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Tournament NameBig Lick Brawl 2019
Organizer NAF nameMegamind (23794)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-03-09
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-03-09
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageGo to the Big Lick Brawl 2019 Event Page!

Tournament Statistics


ungodlynoob (21464)Norse

Runner up

Gaixo (13696)Orc

Most Touchdowns

coinjock (19866)Skaven

Most Casualties

Deaf_Grot (24921)Orc

Stunty Cup

captainkellen (19082)Goblin

Best Painted

IronheartAlex (27489)Goblin

Other Awards

EnglishT (25967)Dark Elf
Best Defense
jetlag22 (22829)Ogre
Wooden Spoon
Fluff (27490)Skaven
Rookie of the Year
Tournament Location
Address3432 Orange Ave NE
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

2019 Tournament Rulebook
March 9th, 2019

Location: Mishap Games
Roanoke, Virginia


The Big Lick Brawl is a one-day, three-round Blood Bowl tournament. Our goal is to ensure that everyone – veteran and newcomer alike – has a pleasant, crunch-filled experience.

Full Rules can be downloaded and viewed here:


If you should have a question, please do not hesitate to contact the tournament administrator, Brandon Alderman. He’s a friendly enough guy.


1. GAMES PLAYED: The tournament shall consist of three games in a single day event.


a. $20 NAF Members (In advance), $25 at the door.
b. $25 Non-NAF Members (Includes $5 for NAF Membership) in advance, $30 at the door.

Pre-Registration Sign-Ups will end on February 1st, 2019 at midnight. Preregistration can be done through Paypal to bwalderma@gmail.com (Please send as Friends and Family). The more we have willing to preregister the more prizes we can award at the event!


a. First round: Players shall be paired randomly for the first round, special attention will be given to attempt to separate players from the same league/region if possible.

b. Subsequent rounds: After the first round, players will be paired based on a standard swiss-system tournament.


9:00 a.m. Registration Begins
10:00 a.m. Round One begins
12:15 p.m. Lunch
1:15 p.m. Round Two begins
3:30 p.m. 15 Minute Break
3:45 p.m. Round Three Begins
6:00 p.m. Winners announced

The Tournament Administrator has discretion to modify the timetable to better suit the needs of the players. This decision will be made on an as-needed basis. A strict adherence to game length of 2.5 hours will be enforced. If all players are finished with the round the next may start ahead of schedule.

a. Minimum 6 Copies of Your Roster (One (1) for you and one (1) for your opponent each match)
b. Your (preferably painted) Team Models.
c. 3 x Block Dice (Any dice from any distributor is allowed)
d. Any Rules Documents or Quick References that you would like to have on hand as a reference.
e. A Blood Bowl Pitch and Dugouts (it may not be required to be used, however this will ensure that there are enough for the event). Do not forget any Scatter, Throw In or Passing Templates if not shown on the pitch.

a. 2d6 2019 Big Lick Brawl Dice (These dice must be used during the Tournament).
b. 3 Big Lick Brawl Special Play Cards
c. 3 Big Lick Brawl Bottle Caps
d. 1 Laminated Double Sided (Printed Itinerary and One-Pager Rules Cheat Sheet)



2. FORMAT: Resurrection Style Mock League Progression meaning each additional game awards additional skills to players of your choosing. See Sections 7 and 8 for skill information below.

3. GOLD LIMIT: You will have 1.1 million gold to purchase your team (This includes players, re-rolls, cheerleaders, assistant coaches, fan factor, apothecary, and star players (per the rules below))

Stunty teams will be awarded an additional 50,000 gold. (1.15 million gold to purchase team)

4. ROSTER LIMITATIONS: Rosters must contain at least 11 players. A Star Player may be your 11th Player.

5. INDUCEMENTS: Inducements are not allowed aside from Bribes, Halfling Master Chef, and Star Players.

6. STAR PLAYERS: Star players may be purchased. They may be chosen as your 11th Player to meet the 11-player minimum required for a complete team roster. All Star Players are allowed from those listed in the CRP as well as from BB2016 as noted in the following document. Note that “Golden Era” Star Players such as Jeremiah Kool (Dark Elf Spike! Journal) will not be allowed.

a. Star Players that were Warhammer World Exclusives (Grak and Crumbleberry, Black Gobbo, Grombrindal, Bugman etc.) will not be allowed.

b. If two teams bring the SAME star player then both may be used for the match, however the stars gain the BONEHEAD skill! This is due to the other star being confused at seeing a clone of himself/herself on the field!

7. SKILL PACKAGES: All teams selected in the tournament will receive the same choice of skill package regardless of traditional team tier structure to distribute among your players. Since this is a mock League Progression format it is slightly different than typical skill distributions so please do not hesitate to ask questions if the following rules are unclear. You will have 3 different rosters for Game 1 through 3 following the format below.

Game 1: 4 Skills can be awarded to 4 Players on your Team. (4 Skills Total)
Game 2: 2 Additional Skills can be awarded to 2 other Players. (6 Skills Total)
Game 3: 2 Additional Skills can be awarded to 2 other Players. (8 Skills Total)

Stacking of skills is not allowed and skills are chosen for all 3 games prior to tournament start and may not be modified once the tournament has begun.

The end result will be a team with 8 skills on 8 DIFFERENT players.

The frequency as which a particular skill may occur is limited by the number of double skills chosen for your team (Maximum 2) as detailed below.

0 Doubles Taken: 4 of any particular skill occurrence.
1 Doubles Taken: 3 of any particular skill occurrence.
2 Doubles Taken: 2 of any particular skill occurrence.
3 Doubles Taken: 1 of any particular skill occurrence.
4+ Doubles Taken: NO! Not allowed!

Doubles skills may not be selected for players with STR 5 or greater, UNLESS you are playing Stunty. Star Players may not receive added skills.

8. Skill Selection List (Just another way to say the same thing in Section 7):

a. SELECTION 1: 8 Normal Skills and 0 Double Skills (No skill may be selected more than FOUR times)

b. SELECTION 2: 7 Normal Skills and 1 Double Skills (No skill may be selected more than THREE times)

c. SELECTION 3: 6 Normal Skills and 2 Double Skills (No skill may be selected more than TWO times)

d. SELECTION 4: 5 Normal Skills and 3 Double Skills (No skill may be selected more than ONE time)

Skill packages and skill selections do not increase the cost of your team so no additional inducements are awarded, but they are subject to the above restrictions.


1. Unless otherwise noted herein, the documents that shall be applied to this tournament are known as the “BB2016” ruleset as identified by NAF guidelines:

a. The Official Rules (Boxed set)
b. Deathzone Seasons 1 & 2 (DZ and DZ2)
The following documents from www.bloodbowl.com
c. Teams of Legend (ToL)
d. The BB2016 Errata (ERR)
e. The BB2016 FAQ (FAQ)
f. The Chaos Chosen, Dark Elves, and Nurgle Spike! Journals.
g. NAF Rules for Tournaments from January 1st 2019.

2. Unless explicitly noted herein, the Big Lick Brawl comports with all NAF rules and guidelines. It is the intention of the tournament administrators to conduct a NAF-sanctioned tournament and to adhere to the high quality and standards imposed accordingly.

3. No timers will be used unless deemed necessary by the tournament administrator. Please play efficiently. If you feel as if your opponent is taking advantage of the “no timer” rule, contact a tournament official immediately. Periodic round time remaining limits will be called out to help gauge the pace of play.

4. Illegal procedure will not be called. Please remember to move your turn markers as required. If you see someone has forgotten to move their marker remind them politely to move it.

5. All rosters start fresh after every match. No Star Player Points will be awarded. No injuries (including death) will be permanent. Any zombies raised during a game will return to their shallow grave at that game’s end.

6. Coaches are REQUIRED to mark or highlight their players with skill rings or similar such that additional skills are clearly marked. This can be in the form of written on the base, loom bands, skills rings, etc.

7. The weather table and kicking table will be unmodified from the standard boxed set rules aside from Kickoff result 11 “Throw a Rock” has been replaced by “Throw a Bomb” this follows the North America B.E.A.S.T Tournament Series Bombcast Bloodsports Sponsorship and the rules are below.

8. The CRP version (No Team Reroll Required) of the Piling On Skill will be used for the Big Lick Brawl.

9. Apothecaries will automatically work. The final result will depend on the initial injury. No Star Player may use an Apothecary per the normal Star Player rules.

10. Each attending coach will receive 3 Special Play Cards for use during the Big Lick Brawl these cards are the only allowed special play cards for the event. Only one special play card may be used per match and once that particular card is used it can no longer be selected for the rest of the event. A coach may play a Big Lick Brawl special play card with the appropriate timing and target as denoted on the card and apply the appropriate effect for the noted duration.

11. Each attending coach will receive 2 custom d6 with the Big Lick Brawl logo. These d6’s are to be used for the event. Any block dice may be used however the results should be legible by both coaches. The use of dice cups/pads are permitted, however if the judges determine that it is either slowing the game flow or a disruption to the other matches going on around you then you will be asked to no longer use those items during the event.

12. Either coach may request dice sharing.

13. Prior to the game, coaches should agree what constitutes a ‘cocked’ die and discuss any other issues relating to dice rolling mechanisms, e.g dice towers. The key is consistency.

14. Player aids, such as probability Apps, calculators and the like must not be used while in-game.

15. The below passing grid will be used to determine throwing distance and difficulty. Tools that assist with measuring passing ranges or whether an interception is possible are useful, but can lead to dispute. It has been noted that passing range templates and interception Apps are not all accurate, and caution is advised when using these tools.

16. External advice to coaches’ in-game is not permitted. Strategic discussions at team events are permitted, but not in-game instructions. For example, ‘we need a draw here’ is acceptable ‘don’t block that player’ is not.

17. If any rules disputes or other issues arise please alert a tournament official or judge so that the issue can be resolved both correctly and quickly.


a. Don’t be a jerk!
b. Have fun!


1. POINTS: Points shall be distributed as follows:

3 points WIN
1 points TIE
0 points LOSS

Tie-Breakers: Any ties for placement will be broken based on winning record against the other coach (Head to Head) if they played during the tournament, if a draw was the result or the coaches did not play each other TD differential will be the second tie breaker followed by the Total CAS Differential. If there is still a tie after that a dance off will ensue and the other attending players will raise hands and shout for their chosen Big Lick Brawl Champion.

2. AWARDS: The following awards will be disbursed at the end of the Big Lick Brawl! Only one per player with the exception of the Best Painting Award.

CHAMPION: Highest total tournament points

2ND PLACE: Second highest total tournament points

MOST VIOLENT: Highest total casualties (Block results only!)

BEST OFFENSE: Highest total TD’s

BEST DEFENSE: Lowest total TD’s Allowed

STUNTY CUP: Highest total tournament points by an Ogre, Halfling, Goblin, or Stunty Lizardmen (No Saurus) or Stunty Underworld (No Skaven) team.

BEST PAINTING: Selected by three judges, this award contemplates painting, design,
and theme. Creativity is encouraged. You will only be allowed to win this prize if the team was painted by you! Please if your team was commission painted let the judges know as you will not be eligible for this prize however you still will receive points as stated above.

WOODEN SPOON: Lowest overall points scored after 3 rounds. (A concession or failure to complete all 3 rounds disqualifies a individual).


1. Brandon Alderman, Tournament Administrator [bwalderma@gmail.com]

2. Mishap Games
3432 Orange Ave NE
Roanoke, Virginia
(540) 342-1460

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