Packages do NOT increase the cost of the team, but are subject to the following restrictions:

● No more than 1 skill per player

● No skill may be selected more than twice (i.e. you may only select Block for 2 players)

Tier A: 5 skills (0 doubles)

Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dwarf, Elf (ALL), Lizardman, Necromantic, Norse, Orc, Skaven, Undead

Tier B: 6 skills (up to 2 double)

Bretonnian, Chaos, Chaos Pact, Human, Khemri, Khorne, Nurgle, Slann, Underworld, Vampire

Tier C: 6 skills (up to 4 doubles), +50,000 gold to purchase your team

Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Stunty Underworld, Stunty Lizardman

Email Rosters To: gsxr750emt@yahoo.com


For each game players will be given tournament sheets. Once you have finished your game, both coaches must complete the form and hand it in to the TO. Tournament Points are awarded as follows:

● 20 points Win

● 0 points Tie

● (-20) points Loss

● 2.5 points Per Net TD (TDs For – TDs Against)

● 1 point Per POSITIVE Net Casualty (CAS For – CAS Against)

Tie Breaks are determined as follows, in the order given:

● Total TDs
● Total Casualties
● ‘Beat It’ style dance fight in the parking lot


For this tournament the following teams are eligible for the Stunty Cup: Goblins, Halflings, Stunty Lizardman (0-16 Skinks and 0-1 Kroxigor), Ogres, and Stunty Underworld (0-16 Goblins and 0-1 Troll). Star Players may be purchased as normal, and do not affect Stunty Cup eligibility, once the 11 player roster requirement is fulfilled.


● Tournament Champion: Highest Total Tournament Points

● 2nd Place: 2nd Highest Total Tournament Points

● Most Brutal: Highest Total Casualties

● Best Offense: Highest Total TDs

● Stunty Cup: Highest Total Tournament Points by an eligible Stunty Team

● Best Team: Selected by a panel of 3 Judges, this award encompasses Painting, Conversions, and Theme

● Last Place: Fewest Tournament Points by a Non-Stunty Team



2. Get the Refs!: The fans exact gruesome revenge on the referee for his poor calls; his replacement is so intimidated that he is reluctant to flag players for ANY behavior. Each team gains 1 Bribe.

3. Riot: The trash talk between teams explodes into a fight, causing havoc with the timekeepers! If the receiving team is on Turn 7 move both team’s turn markers back one space. If the receiving team has not taken a turn this half move both team’s turn markers forward one space. Otherwise roll a D6: On a 1-3, both teams’ turn markers are moved forward 1 space. On a roll of 4-6, both teams’ turn markers are moved back 1 space.

4. Perfect Defense: The kicking team’s coach may reorganize their players, but must maintain a legal defense when finished.

5. High Kick: One player on the receiving team, who is not in an opposing player’s tackle zone, may be moved into the square where the ball will land (regardless of the player’s MA) as long as the square is unoccupied.

6. Cheering Fans: Each coach rolls a D3, adding their team’s FAME and cheerleaders. The team with the highest score gets an extra reroll this half. In the case of a tie both teams get a reroll.

7. Changing Weather: Make a new roll on the Weather table and apply the new roll. If the new Weather roll was ‘Nice’, a gust of wind scatters the ball one extra square in a random direction.

8. Brilliant Coaching: Each coach rolls a D3, adding their FAME and assistant coaches. The team with the highest score gets an extra reroll this half. In the case of a tie both teams get a reroll.

9. Quick Snap: The offense catches the kicking team flat-footed! All players on the receiving team may move one square, ignoring tackle zones.

10. Blitz!!!: D3 Players not in tackle zones may activate with normal turn rules applying.

11. Throw a BOMB!: The fans aren’t satisfied with rock-based mayhem, and have moved up to explosives to express their displeasure! Each coach rolls a D6 and adds their FAME to the roll; the team with the lower score is targeted by a bomb. In the case of a tie, the bomb is a dud and has no effect. Decide randomly which player on the team is targeted (only players on the pitch are eligible) and proceed EXACTLY as if that player has been hit with an accurate bomb thrown by a player with the Bombardier skill.

12. Pitch Invasion: Each coach rolls a d6 for each opposing player on the pitch, adding their FAME. If the roll is 6 or more, then the player is Stunned.

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