?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NamegB3Bg
Organizer NAF namebrocCooLi (12552)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-11-10
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-11-11
Cost100 sek/50 sek
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


melisqus (16238)Nurgle

Runner up

Skuld (20481)Lizardmen

Most Touchdowns

Skuld (20481)Lizardmen

Most Casualties

brocCooLi (12552)High Elf

Stunty Cup

Emilskaya (20233)Goblin

Best Painted

Other Awards

melisqus (16238)Nurgle
Best Nurgle
Emilskaya (20233)Goblin
Tournament Location

Ruleset Document

8:40 registration
9:00 game 1
11:20 lunch
12:40 game 2
15:10 game 3
17:30 dinner
18:50 game 4
21:10 end of first day

9:00 game 5
11:20 lunch
12:40 game 6
15:20 awards, speech from the king, etc etc

Create team:
You got 1.170.000 gold to buy players, rerolls, apothecary, fan factor, cheer leaders, assistant coaches and inducements.
All regular NAF tourney teams are allowed.
The tournament is resurrection, the team starts over from scratch before each game.

Halflings can buy Master Chef for 100k, Goblins can buy up to 3 bribes for 50k each. Every team except tier 1 can buy up to 2 star players, but the team needs at least 11 ordinarie players.
No other inducements than those above are allowed.

TIER 1 – Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orc, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elf, Bretonnia
TIER 2 – Chaos, Chaos Pact, (Pro) Elf, High Elf, Human, Khemri, Necromantic, Nurgle, Slann, Underworld, Vampire, Khorne
TIER 3 – Goblin, Halfling, Ogre

Because of the fact that all people in Gothenburg loves puns a bonus will be added to pun teams. And because of the low quality of the puns you can pretty much call it disturbing presence, so Nurgle teams will get the bonus.
The bonus given to all Nurgle teams are 2 extra disturbing presence to give to any player on the team (except star players), they also receive +1 FAME in each game. The extra disturbing presence can be combined with the skills the team receives from being tier 2.

Tier 1 = 4 skill points.
Tier 2 = 6 skill points.
Tier 3 = 8 skill points.

An ordinary skill costs 1 point, a dubble 2 points. All the points doesnt have to be used. Each player can only have one skill (except the extra disturbing presence the Nurgle recieve, those can be stacked).

Points and tiebreakers:
Win give 5 points, draw 3 points and loss 1 points.
Strength of schedule, td net+ plus cas net+, number of td, number of cas, dice off.

Illegal procedure:
Will not be used. Please be friendly.

12 or more players on the pitch:
If a team set up 12 or more players on the pitch, take away players randomly from the team until it remains 10 players. If the ball carrier was removed, bounce the ball from the square where the ball carrier was. If it is the active coach turn and the balls placement end up on the ground or in the opponents possession it will be a turn over.

2 - The same as swealtering heat.

3 - -1 on all catches and passes.

4-10 The ball always scatter one extra square. If it alreade is this result, the ball will scatter two extra square. Failed passes scatter one square before the ball lands. No extra scatter on fumbled pass, failed catch or throw team mate.

11 Every time the ball lands on an empty square, after leaving a square with a player in it, the ball scatters one extra square. Also -1 on all pick ups.

12 The same as blizzard.

Prices you can win:
Best Nurgle
1st place ~
Most TD ~
Most CAS ~
Best Stunty
Last place
Worst player from Gothenburg

Prices marked with ~ can not be won be anyone who wins another award marked with ~. Awarded in the order they are listed. The only exception being if it is a Nurgle team. The same Nurgle team can win every price (including stunty if no stunty team participate).

Mail to kundtjanst [a] parleporten.com with your NAF-name and NAF-number.

Deadline for sending in rosters is 4/11.

Ask about payment details in the mail when you send in your registration.

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